Hob-Carpet Aggro Heal Priest

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Fun

-Hob-Carpet Aggro Heal Priest-

This deck takes advantage of some of Priest's powerful healing synergies to pressure the opponent and deal large amounts of damage to their face.

-The Heal Synergies-

Northshire Cleric Card Image Lightwarden Card Image Holy Champion Card Image

Northshire ClericLightwardenLight of the NaaruHoly Champion, and to a lesser extent, Mana Geode are our healing payoff cards.  The Lightwardens and Holy Champions are our main win condition, you want to protect them as much as possible. Never play Light of the Naaru unless it will summon a Lightwarden, or if the healing will buff an existing Lightwarden for lethal.

-The Activators-

Crystallizer Card Image Injured Kvaldir Card Image Injured Blademaster Card Image

In order to reliably take advantage of our healing synergies, we need cards that are immediately ready to be healed. Injured KvaldirInjured Blademaster, Crystallizer, and Wild Pyromancer are our healing activators.

Injured Kvaldir and Injured Blademaster can be paired with Circle of Healing for a strong on curve tempo play and help with board control.

Injured Blademaster and Crystallizer give us an early target for Light of the Naaru so we don't have to heal the opponent's face to get our Lightwardens from them.

Wild Pyromancer enables some huge bursts of damage or card draw with Lightwarden or Northshire Cleric on board when paired with Circle of Healing and/or Potion Vendor or can function as some AoE with the other spells in the deck if need be. Just be careful to not go full Northshire!

-Plan B-

Hobgoblin Card Image Magic Carpet Card Image

Despite your best efforts, if all of your Lightwardens and Holy Champions are dealt with by your opponent, we have Hobgoblin and Magic Carpet as a backup plan.

There are 10 minions in the deck that can be buffed by Magic Carpet (2 Crystallizers, 2 Injured Kvaldir, 2 Lightwardens, 2 Northshire Clerics, and 2 Potion Vendors) and 12 minions that can be buffed by Hobgoblin (2 Crystallizers, 2 Lightwardens, 2 Northshire Clerics, 2 Potion Vendors, 2 Belligerent Gnomes, and 2 Magic Carpets).

These cards allow us to make some large boards that can hopefully close out the game.

It is worth noting that the buffs from Hobgoblin and Magic Carpet do not interrupt each other, so with 2 of each on board playing a Northshire Cleric will result in it receiving the full +6 /+4 and Rush!

-Other Options-

Shadowbomber can offer some burst damage and can be another activator for healing your own face, If you opt to use 2 of these, Happy Ghoul may also be worth considering for some potentially explosive starts.

If you're running into a lot of taunts, Mass Dispel may be a good option to get past them and push that last bit of damage you need.

Mind Blast is another burst option. Personally, I didn't really like the way they felt in the deck when testing it.  I would much rather have a card that can actually affect the board or help with healing synergies than a Mind Blast sitting in hand at the beginning of the game.

Potion of Madness may be worth testing as it can be a very powerful board control tool, potentially can be used as a bit of burst damage, and is a big middle finger to a Big Priest playing Barnes on curve.


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  • Toad's Avatar
    125 39 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    i really like the concept here

    ill try it out later for sure


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