Reno Burgle Rogue has saved my love for Hearthstone!!

Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
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It honestly hasn't been since the year of the Dragon that I've enjoyed a standard deck playing a homebrew Highlander Mage. You know that feeling- you just can't stop playing game after game and you are hooked! I hope for some of you this deck can be what it is for me: pure addiction and joy of playing.


Plus it actually wins! It does take a lot of experience and gameplans considering your matchup, but believe it or not the Reno does come up in time very often that puts that Questline Hunter or Curse Warlock out of range of killing you. Versus your tempo decks you really have to get an effective mulligan to answer their early snowbally threats, and this deck certainly can do that.


You are looking at at least 3 very high value plays from your two Contraband Stashes and Tess. What with discovers, Queen being a 5 mana 5/5 that casts it for free, and shadowsteps you threaten many more. This deck is truly an underdog story and even when you lose it's usually really close but it takes a strong knowledge of the game and walking the line between what you need NOW and what will be repeated EVENTUALLY.


I would recommend against getting a colossal w/ Ashara. 25% of the time you get one that cannot be repeated. It's easy enough to get one from a deathrattle discover or other means. The random spells are a better choiuce when desperate but be mindful there's a chance it will turn off your Reno. We search fervishly for the two cards that are duplicated (Contraband and Reconnaissance ). This deck is surprisingly efficient at finding them well before you need your Reno online- of course finding him at all is a crapshot.


I like to hold on to 1 Contraband and both Recons at the start. You might want to hold Reno, but wow your early game may suffer. Other than that you want obvious early power with some kind of firework-worthy cards from other classes in the midgame. Part of the charm of this deck is the mini-game of setting everything up to go off later. It's never quite the same any two games.


I wrote this quick but will come back to update later. Feel free to leave questions and as a long-time Reno Thief player I will be happy to answer and also hear suggestions!

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