
Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
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Future V3 update:

When I will have tested the V2 i'll try another version, the V3. I already put here what it will be like that you can also test the 2 versions. V2 is more aggressive but I have concerns because we are fast out of resources and we may not draw every time our Voracious Reader. So the new version will include more value, here is what will change:

- 2 Lightning Bolt

- 2 Felfin Navigator

- 2 Murloc Tinyfin

- 1 Lushwater Scout 

+ 1 Cagematch Custodian

+ 2 Guidance out of the 25 spells there are 10 we dont want so it gives us a nice chance to get direct damage or board constructor.

+ 2 Serpentshrine Portal replace lightning bolt, same damage but put board.

+ 1 Instructor Fireheart  like guidance, the pool of spells is little since we only have 4 expansion and they deleted all the bad spells from classic/basic set.

+ 1 Kazakus, Golem Shaper Help to draw or put a board that may difficult to kill with stealth or divine shield.


Note: Lushwater Scout may desapear since he has not good stats and giving 1 attack to minions that cannot attack (face) this turn is not usefull in aggro. The rush thing its only to win vs aggro but i think we already have the advantage agaisnt aggro decks.


V2 update:

- 2 Tinyfin's Caravan

- 2 Magicfin

+ 2 Murloc Tinyfin

+ 1 Lightning Bloom

+ 1 Cagematch Custodian


For now its a prototype.

Problem with murloc deck currently is that we have only two turn 1 murloc. Three would have been way better to be sure to curve each turn.

We could play Murloc Tinyfin but its mediocre especially with the few draw we have. Tinyfin's Caravan seems to be a good addition to the deck but in fact i'm not convinced, it will mostly die when its played so, bad stats, will be kill without doing anything. I play them as a test, but it's most likely that they will desapear.

Murloc Tinyfin could see play to combo with Firemancer Flurgl but the combo will be really rare and does not justify to put tinyfin in deck.


Devolving Missiles could also be added if there is a lot of big taunt minions or minions with destroying effects.


I also play Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer because it boost the board but if it appears to be too slow i'll replace it but cheaper spells that deal direct damage.


We are lacking of board boost spells. There is no more Bloodlust or Murloc Warleader so Nofin Can Stop Us will be our new finisher, cheaper but does 1 damage less and does not boost totem +2 but only +1. That said, it gives permanent stats and health so this card with Felfin Navigator can help making murlocs so big that will be out of aoe spells. Most aoe spells deal 3 damage so if you give +2+2 all your murlocs will have 4 hp. And bigger aoe spells deal 5 so it will need to give +4+4 to be good against that.

One last idea is to put the new Kazakus, Golem Shaper. We'll need to cut the Felfin Navigator for that, but if kazakus 5 mana golem are really powerful it could be an interesting change


Will the deck be strong? I think it's ok for now. If they print a new 1 drop murloc and 1 card draw for chaman or boost for murlocs it will become strong enough to be an aggro legend deck.


If you have any idea of card changes, don"t hesitate to comment !



List of cards to keep in mind for eventual changes:

Serpentshrine Portal => could replace lightning bolt, its 2 mana more but summon a minion. Lightning bolt is a spell you want to use to finish the opponent with. We often have a lot of mana at this point of the game so it may be better to put a minion into the board if there is too much hp left at the opponent.

Vivid Spores way too expensive but if we lose too much board it may help standing it.

Lightning Bloom

Cagematch Custodian

Murloc Tinyfin

Devolving Missiles

Diligent Notetaker (for Lightning Bolt or Nofin Can Stop Us)

Wriggling Horror

Guidance => Looking for the shaman spells it seems to be a lot of direct damage. So this card could be valuable in the deck

Inara Stormcrash => as a finisher

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  • Erodos's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I like the deck. Tinyfin's Caravan just seems extremely bad, I have very little hope it will even stick one turn. I know Murloc Tinyfin seems bad, but it just synergises so much with so many cards (especially the ones that require a murloc on board). I'm also not a big fan of Magicfin, I'd replace it with Cagematch Custodian since it's the main reason you'd want to play any weapon in Shaman. I'd also keep Felfin Navigator over Kazakus, Golem Shaper.

    • Hiei's Avatar
      COMMENT_COUNT_200_HS 480 223 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
      Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

      The Tinyfin's Caravan will probably let his seat to another Lightning Bolt and one Murloc Tinyfin.

      If i play Magicfin it's because we don't have that much card draw (I anticipate the instant death of the caravan). So we need some cards in hand and now that bad legendaries as cho or nat paggle will desapear from the core set, we have a higher chance to get a nice legendary card to play.


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