FiTB gonk druid with 1 card from FiTB.

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

Welcome to 1 card from FiTB gonk druid. It used to be 2 cards from FiTB gonk druid, but after a single game i remembered something. If the enemy even thinks you're playing gonk druid. They will stop playing minions, and we have no other win condition and we run no redundancy against that so as to not be absolutely obliterated by aggro so i just decided i would add c'thun into the deck. Haven't played it yet, but it should work pretty well.

I was running double lightning bloom and double research project, but i found myself never playing the research project due to all the aggro so i cut them. I just won a game actually where lightning bloom let me win from nothing, without even a florist turn, so i think it's worth a keep.


Going forward i hope there's some beast druid support in the miniset. This expansion is lackluster for all the decks i play tbh, not just gonk druid. What i would love to see is a Witching Hour that lets you target the beast you summon, kind of like what priest has in Eternal Servitude. Or something.


Anyway here's the game i mentioned. Still ironing things out here, so i don't recommend crafting unless you are in the gonk longhaul like i am.

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