F2P Core 2021 only Zoo theorycraft
Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
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This deck is unplayable with only core cards. Should of named it Rank 50 New Player Zoo because those are the players who will be able to do anything meaningful with this.
Yes I identified as such in description... But it is literally free... Was more of an experiment rather than real deck.
I don't believe Mankrik is free. Correct me if I'm wrong but players will have to be lucky enough to pull him from Forged in the Barrens packs. I wish he was free because I think he could be a potential inclusion for my secret mage deck.
First off, nice deck building. There's a good deal of things I would agree, but here's some suggestion for changes;
- No Argent Squire? That's near sacrilege considering its legacy in classic. And this core set is even less powerful than old classic. Combos well with Abusive Sergeant for the early game.
- Probably want to make space for Dark Iron Dwarf as well. That's practically one of the best cards for tempo back then.
- Defender of Argus is probably also too important to ignore. There's plenty of early game and tokens, and this card used to dominate classic back then as well.
- At the cost of being called an idiot, I would genuinely suggest putting either jaraxxus or new Alex in this deck as a final finisher. Let's not forget that leeroy is no longer core, so you'll run out of options really fast. Given that its a tempo based game, its not entirely impossible for zoo to last as far as turn 7-8 before running out of juice, so having a finisher isn't too bad an option.
- I would seriously consider Mortal Coil. But that's just me.
Suggestions for removal:
- Cogmaster, spidertank, and annoyotron is a cute idea, but zoo would never mulligan everything just to get this curve. In most cases, you'll just never assemble the needed cards to make these stuff work.
- Probably only ever need 1 ooze. If we're theorycrafting from a core only perspective, there's only 2 weapons that's seriously contesting your deck; Headhunter's Hatchet and Truesilver Champion. Both are fairly deadly unremoved on curve, but that's only 2 classes. No need double ooze unless its literally everywhere.
- Ritual of Doom suffers from the same problem above. Zoo can't afford dead cards in hand, and ritual of doom is dead card to me most of the time.
- Raid leader is a little iffy in my opinion, given that direwolf alpha will do the job better 90% of the time. But there are tokens to take advantage of this. I'll leave this one to you. Similarly, I don't like the idea of lakarri felhound, but I'll leave it for now since zoo is one of those classes that can reliably get rid of their hand so the discards don't hurt as much.
This is just a cool idea, honestly! Hard to think just Core cards will be very competitive, but I think this showcases that the Core set is much stronger than the old Legacy sets if you’re able to put together at least a potentially viable deck.
And of course, even if this specific deck isn’t super strong, the idea is there. And a deck like this can provide a framework for F2P or new(er) players to build off of, swapping in cards they unpack. Which is also a nice way for new players to learn and become better at deck building.
All around, I love it!
I like the idea, I mean core set only decks are very nice, especially because what I hope (crossing fingers) it might mean the introduction of people who have no collection to draw on.
Overlord Runthak probably doesn't fit well in this deck. Zoo tends to have an empty hand by turn 5.
You can also try adding Cogmaster and Spider Tank, but Cogmaster might need more mechs to support him.
That is actually interesting consideration... let me redo it a bit.
Void Terror (buffed to 3/4 btw) might also work, especially on curve with Nerubian Egg.
Other things you might consider:
Argent Squire to have a nice synergy with Dire Wolf Alpha on curve.
Crazed Alchemist to swap big enemy minions for easy trades or to turn your minion into a finisher, such as Lakkari Felhound.
Ironbeak Owl to get past taunts etc. Silence is op.
Abusive Sergeant or Dark Iron Dwarf to break Nerubian Egg.
This deck could definitely use Sea Giant, but it's rotating. I guess it's fine. It makes you think other options.
I had owl in earlier list... but decided to not overcomplicate list. Abusive instead of boar is probably worth it
Yeah, Abusive is like a 2-attack charge with an additional 1/1 body. I like this final version.
Turn 1 Cogmaster into Turn 2 Annoy-o-Tron is pretty nasty play. Problem is, only 2 health on both. I wish the Core had ways to buff health (like Beaming Sidekick).
Annoy-o-Tron can definitely protect Cogmaster with its Taunt and Divine Shield. Most of the classes don't have a way to deal 2 direct damage on turn 2.
It is a warlock deck... You button is the card draw. Also only card draw in core set is loot hoarder and thalnos...
Dreams: Not exactly helpful. If you want to support other people's deckbuilding, offer a suggestion (and refrain from labeling it "bad deck"). If all you want to do is criticize (which is what it looks like), just don't bother.
Trimutius: Loot Hoarder wouldn't actually be terrible here. Although I am not F2P, I'm sure F2P players appreciate postings like this. Does it need to include ONLY free core cards? Could you run a few commons/rares from other Standard sets?
It was more of a challenge to myself to make deck out of only core cards... Just wanted to see what it would look like...