Archtype overview

Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by

So after all the cards got released I like to do some sort of sorting, which card belongs to what archtype (or several)

I won't go and rate every card.. that's tidious and guys like trump or regis do better job at that.. so I will just put my thought on which archtypes we can expect and which archtypes got more support.

Going on alphabetical order, shared archtypes will appear on both classes.

Demon Hunter

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NEW Soul Fragment- This is a big one and I think this is similar to how broken galakround shaman initially was, the cards that enable the archtype are just really good, and the abusers? also Shardshatter Mystic is a 3 cost Duskbreaker seriously this card is way too strong, even tempo DH might use it, sure you don't want to play it when you have a board.. but clear the board for 3 mana then develop? insane! the other cards are also very good this is my pick for the most broken archtype.

Big demon DH- got some control tools got a new big demon in Ancient Void Hound I think the card is good if you can cheat it out and having more big demons and some more AOE surely can make it work, but I think it's not there yet in terms of power level, if you go the control route this is probably your win condition.

tempo DH- can use the soul fragment package, the weapon is good anyway, and the 5 drop is decent.. Glide can be a good refill card, 4 mana refill 4 cards is actually quite good but it does compete with skull.. I guess if you are running soul fragments skull is worse so Glidesees play. this differs from the soul frgment archtype in that it doesn't use all the tools only 2 activators and 1 abuser.

token DH: got new token support, the archtype didn't succeed yet, but maybe THIS TIME?


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NEW beast druid- not totally new beast druid was tried in the past, will see how it goes.. there are some new cards worth trying but not sold on it since the early game is questionable.

Spell/combo druid- we saw it on stream a new 10 cost card means [Hearthstone Card (kaelthas sunstrider) Not Found] shenanigans are going to get even more insane and now with prenerf innervate (with insignificant downside..) yeah.. it's not going to be fun playing against druid.

Treant/token - a more aggressive approach well a new traeant/totem card was printed I think the card is quite good and the Gibberling is just really good for 1 mana in the deck, which already features mostly spells..



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midrange deathrattle beast hunter: not new archtype but most cards just seem to fit into the same deck, will need to get to deck building about it to see what to fit and what not.

highlander hunter: could always play some new cards at least 3 cards here are decent enough for the deck,

Quest hunter: there is a new payoff card for minions dying and overwhelm is quite good in dealing with big stuff.. Desert Spear is still a card in rotation

spell/control hunter: it got a only Professor Slate and [Hearthstone Card (krolusk backstripper) Not Found] it's seriously not enough for a deck.. also lacks win condition apart from the malygos combo stuff but mage and shaman got better ways to do it this expansion.


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NEW! Tempo mage: well not new.. as totally new but it has been a while since tempo mage was a thing and honestly I missed this deck.

Firebrand is Flamewaker but easier to use not as combo oriented, but really really powerful.

4 new 1 cost spells to use in the deck one new 1 drop that's a perfect fit 1/3 statline.

NEW! spell damage mage: if you play a lot of spell damage cards and get rewarded by it anyway.. when you get to the territory of +4 spell damage stuff are gonna start getting insane.

NEW! Exodia mage 2:electric boogaloo, Potion of Illusion and Licensed Adventurer enable an otk.. whenever the deck will actually work or not depends on how fast the meta is.

Highlander mage: got new stuff surely will need to look which ones are good enough to fit into the list.. surely Potion of Illusion on reno/zephrys


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Libram paladin: got ton of more support this expansion.

Highlander paladin: with bigger sets this is again on the menu manyu good cards this expansion.

Dududududuel paladin: obviously got a lot of support this expansion.. now with 2 cards that get stuff out of your deck, and more control tools like Wave of Apathy and Ceremonial Maul probably much better.. hope for tier 2.

murloc paladin: got one good murloc.. was already a tier 2 deck might be enough to keep it there? will see.


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NEW! zoo/"combo" priest: lots of cards this expansion encourage a zoo/buff type priest togheter with the class rework, and last expansion not to mention [Hearthstone Card (mindreader illucia) Not Found] (which just steals the opponent's hand once you run out of fuel) hopefully will finally have a tempo archtype.

quest/ress priest priest: Raise Dead just made this fun to play against deck 10 times better, Wave of Apathy is also good to stall until the late game.

highlander priest:  like every used highlander deck there are new tools that might or not be useful.. it's there.


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NEW! weapon damage matters rogue: got a ton of great tools to buff the weapon and use the fact that your weapon is buffed up.. also a new captain greenskin like card, better have weapon removal handy.

