Quest Taunt Midrange

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
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Taunt Warrior has become an incredibly powerful tempo deck thanks to Into the Fray, which gives you a huge edge in the early game if you can draw into it

Sulfuras allows you to transition into the late game, letting you either kill your opponent or opponent's minions, depending on how RNGesus is feeling. The early game pressure from your buffed up taunts puts your opponent at a relatively low health total by the time your quest is complete, making it a good way to close off the game.

This deck also happens to be aggro's nightmare, due to all the big, beefy taunts you can spit out, protecting your precious face from a beatdown.

Card Choices

Mojomaster Zihi is an incredible tech against combo and control decks alike, as you don't run any cards greater than 6 mana. Make sure to play her after you've equipped Sulfuras for maximum pain.

Spellbreaker is a catch-all that can deal with opposing taunts preventing you from closing out the game or annoying deathrattles that you don't want to deal with. It can also be helpful against Big Priest, safely letting you ignore their Obsidian Statue that they cheated out and continue pushing for game. 

Come watch me try to get to legend with this deck at

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