Odd Paladin

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
  • Ranked

I use this list to get Rank 5 in Wild, but it could bring me to Legend If I so choose to.


I am far for being an expert, this guide is based on my experience. I am open to any constructed feedback on this guide.


Mulligan for your one drops (except Patches the Pirate). Sometimes on the coin, you could keep Quartermaster if you have two other 1-drops (preferably some Lost in the Jungle) to be able to curve perfectly into on turn 4. It enables you to have quite an explosive start.


In the beginning, it is important to get a board presence. To this end, prefer the hero power if you can. Keep in mind to leave some space for your buff minions if possible. 

However, if you have Divine Favor in hand and are playing against control, consider unloading your hand, as you will be able to refill.


Secret Mage

Speed is of the essence, especially against Secret Mage, but be aware of Arcane Flakmage and Flame Ward and don't overextend if you can't refill your board or you have Never Surrender! deployed.

Legendary Choices & Budget Consideration

Patches the Pirate Card Image

Patches the Pirate allows you to have an additional way to put two bodies on turn one thanks to Southsea Deckhand. Bloodsail Corsair can be considered as an additional way to trigger Patches if you encounter a lot of Rogue and Paladin. But Patches is not necessary essential to the deck, just nice to have.

Leeroy Jenkins Card Image

Leeroy Jenkins helps you win games you had no business winning, especially if you have a Blessing of Might available. That said, Odd Paladin has already a decent win-rate without it.

Loatheb Card Image

Loatheb is great to protect your board against sweeper if you are sure to have lethal in two turns. This is quite meta-dependant. This is also the legendary you can cut, if you were to decide to go more aggresive with Brazen Zealot.

Baku the Mooneater Card Image

Baku the Mooneater is, of course, the only card absolutely necessary for this archetype, as the strategy heavily relies on creating two dudes to overflow the board.

If you don't own some of those Legendaries (aside from Baku), here are a few cards you could consider: Argent Squire, Bloodsail Corsair, Brazen Zealot, Fungalmancer, Seal of Champions, a second Fire Fly or Rallying Blade 


  • 2019/08/21: updated guide to reflect current meta and also possibility of a more aggro build. Added match-up information for secret mage.

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