Highlander Secret Hunter

Last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
  • Ranked

Deck Archetype:......Highlander + Secret Hunter

Deck style:................Midrange


Period:.......................Uldum release >

Cause of death:.......Not yet


Recent Changes:

Order of changesRemovedAdded
Change 1

-1 Savannah Highmane
-1 Shimmerfly
-1 Houndmaster Shaw

+1 Spellbreaker
+1 Ursatron
+1 Lifedrinker

Change 2
(Dragons release)

-1 Sunreaver Spy
-1 Ursatron
-1 Lifedrinker
-1 Masked Contender

+1 Dwarven Sharpshooter
+1 Primordial Explorer
+1 Phase Stalker
+1 Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

Change 3
(Year of the Phoenix)

-1 Springpaw
-1 Spellbreaker
-1 Rat Trap
-1 Sandbinder
-1 SN1P-SN4P
-1 Subject 9
-1 Zilliax
-1 Zul'jin

+1 Scavenger's Ingenuity
+1 Corrosive Breath
+1 Ironbeak Owl
+1 Faerie Dragon
+1 Pack Tactics
+1 Rotnest Drake
+1 Veranus
+1 Zixor, Apex Predator

Change 4

-1 Ironbeak Owl
-1 Snipe
-1 Secretkeeper
-1 Eaglehorn Bow
-1 Hyena Alpha

+1 Blazing Battlemage
+1 Desert Spear
+1 Diving Gryphon
+1 Stormhammer
+1 Maiev Shadowsong

Change 5

(Scholomance release)

-1 Blazing Battlemage
-1 Diving Gryphon
-1 Snake Trap

+1 Demon Companion
+1 Teacher's Pet
+1 Ace Hunter Kreen



Zephrys the Great x1
Dinotamer Brann x1
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza x1

Secret package:

Pressure Plate x1
Freezing Trap x1
Explosive Trap x1
Pack Tactics x1

Phase Stalker x1

Dragon package:

Faerie Dragon x1
Primordial Explorer x1
Corrosive Breath x1
Rotnest Drake x1
Veranus x1

Staples and techs:

Animal Companion x1
Kill Command x1
Deadly Shot x1
Marked Shot x1
Unleash the Hounds x1

Demon Companion x1 - strong early-drop.
Desert Spear x1 - good against demon hunters and zoo decks.
Hunter's Pack x1 - card generation
Scavenger's Ingenuity x1 - strong tutor
Unleash the Beast x1 - pseudo-clear

Dwarven Sharpshooter x1 - good early drop that doesn't become dead; provides damage and board control.
Teacher's Pet x1 - Strong body and good defense.
Wild Bloodstinger x1 - combo denier
Maiev Shadowsong x1 - silence and stun
Zixor, Apex Predator x1 - strong card tutored with Scavenger's Ingenuity and Diving Gryphon.
Ace Hunter Kreen x1 - currently testing. Can bring lots of value.


Cards that can be added depending on flavor:

Tracking - controlled draw
Shimmerfly x1 - early drop and spell generation
Savannah Highmane x1 - strong staple
Faceless Corruptor - strong rush and can use leftover tokens.
Siamat - strong card

Desert Spear - alternative weapon, better suited for aggro boards.
Primordial Explorer - good early-drop, removal and card generation.
Diving Gryphon - pseudo-clear and tutors Zixor, Apex Predator and Zixor Prime.
Krolusk Barkstripper - Same purpose as Rotnest Drake.
Veranus- strong pseudo-board clear.


Ironbeak Owl, Maiev Shadowsong - silence/stun

Acidic Swamp Ooze, Harrison Jones - against weapons

Mind Control Tech - against wide boards

Bone Wraith, Overconfident Orc, Bonechewer Brawler - taunts against aggro

Dragonmaw Poacher - against dragons


Alternative builds with different focus:

Big beasts


Mechs and bombsDragons


Pressure Plate

Freezing Trap

Explosive Trap

Pack Tactics

Snake Trap

Rat Trap


Secret Plan

Sunreaver Spy


Phase Stalker


Eaglehorn Bow

Hyena Alpha

Masked Contender

Subject 9

Amani War Bear

Ramkahen Wildtamer

Savannah Highmane

Hunting Party

Master's Call

Scarlet Webweaver

King Krush


Shan'do Wildclaw

Blazing Battlemage

Imprisoned Felmaw

Adorable Infestation

Faceless Corruptor



Bronze Gatekeeper


Bomb Toss

Replicating Menace

Spider Bomb

Fireworks Tech

Nine Lives


Boommaster Flark

Corrosive Breath


Faerie Dragon

Big Ol' Whelp

Crimson Hothead

Evasive Feywing

Rotnest Drake




Cards that can be added for Wild:

Zul'jin, Deathstalker Rexxar - core, either one or both.
Reno Jackson - highlander core.
Houndmaster Shaw - staple
SN1P-SN4P, Zilliax - strong flex mechs.

Subject 9 - tutors secrets.
Sandbinder - tutors Zephrys the Great.
Ursatron - tutors SN1P-SN4P or Zilliax.

Rat Trap - strong secret
Secret Plan - slow but allows flexible secret choices.

Springpaw - early drop

Bloodscalp Strategist - nice effect, but with limited weapons it is difficult to use.
Baited Arrow - removal with a bonus.
Lifedrinker - beast with both damage and healing. Works good in aggro builds or as a quick heal.

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