Disable shaman

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hi. This is my attempt on highlander shudderwock shaman. Goal is obviously to play the battlcries, which will make the shudderwock incredibly powerful so it will disable your oponent's choices (ragequit inc.). I tried to play it on rank 3 (more than 10 games), i did not climb higher, but i did not also drop the rank. Considering that this is my first time playing shudderwock shaman (crafted it this week), I believe that it can get only better.

You got some board clears with Sandstorm Elemental (early clear), Lightning Storm (combined with Plague of Murlocs is awesome), Hagatha's Scheme and Volcano. Devolve wrecks the handbuff paladin 100%.

Echoing Ooze and Doppelgangster will multiply the shudderwock

Zephrys the Great will give you perfect card

Baleful Banker, Bog Slosher, Zola the Gorgon and Grumble, Worldshaker will return shudderwock to your hand/deck

Mind Control Tech will steal the card that Rat pulled out (lol)

Lifedrinker will go face

Eater of Secrets destroys secrets and gets thic

Loatheb disables spellcasting

Reno Jackson heals you

Siamat buffs. Imagine getting windufury and divine shield, then hit the dopplegangster and ooze. Next turn you got some angry shudderwocks to deal with.


I am considering to add Unseen Saboteur in order to mess with Mecha'thun warlocks, I am just not sure which card to pull out. Maybe Lifedrinker or Baleful Banker


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