Budget Elemental Shaman (Badlands Budget Theorycraft)

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by
  • Theorycraft
  • Tinyfin

Try to curve out with a pleasingly metrical assortment of everyone's favorite minion tribe: Elementals! There're a lot of new toys for Thrall to reward Thrall for paying close attention to his curve, both as tempo and value. Then we're also running Horn of the Windlord and a few ways to get extra Attack on our Hero (Yogg willing) for surprise lethal.

Three favorite cards:

3. Minecart Cruiser: A good body for three that, if we've done our job, won't Overload us for the following turn. Also gets a nice little boost if Flame Revenant is in play.

2. Ogre-Gang Rider: A very good Rush minion who can control the board, but is being run here mainly for the chance he'll give us +3 Attack when we have Horn of the Windlord equipped. 50% of the time, it'll escalate quickly (I think I messed that up).

1. Living Prairie: An absolute house of a card, with the potential to swing the game out of our opponent's grasp when the Elemental chain is chug-chug-chugging along.

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