Tempo DemonLock

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

MY name is Anomaly and I usually create my decks over at hearthpwn under the name Anomaly98. Just starting to get my feet wet and make decks on this website.

After seeing the rest of the cards in the set, as well as watching streamers play theorycrafted decks, It is quite clear that some new decks will be featured in this next Expansion;

  • Tempo/Spell Damage Mage
  • Beast Druid
  • The return of Tempo DH (With Soul Fragments)
  • Aggressive hunter decks (Beast/Face, Maybe Highlander hunter but it cannot beat the decks mentioned above)

My first deck on this website was a slower take on a greedy Hand/Demonlock deck

but I dont think it will be feasible to play cards like Sathrovarr, Archwitch Willow and even Lord Jaraxxus because the meta is gravitating towards almost hyper aggression. I have made quite a few changes to get this deck online much quicker than the previous deck, this deck combines some pain elements with the fragment package to increase flesh giant consistency as well as, get on the board with good tempo generating or swinging cards from turn 3 onwards.

Darkglare Card Image  Neferset Thrasher Card Image  Diseased Vulture Card Image Shadowlight Scholar Card Image

These four cards will carry the deck to the turn 5-6 power turns with Void Drinker and Flesh Giant because while it does revolve around self-damaging effects which can be a risky plan vs other aggressive decks, the soul fragment package will help with additional healing. I have foregone adding School Spirits because this deck wants to get on the board and maintain control of the board as early as possible.

I have still kept some concepts from the first deck though, keeping Vectus to generate a guaranteed 5/5 with lifesteal and another prime is really good. This deck has a surprising amount of big threats as well if the game does drag on. In those scenarios you wont run out of gas like other faster decks do because of cards like Enhanced Dreadlord and of course Kanrethad Prime].

I will be updating the deck with the help of your comments and more insight into the theorycrafted decks by the streamers.

Hope you guys enjoy!



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