Blood Herald Demon Hunter
- Unknown Demon Hunter
- Wild
- Theorycraft
This deck aims at some new synergies that Madness at the Darkmoon Faire brought around or already existing ones that got some support.
Bloodmage Thalnos + Felscream Blast and Bloodmage Thalnos + Throw Glaive for board control and survivability. Eye Beam and Insatiable Felhound should also be of help with this.
Expendable Performers / Coordinated Strike + Knife Juggler for damage or with Parade Leader / Darkmoon Statue for board control.
Feast of Souls, Nethrandamus, Fel Guardians and our MVP Blood Herald make killing our own minions an advantage.
C'Thun, the Shattered ended up in this deck just for fun and because the pieces might help stall the game.
I recommend mulliganing for Satyr Overseer since we don't have much of an early game and need to survive until our combo pieces come together.
Disclaimer: I suck at deckbuilding and this is NOT meant to be competitive.
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0- 00
- 91
- 42
- 83
- 14
- 25
- 06
- 67+
- 1 Consume Magic x 1
- 1 Feast of Souls x 2
- 1 Felscream Blast x 2
- 1 Throw Glaive x 2
- 1 Twin Slice x 2
- 3 Aldrachi Warblades x 1
- 3 Coordinated Strike x 1
- 3 Eye Beam x 2
- 3 Insatiable Felhound x 1
- 3 Satyr Overseer x 2
- 4 Glide x 1
- 5 Blood Herald x 2
- 7 Expendable Performers x 2
- 7 Fel Guardians x 2
- 9 Nethrandamus x 1
- 2 Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
- 2 Knife Juggler x 2
- 2 Parade Leader x 1
- 3 Darkmoon Statue x 1
- 10 C'Thun, the Shattered x 1
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