Hunter quest miracle

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

The objective of this deck is to play many spells with damage to complete the mission. You must endure controlling with some spells, with secrets, and do combinations with "professor Slate" if is necessary. To generate "infinite" HP free with the mission complete, you can use "Lock and Load". You can generate more too with some cards that reveals a spells with his battlecry.

It is a deck miracle because you can use many cheap spells, and even generate more with "Lock and Load", and with de mision like Deck of razakus, you can do crazy thing in one only turn, and do more than 18 damage! if you are lucky with cheap spells created aleatory

An advice with "professor Slate" is save him if you can with "Bola shot" if you know that your rival is a deck control with strong minions. Against aggro decks "professor Slate" maybe can't do nothing relevant, don't be greedy in general, and focus on controlate with your HP and do damage when you can.

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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