Thrall's Tiny Toys [UiS Evolve Shaman]

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

The lovely city of Stormwind gave us some Tiny Toys, but Big Bad Thrall and his noblemen friends said, "No! We're going to transform them into our OWN toys, with blackjack and Jaina's hooters!"


This is a United in Stormwind Evolve Shaman. Your goal is to survive, create big stats (the best kind - random stats) using Boggspine Knuckles or Revolve, and repeat until your opponent cries. In theorycrafting spirit, I've included everything from Stormwind that seems viable  -- as you play, use my notes below to replace cards you think aren't working.

My mulligan advice is to toss cards until you get Peasant. If you get one Peasant, toss cards until you get a second. If you get both Peasants, it's time to put a partyhat on your dog and bake cookies - why are you playing Hearthstone?

Your Transformable Toys

Pit Master: Corrupted or uncorrupted, this is a small tool that meshes well with the archetype.

Tiny Toys: The new one! When evolved, this will create 6-cost minions. Of 38 6-cost Standard cards, 5 have taunt and 2 have rush - don't count on it saving your butt from board pressure.

City Architect: Another new one. Unevolved, this creates a defensive wall that protects your face, as well as the juicy 6-cost within. Evolved, you'll get two 3-cost and one 7-cost minion. Of 31 7-cost Standard cards, 6 have taunt and 5 have rush. (The 7, 8, and 9-cost card pools are the best.)

Carnival Clown: We don't have cards to corrupt this, but we don't need them - it becomes three 10-cost minions! Your options are Mordresh Fire Eye, Darkmoon Rabbit,Deathwing the Destroyer, Goldshire Gnoll, Scrapyard Colossus, Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate, and Y'Shaarj, the Defiler.

Notable Inclusions

Revolve: Most current Evolve Shamans nix this card so that the only spell available is Lightning Bloom. Those builds do that so that Primal Dungeoneer will only draw you Lightning Bloom and Cagematch Custodian -- a very neat combo which we have to forgo for the non-Nature spell Tiny Toys.

Peasant: Is there a high chance he's useless? Yes! Would it be priceless if it worked out? Definitely! If you're being more tactical, you can even use him to bait out removals or soak up attacks - whoa! Amazing!

Tour Guide: This little guy seems like an odd inclusion, but his ability does allow you to save a hero power for your next evolution turn. Two (currently not included) other cards that synergize with him are Manafeeder Panthara and [Hearthstone Card (Boggstrok Clacker) Not Found].

Bolner Hammerbeak: Bolner is here to double our battlecries. If you play him on 2 and he sticks, several 3-cost options are available: Flightmaster Dungar, Nobleman, Pit Master, and Instructor Fireheart. Other juicy off-curve options are Wandmaker, Kazakus, Golem Shaper, and City Architect. Other unincluded options are listed below, too.

Nobleman: All these cards are in our deck because we want them, so why not indulge in another copy? The battlecry can be doubled with Bolner, and you can also plan your turns ahead to guide which card is doubled.

Selfless Sidekick: One copy to equip Boggspine Knuckles, in case you haven't drawn it yet. Also, hint, the 8-cost evolve pool is rather juicy.

Primordial Protector: One copy to pull out Tiny Toys and summon a minion, in case you don't have it yet. Double hint, two winks, and a nudge - the 9-cost evolve pool is very juicy.

Notable Exclusions

Bogstrok Clacker: This is a neat evolution tool, but our deck is more inclined to big singular turns than gradually accumulating tokens and evolving them. It does work with Bolner Hammerbeak, but not on curve unless you have another minion. It would work with City Architect, but 9 mana is quite a lot. It might work well on curve with Tour Guide, but is that worth it? There are lots of reasons for or against. Test it out for yourself and see what you think!

Manafeeder Panthara: This card would work very well with Tour Guide and Bolner Hammerbeak, but would otherwise be too slow - you don't have any reason to hero power on a normal turn.

Primal Dungeoneer: See my writeup for Revolve, above. If you want to include it anyway, consider including Serpentshrine Portal as well!

Enthusiastic Banker: Like Nobleman, I considered including this card for the draw. It isn't a Battlecry, though, and if you transform it the cards are lost!

Derailed Coaster: This is an important card in the current version of the deck. I excluded it in favor of City Architect, because that card comes on curve, is useful unevolved, and evolves into a 7-cost minion. However, if you try a build with more draw (Nobleman and Primal Dungeoneer?), maybe the Coaster would be worthwhile.

The Lurker Below: This would be an evolvable board-clear in a deck without many tools of that sort. It would also work with Bolner Hammerbeak.

Goldshire Gnoll: I don't believe in this new card. It's only likely to be discounted to 6 cost, yet its a worse evolve target than Tiny Toys or City Architect -- remember that the 10-cost evolve pool isn't very good.


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  • ChristianAlvarez's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 08/04/2021
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    This deck feels busted


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