Even Priest

Last updated 4 years ago by
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Reno Priest may be one of the best decks in Wild, probably even in Wild's history, but that doesn't mean Priest players have to restrain themselves to that archetype. I present to you Even Priest!

Some may wonder why go for only Even-Cost cards on Priest. It's because some of the class' most aggressive cards belong to that criteria, aswell as a lot of staple Aggro cards like Manafeeder Panthara or Voracious Reader. The way we use this cost reduction on our Hero Power is to easily progress effects on cards like Flesh Giant or Mana Geode.

But hey, Priest is not supposed to gain that much burst! Boy are you wrong. This is Wild, and Mind Blast exists. Aside from that spell, you also got some burst in form of Shadowreaper Anduin and Lifedrinker, who can also proc Giants or Brittlebone Destroyer aswell. As much as it is sad to forcefully include Priest DH into an agressive deck, he gives us some much needed reach, aswell as an AoE clear for clutch situations.

2021-03-27 - now that some cards that were initially in the deck were changed to Odd Cost, I've made a few tweaks.

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  • Ilphelkiir's Avatar
    550 254 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I'm always a fan of aggro priest, but I don't have the two 4 cost legendaries. Can you recommend any replacements?

    • Neoguli's Avatar
      Duskrider 880 599 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
      Posted 4 years ago

      Either 2x Holy Champion or 2x Spawn of Shadows can work, as they have really nice stats that also allow to push damage. The legendaries are here to improve Health of your units so that they are more resiliant. If you prefer spending Dust to imrpove the deck's Cost whilst crafting a card from Standard, I suppose Knife Vendor should work as a budget version of the afromentioned Spawn of Shadows

      • Ilphelkiir's Avatar
        550 254 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
        Posted 4 years ago

        Thank you for the suggestion! Out of Holy Champion and Spawn of Shadows, which should I try first?

        • Neoguli's Avatar
          Duskrider 880 599 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
          Posted 4 years ago

          Go with either. Holy Champion gives you a 5/5 while Spawn of Shadows gives you much needed oomph.


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