Two new cards have been revealed by Hearthstone on Instagram.
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Groundskeeper is exactly what control Galakrond Shaman needed. Honestly, the class is actually fine, but it just doesn't have any efficient healing. Walking Fountain is too slow and Witch's Brew is way too clunky.
This solves all problems: You can heal early, you develop the board and it has taunt. It'S perfect.
Oh and Druid likes it too I guess
How are they going to classify dual class cards?
Where do the cards go? In which class? Both classes? New folder for the dual class cards?
they said they will appear for both classes
Ras Frostwhisper is unfortunately a little too expensive for an effect that will usually not kill anything. Its comparable to Dragonmaw Scorcher, but better, tied to a condition that mage unfortunately never runs or considers: spell damage. Whether he will ever find a home will depend heavily on the meta, since more often than not he will only be doing 1 damage of AoE. And the snowbally nature of this card is limited by the fact that he will almost never live to see the next turn. If he does, you're likely to be winning anyway.
But hey, maybe you can discover stuff like Kirin Tor Tricaster for a flamestrike effect or rely entirely on Azure Explorer to somehow just enough reason to justify its existence.
Groundskeeper is basically a shaman card. The healing is small but not insignificant, but druid has plenty of healing cards and unless heal druid comes back this card doesn't really do anything fitting to druid's usual antics of big minions. To shaman however, its very nearly the perfect defensive card in standard, with only a small condition, which is to run more than the usual bevy of expensive spells, a little trickier than it seems. A very strong inclusion into control style decks, but faces some stiff competition in Witch's Brew and Walking Fountain.
Despicable Dreadlord was a very playable card. The current meta is different: on the one hand there are a lot of low-health minions, on the other hand there is rush now which makes sticking minions on the board harder. But if an opponent runs two rush minions into one of your cards, after it already got its special effect off once, you're probably coming out ahead.
Mage does have Astromancer Solarian as a cheap playable spellpower minion. Of course having two legendaries in your hand at the right time doesn't happen often, but if it's already playable without a spellpower buff, the buff is an upside that can swing games once in a while.
And in Shaman you get spellpower from your totems, so you will be able to get the buff at some point.
In both classes, Ethereal Augmerchant would be an option: when you can't make use of the spellpower, you can still use that as a better-statted Elven Archer.
A Druid healing a big minion with Groundskeeper can allow making a trade and have the minion survive the next turn, so it does have some value there. On turn 4, you won't often get full (or any) value out of the heal, but a yeti with taunt is still not bad. The bigger problem might be that Ramp Druid wants to play Overgrowth on turn 4.
I'm really loving the druid/shaman dual class border. Ras's art reminds me of Unalaq from Legend of Korra.
As for the cards, they both seem pretty strong, and I can see them being used in standard. Wild is a bit questionable though, I don't think they will slot into any current decks.
I love both classes (Mage+Shaman), I love flexible cards, I love Ras.
Groundskeeper's not half bad, either.
Oh, Ras Frostwhisper also goes face! That is a nice bonus.
Don't you think that much powercreep for yeti stats is really much ? I mean, ok its battlecry is situational and its a class card (dual class) but taunt and heal for 4 mana and 4/5 stats just a bit overstatting in my opinion and that's really sad that Groundskeeper may not see play if there is no more support for that archetypes for both classes which uncovers the power level of the game.
1 mana 1/4's with no text, vanilla stats with keywords and an upsides, I really am afraid to see that 4 mana 7/7 without any downsides may be normal in future of hearthstone. Which direction is this game really going ?
Not sure why you're getting down voted.. I completely agree
Healing has always been something that suffered from being under performing because offensive tools are always more versatile and actively work toward your goal. For any type of defensive/healing card to be good it has to be decent even when its not ideal, otherwise it won't be run and more aggressive choices will be defaulted to.
healing also gets severely hampered by the fact that it's not armor and therefore useless when at 30 health.
Any healing card is a dead draw in a lot of slower matchups.
That's only natural imo, gotta keep it fresh and new somehow, I guess
A card stronger than a card that sees no play is not powercreep
Well, if the card had never seen widespread use at some point in its lifespan, this would be a true a statement. Chillwind Yeti was constructed playable for a decent part of Hearthstone's history, but has been overshadowed at 4 mana for years due to natural power creep that exists in all card games. So is Groundskeeper power creep? Yes. Is it as insane as OP made it out to be? No, not for this stage in Hearthstone's life. Something like this should be expected for the current power level of the 4 mana cards in the game even though Groundskeeper is on the strong side.
Ras Frostwhisper curves nicely with Azure Explorer
I expect some decent control decks out of Mage and Shaman if there is additional support for this. That new Mage legendary could also make a good pairing with Ras, but both would need to stick AND you need small spells to drive up the spell damage on Mozaki. So it's a swing turn that takes some set up and control of the board. Again, depends on the meta and what other support a Spell Damage Control Mage archetype gets.
well control shaman legendary and Yeti with an upside for dual class... Both decent but meh...
Jinyu Waterspeaker was a great card while it was in Standard, and for just one less healing you're getting Taunt, a better statline, and no Overload.
Granted, Shaman might not be able to fill that condition consistently. They only have Bloodlust, Eye of the Storm, Hagatha's Scheme, Dragon's Pack, and Earthquake to fulfill it (and probably not Dragon's Pack or Bloodlust). However, based on this and Lightning Bloom, I'm willing to bet their cross-class Epic will be a big spell.