Secret Reno Mage Hybrid

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
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This deck is really good! If you like playing Reno Mage and have (most of) the cards I highly suggest you give this deck a try. Why is this deck so good you may ask. Let's break it down!


Secret Package

All these secrets are already pretty good on their own, but combine them with

And they suddenly act as removals as well. 

Are there for draw.


N'Zoth Package


These are your best friends. Along with Zilliax they provide a solid wall and are the reason no heavy board clears are needed. Good luck plowing through all these fatties!

Value! So much value!

And yes, Mad Scientist is there as well coincedentally, which is sometime an upside, sometimes a downside, but definitely not the reason why you run N'Zoth, the Corruptor.


Death knight Package


All these minions are elementals, so they all gain lifesteal once Frost Lich Jaina is active. Especially useful for Cloud Prince, Baron Geddon and Ragnaros the Firelord which can give you the health the same turn you play them.

For some juicy Water Elementals.


Removal Package

All of these are great to keep aggro at bay.

Great single target removal!

Your panic button. When things go south and you need to regain board control.

Three jacks of all trades! Wether it is a massive board clear you need or a single target removal, these fellas probably got what you're looking for.


Disruption Package

For all slower decks in Wild disruption is an absolute requirement these days. Pulling out a Shudderwock, N'Zoth, the Corruptor or other shenanigans is oftentimes your best bet to win the match.

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