
Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Ranked

Been having a lot of success with this deck around Rank 12. You typically spend the first half of the game drawing and buffing, while your opponent beats you up. Then you get a massive swing turn by sticking, for example, a 4-mana 6/4 Zilliax on a coppertail. It's not uncommon to create some REALLY big dudes. Kangor's is rarely necessary, but when you get to that point, it often saves you. For max value, you have to be careful about your galvanizers, since you don't want a vanilla 1/2 in your rez pool.

Control and Bomb warrior are favorable matchups. Rez priest will kill you if you can't close out the match quickly. Aggro decks are 50/50.

This is only my second deck post, so I'm not sure what else to include. Would love some comments or questions!

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