Tempo rogue: Secret Passage is so damn broken.. why is this card not nerfed yet? this effect used to cost 5 mana! probably will sue the stealth package.

highlander/galakround rogue: got new tools, Coerce 3 mana assassinate

burgle rogue: still a meme but the burgle card are good stand alone.

not sure which of those are packages or which  are full decks.. maybe it will be a mishmash of all of it.


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NEW! Spell damage shaman: again it was tried before in karazhan but this time around it's more about the enabler than the payoff cards Rune Dagger is really good, Instructor Fireheartis insane with spell power also the mage/shaman legendary is good..

Totem shaman: totem shaman has a good early game currently this expansion added 2 big midgame bomb cards to it as well as just one of the best legendaries in the game in Speaker Gidra this deck is currently tier 2 according to HS replay.. I can easily see it at tier 1.

Control shaman: probably uses the spell damage package.. also it's probably the same deck.

Malygos OTK: both Lightning Bloom and [Hearthstone Card (primodial studies) Not Found] enable the malygos turn to be less about casting malygos and more about 30->0 your opponent


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NEW! Fragment warlock: think this is not a deck but actually kind of a package with 2 possibilities:

  1. handlock style: play Flesh Giants and control the board, the shard shaterers are really good for board control and theres even mroe board clears and removal.AND healling.
  2. quest: every shard is counted as 2 draws.. plot twist will heal much more.. the only downside is it might ruin the hero power discount.. but it's ok a risk worth taking in my book.. if you complete the quest sooner anyway. 

zoolock: zoolock never dies, now with Raise Dead as well as more ways to get more cards into the board faster, discard zoo can now use a new discard card :D

big demon warlock: didn't get a new big demon :/


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NEW! weapon damage warrior: like in rogue play big weapons, buff them, get rewarded you were doing it anyway.

recruit warrior: back in rise of shadow lies some foundation to this archtype was never supported since.. well guess what it got 2 new big late game bombs in Rattlegore and Troublemaker as well as another recruit card in Commencement I can see this working better than paladin.. warrior is great in prolonging games.

control warrior: getting more control tools like Lord Barov, [Hearthstone Card (reaper scythe) Not Found], [Hearthstone Card (coerence) Not Found] as well as Troublemaker

Pirate/rush warrior: no new pirates but weapon and rush supports helps the deck

If I missed an archtype it's fine I probably did I think this time around the meta will be diverse unless something goes horribly wrong.. (I have a feeling it will be because of druid or shaman..)

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    So after all the cards got released I like to do some sort of sorting, which card belongs to what archtype (or several)

    I won't go and rate every card.. that's tidious and guys like trump or regis do better job at that.. so I will just put my thought on which archtypes we can expect and which archtypes got more support.

    Going on alphabetical order, shared archtypes will appear on both classes.

    Demon Hunter

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    NEW Soul Fragment- This is a big one and I think this is similar to how broken galakround shaman initially was, the cards that enable the archtype are just really good, and the abusers? also Shardshatter Mystic is a 3 cost Duskbreaker seriously this card is way too strong, even tempo DH might use it, sure you don't want to play it when you have a board.. but clear the board for 3 mana then develop? insane! the other cards are also very good this is my pick for the most broken archtype.

    Big demon DH- got some control tools got a new big demon in Ancient Void Hound I think the card is good if you can cheat it out and having more big demons and some more AOE surely can make it work, but I think it's not there yet in terms of power level, if you go the control route this is probably your win condition.

    tempo DH- can use the soul fragment package, the weapon is good anyway, and the 5 drop is decent.. Glide can be a good refill card, 4 mana refill 4 cards is actually quite good but it does compete with skull.. I guess if you are running soul fragments skull is worse so Glidesees play. this differs from the soul frgment archtype in that it doesn't use all the tools only 2 activators and 1 abuser.

    token DH: got new token support, the archtype didn't succeed yet, but maybe THIS TIME?


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    NEW beast druid- not totally new beast druid was tried in the past, will see how it goes.. there are some new cards worth trying but not sold on it since the early game is questionable.

    Spell/combo druid- we saw it on stream a new 10 cost card means [Hearthstone Card (kaelthas sunstrider) Not Found] shenanigans are going to get even more insane and now with prenerf innervate (with insignificant downside..) yeah.. it's not going to be fun playing against druid.

    Treant/token - a more aggressive approach well a new traeant/totem card was printed I think the card is quite good and the Gibberling is just really good for 1 mana in the deck, which already features mostly spells..



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    midrange deathrattle beast hunter: not new archtype but most cards just seem to fit into the same deck, will need to get to deck building about it to see what to fit and what not.

    highlander hunter: could always play some new cards at least 3 cards here are decent enough for the deck,

    Quest hunter: there is a new payoff card for minions dying and overwhelm is quite good in dealing with big stuff.. Desert Spear is still a card in rotation

    spell/control hunter: it got a only Professor Slate and [Hearthstone Card (krolusk backstripper) Not Found] it's seriously not enough for a deck.. also lacks win condition apart from the malygos combo stuff but mage and shaman got better ways to do it this expansion.


