C'thun Control Quest Shaman

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
  • Theorycraft


Every card in this deck is either draw, heal or survival. Use C'Thun, the Shattered together with Tour Guide to use the quest with the Old God and deal 60 damage as your win condition.

Please keep in note that this decklist will probably change as we progress through the reveal season.

Deck composition

The cards can be divided into 5 categories, of which have some overlap in their cards:

  1. Quest (battlecry) synergies: Corrupt the Waters, Sandstorm Elemental, Instructor Fireheart, Groundskeeper, The Lurker Below, Tour Guide, Manafeeder Panthara, Novice Engineer, Questing Explorer, Sky Gen'ral Kragg, Jepetto Joybuzz, C'Thun, the Shattered.
  2. Draw: Manafeeder Panthara, Novice Engineer, Questing Explorer, Jepetto Joybuzz.
  3. Removal: Devolving Missiles, Sandstorm Elemental, Dunk Tank, Hagatha's Scheme, The Lurker Below, Earthquake, Tidal Wave, Sky Gen'ral Kragg, C'Thun, the Shattered (Eye, Heart, Maw).
  4. Healing/taunt: Witch's Brew, Groundskeeper, Tidal Wave, C'Thun, the Shattered (Body).
  5. Win condition: Tour Guide, C'Thun, the Shattered.


The general gameplan is to use category 1 cards to complete the quest. Use category 3 and 4 cards to stay alive, while using category 2 cards to draw to your category 5 cards and win.

Mulligan: Always keep Corrupt the Waters, Questing Explorer.


If you find you have too many cards of a certain category, you can take the following out (in order of weakest to strongest):

  1. Sandstorm Elemental, Instructor Fireheart.
  2. Jepetto Joybuzz, Questing Explorer, Novice Engineer.
  3. Sandstorm Elemental, Hagatha's Scheme, Earthquake, Tidal Wave.
  4. Witch's Brew, Tidal Wave, Groundskeeper.
  5. 1x Tour Guide.

If you find you have too few cards of a certain category, you can add the following (in order of strongest to weakest):

  1. Sludge Slurper, EVIL Cable Rat.
  2. Big Ol' Whelp, Gnomish Inventor.
  3. Torrent, Hex. Lightning Storm.
  4. Walking Fountain.
  5. Lightning Bloom.

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  • Dreams's Avatar
    Banned Pikachu 340 290 Posts Joined 11/05/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Lightning Bloom is better than tour guide because you can do the combo instantly

    • Erodos's Avatar
      Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

      I had that in an earlier version of the list, but I ultimately chose to cut it for the simple reason that Tour Guide is a battlecry minion. We desperately need battlecry minions to advance the quest, and now you can use one tour guide to advance the quest in the early game giving you an extra card draw from one of your other battlecry minions as soon as the quest is completed.  I also felt like Lightning Bloom might only be good with C'Thun, the Shattered himself, because as a reactive control deck we don't want to cheat out stuff in the early game, which is Lightning Bloom's primary function. However, we might find through playtesting that it indeed fits the list better, or new card reveals might lead us to change up the entire list (still no Shaman reveals besides Dunk Tank!). I'm definitely open to swapping out Tour Guide for Lightning Bloom though.


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