C'thuns Corrupted Questlock

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
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Hey everyone, this is a deck i have been using for most of the expansion and i made tiny adjustments depending on the meta. The deck is pretty fun to play, and also has a pretty good winrate. (Unfortunately i don't use a HS deck tracker, so i don't have any way to proof that.)

Also i got that hard C'thun achievement with this very deck! :)

The crafting cost of the deck is pretty high, but you can definitely make it a lot cheaper with some easy replacements. The deck performs well against aggro thanks to all the clears/Tech cards/healing, and it works well against control because of Tickatus milling them and C'Thun, the Shattered OTK-ing them. Against OTK we obviously also have Tickatus.


Alright let's first talk about replacements in case your missing a bunch of legendaries, after all nothing is worse than being interested in playing a deck and not being able to play it because your missing too many cards.

That being said, The only real Legendary cards you can't replace in this deck is C'Thun, the Shattered and Kanrethad Ebonlocke, because their effects are something that's not easely replacable. And obviously C'Thun, the Shattered cannot be replaced, as the deck is build around it.

The Y'Shaarj, the Defiler package is quite difficult to replace as well, but the best thing you might be able to replace them with is a Galakrond, the Wretched and Kronx Dragonhoof package. (Don't forget to replace Supreme Archaeology, because a Herocard and Quest card often don't work together that well in most decks.)

Alright the possible replacements are:

Supreme Archaeology is good, but it can be replaced with Soulciologist Malicia. The reason that Soulciologist Malicia isn't in this deck is because i unfortunatly don't have her. Maybe i'll be able to craft her and test her out after a nerf-wave. If you don't have Soulciologist Malicia you can replace Quest with pretty much anything you want.

Keli'dan the Breaker is replaceable with Siphon Soul.

Sky Gen'ral Kragg is replaceable with Fishy Flyer or Animated Broomstick.

Envoy Rustwix can be "replaceabled" by Void Drinker, [Hearthstone Card (or Soulciologist Malicia.

Enhanced Dreadlord is replaceable with Siegebreaker*. (*Only if you keep Tickatus in the deck.)


Mulligan is pretty easy:

Any matchup: Armor Vendor is amazing and should be kept in almost every matchup.

Aggro: Keep removal like Dark Skies, School Spirits and Doomsayer. you can mulligan away Supreme Archaeology if your sure your opponent is aggro and you will need any removal you can get. You might want to keep Kobold Stickyfinger against aggro decks that like using weapons, only if your happy with the spells you already have in your mulligan.

Control: Keep Supreme Archaeology, Plot Twist, Free Admission and if your really greedy Envoy Rustwix. Also Tap your heropower as much as you want. :)

OTK: Pretty much the same mulligan as Control, but do try to corrupt and play Tickatus ASAP. Don't worry about Armor Vendor giving your opponent armor, as your almost 100% able to damage their face a few times during the game.


If you have any suggestions for changes in the deck, or have any questions about the deck feel free to ask! Also have fun playing this deck and good luck on your grind through ladder! :)

Edit: for some reason it keeps saying "BADCARDNAME" below this for some reason? That's annoying because i can't remove it.

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