Quest Fragment Warlock

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
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Hello everyone!

This is my take on Quest warlock in Scholomance Academy with the integration of some Soul Fragment cards to ramp up the speed of the quest completion, as well as add some more healing to the deck. 

The Fragment package has extreme synergy, as well as nysergy (The English opposite of synergy) with the Quest. Shuffling additional cards that when drawn, draw you another card counts as 2 cards for the quest, reducing the reliance on Plot Twist to finish the quest as quickly as possible. However, after the quest is completed the fragments can be quite annoying as it is possible to draw them with your upgraded hero power, causing the next card you draw to not be discounted. This package  basically increases your survability against faster decks but hinders your combo consistency against control decks. Because the Fragments will be essentially seen as a weaker Aranasi Broodmother when drawn, I decided to add one Void Drinker to the deck at the cost of a Dark Skies. This change was made because I believe having one Dark Skies is sufficient with the addition of two School Spirits but this is an easy fix if indeed, the meta demands a second Skies. The Void Drinker is more of a luxury than a necessity. 

The additional healing means that your life total will fluctuate a lot during the course of a game, making a card like Flesh Giant very powerful because you will often be able to play it for 2 mana or less.

Flesh Giant Card Image


Since you do not want to be drawing your Soul Fragment(s) after quest completion, I have added Lorekeeper Polkelt to the deck as a very powerful tool to shuffle your highest cost cards to the top of the deck and hero power right after to guarantee a Malygos for zero mana because to my knowledge, if cards cost the same, they are shuffled by reverse-alphabetical order (M comes before A, so M will be drawn first) 

With this knowledge, you could shuffle another 9 cost card that starts with a letter B-L, meaning that at the start of your next turn your natural draw would be that card, and you can hero power for a guaranteed 0 cost Alexstrasza!! Now the only playable cards in such a slot would be Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or Burly Shovelfist. I have personally not taken this route because it would be too greedy, as well as the fact that shuffling soul fragments to the bottom of the deck means that DQA wont ever be active till you hit fatigue!

In most games you should be able to play a full cost Alexstrasza and follow it up with burst the following turn.

One negative of Lorekeeper Polkelt is that he will shuffle your burst damage cards like Soulfire near the bottom of the deck, so this is something to keep in mind, maybe have a couple of burst pieces in hand before playing the card, or sometimes its fine leaving those cards to the bottom in matchups where you are not being pressured down.

Hope you all enjoy the deck and do share your thoughts down below!!

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