Wild Death Rattle Hunter (No Sn1p Sn4p)

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
  • Ranked

Here's a fun and pretty powerful deck I've been playing up ladder in Wild (currently Rank 6). It's basically the Deathrattle Hunter deck from Standard last year adapted to Wild using the wider variety of options.

The notable additions in converting the deck to Wild are Nerubian Egg and Exploding Sheep. Nerubian Egg makes early pressure a lot more consistent having four eggs in the deck for the early game. Glaivezooka help along side the eggs fight for board control early game. Exploding Sheep helps a lot against aggro decks and combo's really well with Play Dead to deal four to all for three mana. Significantly, this also clears early Divine Shield minions from Odd Paladin and can clear Mech tokens left by the deathrattles of Mech Hunters. Sometimes, you can even heal up a lot by magnetizing Zilliax onto one, but that's pretty rare.

The basic game plan, just like the Deathrattle Hunter from last year, is to pressure early by activating the eggs' deathrattles and keep your board full of threats with Carnivorous Cube. Kathrena Winterwisp and big beasts give even more pressure against slower decks. Against aggro decks, you basically win if you Cube the Witchwood Grizzly. Otherwise just play defensively and fight for board.

Overall, the deck feels pretty good. The cards that feel the worst are Gluttonous Ooze and Deathstalker Rexxar. I at least haven't encountered too many weapons, so the Ooze is usually just a 3/3. Rexxar has been more useful for a little more survivability, but most of the time you don't need the extra value from building beasts. Loatheb is an option I'm considering adding instead of one of the previously mentioned cards to prevent AOE from Big Priest.

Any questions or feedback are most welcome.

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