Highlander Mage without C'Thun

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
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Intro (or what is this, bro?)
I decided to build a different Mage deck that can stay up to par with pretty much every deck out there. I disagree with the other Highlander builds that rely on C'Thun, the Shattered. Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, Reno the Relicologist and The Amazing Reno can surely take those on on their own... And if they need help there is always everyone's favourite Old God Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate.


The Deck's Goal
It relies on generating huge amounts of value and has 3 big and 3 small win conditions:

Big Bombs:

  1. Dragonqueen Alexstrasza: the arguably biggest value bomb of the Deck. You might whiff on the Dragons, though. She is not 100% guaranteed to feed you enough stuff, but most of the time she does.
  2. Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate: you will be relatively easily capable of playing him on turn 10, since the early game relies so much on spells to keep you alive. From the moment you shove him on the battlefield it is up to his superior judgement whether or not you can turn things around and win from the swing you might or might not have achieved. Also: he is just fun.
  3. Zephrys the Great: Do I really have to explain this?


Minor Things that add up:

  1. Starving your aggro opponent: a lot of times when facing aggro you will just clear the board over and over leading them to concede. Flame Ward, Imprisoned Observer, DoomsayerCombustion, Rolling Fireball, Blizzard, most cards from Malygos, Aspect of Magic and Khartut Defender spell out doom for your aggro opponent and make them cry. And never forget the most powerful of them all: Reno the Relicologist!
  2. The Amazing Reno: he is random and random is fun, but can be randomly unfun (for you!) as well. But sometimes you won't be "never lucky", the opposite is going to be the case... But not always, unfortunately!
    The Battlecry however secures you at leat one more turn. So timing is key in playing him!
  3. With great power comes great value: you have so much value in this deck... Dragonqueen Alexstrasza falls under this category as well. But she is only one aspect of the insane amounts of stuff you can generate from thin air scamming your opponent out of the game. Solarian Prime might save you while adding cards to your hand, Malygos, Aspect of Magic can generate value, Wandmaker, Wand Thief, Kalecgos and the surprisingly nice Ring Toss fall in the same vein.


good keeps

vs Aggro:
Doomsayer, Wandmaker, Zephrys the Great, Combustion, Flame Ward, Imprisoned Observer, Bone Wraith (might be too slow though! think twice before keeping), Reno the Relicologist

vs. Control:
Ancient Mysteries, Astromancer Solarian, Zephrys the Great, Inconspicuous Rider, Rigged Faire Game, Ring Toss, Jandice Barov, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza (very greedy though! not advised!)

vs. OTK (uphill matchup! be careful and try to apply as mush pressure as possible):
Ancient Mysteries, Astromancer Solarian, Wandmaker, Rigged Faire Game, Jandice Barov


Draw (like Billy the Kid)
This decks synergistic strength lies mostly within its card draw. By drawing a ton of cards you ensure to hit at least one or two of your big lategame bombs that are supposed to carry you to victory:

  1. Rigged Faire Game: this card pushed Secret Mage in Wild over the top just because it took care of the only weakness the deck had: being starved of cards! In Standard it is not as powerfull, but three mana draw three sounds still amazing, doesn't it? Even if it doesn't go off the first few turns it eventually is going to. You can combo this card with freezes like Ray of Frost and Frost Nova to ensure your draw. Be carefull about overdraws!
  2. Ancient Mysteries: although it only draws one card, it enables mana cheat at the same time while thinning your deck. A really good deal and your best turn 2 play in most games. Also you can just hit Rigged Faire Game with it, which results in even more card draw. The other secrets for 0 mana are also pretty sweet.
  3. Inconspicuous Rider: this little fellow doesn't put many stats on board but he (or they according to the card art) thins your deck out and gives something on board that might survive and take a good trade.
  4. Arcane Intellect: it is just ok but a nice addition since we want to ensure to have a powerful hand later during the game.
  5. Malygos, Aspect of Magic: Malygos's Intellect is sweet but you will rarely choose this when offered since there are so many options. Consider it anyway!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me!

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