Soul Fragments Midrange

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
  • Fun

--------------------------- Early-game

The mana curve is low. Kanrethad Ebonlocke + Flame Imp and/or Spirit Jailer is a good early play.

--------------------------- Mid-game

Nice potential for mana cheating power plays with Darkglare + Raise Dead or Flame Imp.

At this point Void Drinker, Shadowlight Scholar and Flesh Giant should be online for additional tempo.

--------------------------- Late-game

The mid-game tempo should be capitalized to seal the game with:

Turn 1: Demonic Studies;

Turn 2: Lord Jaraxxus + hero power.

Soul Fragments and Aranasi Broodmother will drip for additional sustain for the 15 health Lord Jaraxxus.

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