Alterac Valley Graveyard Demon Zoo

Last updated 3 years ago by
  • Casual
  • Tinyfin

This deck builds up early pressure by using its effective 1-drops Grave defiler, spirit jailer and wicked shipment to get ahead on turn 1, then tries to turn those small minions you have lying around into powerful 4 4s with desecrated graveyard later. Turn 2 plays are either double 1 drops or one of the egg cards to prepare for a desecrated graveyard play on turn 3. The Ideal turn 2 constitutes a 1 drop followed up by wicked whispers discarding a boneweb egg for a massive board push on turn 2. On the following turns you try to play on curve as closely as possible. The further into the game you get, the more you should consider trading your wicked shipment instead of playing it if it is still unupgraded. Shady bartender is an incredibly powerful tool to close out games, but if your board is not currently made up of demons or rather small, it is usually wise to trade him instead. If you have a minion still on board, a turn 3 fiendish circle into ritual of doom can be a devastating power play.

This deck matches up pretty well against other board based decks, but has trouble winning against heavy aoe and Freeze shaman. Consider swapping out piggyback imps for tech cards adressing the current decks you are facing.

Good luck!

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