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    NEW! Tempo mage: well not new.. as totally new but it has been a while since tempo mage was a thing and honestly I missed this deck.

    Firebrand is Flamewaker but easier to use not as combo oriented, but really really powerful.

    4 new 1 cost spells to use in the deck one new 1 drop that's a perfect fit 1/3 statline.

    NEW! spell damage mage: if you play a lot of spell damage cards and get rewarded by it anyway.. when you get to the territory of +4 spell damage stuff are gonna start getting insane.

    NEW! Exodia mage 2:electric boogaloo, Potion of Illusion and Licensed Adventurer enable an otk.. whenever the deck will actually work or not depends on how fast the meta is.

    Highlander mage: got new stuff surely will need to look which ones are good enough to fit into the list.. surely Potion of Illusion on reno/zephrys


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    Libram paladin: got ton of more support this expansion.

    Highlander paladin: with bigger sets this is again on the menu manyu good cards this expansion.

    Dududududuel paladin: obviously got a lot of support this expansion.. now with 2 cards that get stuff out of your deck, and more control tools like Wave of Apathy and Ceremonial Maul probably much better.. hope for tier 2.

    murloc paladin: got one good murloc.. was already a tier 2 deck might be enough to keep it there? will see.


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    NEW! zoo/"combo" priest: lots of cards this expansion encourage a zoo/buff type priest togheter with the class rework, and last expansion not to mention [Hearthstone Card (mindreader illucia) Not Found] (which just steals the opponent's hand once you run out of fuel) hopefully will finally have a tempo archtype.

    quest/ress priest priest: Raise Dead just made this fun to play against deck 10 times better, Wave of Apathy is also good to stall until the late game.

    highlander priest:  like every used highlander deck there are new tools that might or not be useful.. it's there.


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    NEW! weapon damage matters rogue: got a ton of great tools to buff the weapon and use the fact that your weapon is buffed up.. also a new captain greenskin like card, better have weapon removal handy.

    Tempo rogue: Secret Passage is so damn broken.. why is this card not nerfed yet? this effect used to cost 5 mana! probably will sue the stealth package.

    highlander/galakround rogue: got new tools, Coerce 3 mana assassinate

    burgle rogue: still a meme but the burgle card are good stand alone.

    not sure which of those are packages or which  are full decks.. maybe it will be a mishmash of all of it.


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    NEW! Spell damage shaman: again it was tried before in karazhan but this time around it's more about the enabler than the payoff cards Rune Dagger is really good, Instructor Fireheartis insane with spell power also the mage/shaman legendary is good..

    Totem shaman: totem shaman has a good early game currently this expansion added 2 big midgame bomb cards to it as well as just one of the best legendaries in the game in Speaker Gidra this deck is currently tier 2 according to HS replay.. I can easily see it at tier 1.

    Control shaman: probably uses the spell damage package.. also it's probably the same deck.

    Malygos OTK: both Lightning Bloom and [Hearthstone Card (primodial studies) Not Found] enable the malygos turn to be less about casting malygos and more about 30->0 your opponent


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    NEW! Fragment warlock: think this is not a deck but actually kind of a package with 2 possibilities:

    1. handlock style: play Flesh Giants and control the board, the shard shaterers are really good for board control and theres even mroe board clears and removal.AND healling.
    2. quest: every shard is counted as 2 draws.. plot twist will heal much more.. the only downside is it might ruin the hero power discount.. but it's ok a risk worth taking in my book.. if you complete the quest sooner anyway. 

    zoolock: zoolock never dies, now with Raise Dead as well as more ways to get more cards into the board faster, discard zoo can now use a new discard card :D

    big demon warlock: didn't get a new big demon :/


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    NEW! weapon damage warrior: like in rogue play big weapons, buff them, get rewarded you were doing it anyway.

    recruit warrior: back in rise of shadow lies some foundation to this archtype was never supported since.. well guess what it got 2 new big late game bombs in Rattlegore and Troublemaker as well as another recruit card in Commencement I can see this working better than paladin.. warrior is great in prolonging games.

    control warrior: getting more control tools like Lord Barov, [Hearthstone Card (reaper scythe) Not Found], [Hearthstone Card (coerence) Not Found] as well as Troublemaker

    Pirate/rush warrior: no new pirates but weapon and rush supports helps the deck

    If I missed an archtype it's fine I probably did I think this time around the meta will be diverse unless something goes horribly wrong.. (I have a feeling it will be because of druid or shaman..)

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