Well, peaked 6900 with this. Start with the 3 casters so you can melt malfurion. Then, Lady Anacondra is the primal target, if Vol'jin survives, you can make a big AOE combo with Natalie. Remember Tamsin can use Veil of Shadows and cancel enemy's heals for 1 turn, and also, buff shadow spells. The enemy will probably save cairne untill all your casters are dead.
Cairne is more like a support, so you can make the combos faster (and also try to protect your casters, but generally the taunt is useless on this matchup, cuz anacondra uses spells).Thrall is a good protector that can kill anacondra easily (becouse the lack of taunts), but be free of change him instead of cairne if you want.
Tirion is more like a support for late-game sylvanas. It can also help mid-game to kill guff/bru'kan and in the best situation, give divine shield to your mercs.
Sylvanas is a great finisher. You can get a lot of attack colecting souls, considering x2 cairne, Tamsin demons and the other mercs that died.
Any questions or advices please leave it on coments.
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