New Paladin Minion - Argent Braggart
Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by
A new Epic Paladin Minion, Argent Braggart, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Paladin Minion, Argent Braggart, has been revealed!
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Why do I have the feeling this will be really obnoxious later down the line
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Very good card - this can be very annoying to play against :)
pretty good even if it only becomes a 3/3.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
A pretty acceptable tempo card, can be very nice in mech paladin if you are able to afford to dilute your crystology draws, which you might not be.
I doubt this sees play in any slower decks, where the stats rely on your opponent's plays.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Argent Braggart is clearly good just about whenever you play it, but to me the question is "what then?" It doesn't have taunt, it doesn't have rush, so your goal here is going to be to maximize buff value by buffing one minion and then dropping this to spread the value around (perhaps right before that originally buffed minion makes a value trade). In that way, it's kind of like a much more reliable Djinni of Zephyrs in a buff deck, and that's probably important for the archetype, but whether or not it sees play in any other archetype is unclear.
Its really just going to be a good stated minion at the end. But without rush, or taunt its just decent, just enough to fit into most paladin decks.
Not going to be blown away by cards like this however.
It's best used when the pally kinda ahead on board, i think. Because this is only pure stats, it only great for tempo when ahead.
Well this is the best paladin card revealed so far. i hope the other unrevealed paladin cards will be good like this one.
This is basicly a cheaper Faceless Manipulator that can't copy a tribe/deathrattle. Still really good for only 2 mana. Will see LOT of play, mainly in Pure, Control/Libram Paladin. (And Highlander paladin, if it ever becomes good in standard.)
Here is a guide to use Argent Braggart.
Step 1: Oppontent plays something big.
Step 2: Play Argent Braggart.
Step 3: remove your opponents big minion.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
2 mana and you can buff it with the rest of your mana and make it the strongest on the battlefield.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
This card is insane WTF for 2 mana you get the best stats on board? if you play buffs this gets also buffed, and it can match the opponent's best minion (AKA punishing enemy buffs)
Even if you have a board with a 4/4 inside this is still a nice tempo drop, the other situation of course is that they have something big and you play this among any removal like Libram of Justice. Good card no matter how you see it.
I mean, it's basically a 2-mana 8/8 if you play it alongside Libram of Hope. That seems pretty good?
This card is very strong because it's very cheap, flexible and combos with what paladins love to due - buff and debuff minions.
In most scenarios you'll want to wait to play this minion if your opponent has a strong minion in play, they spend their mana on an expensive minion while you're spending LESS on a cheaper minion, and while yes your opponent can ignore this and go face next turn, Paladin has access to cards such as Subdue that can turn their large minion into a 1/1 or Libram of Justice which can turn their minion's health to 1 for an easy clear.
An easy way to ensure you draw this in wild is with Crystology, in standard you can try and use Call to adventure but the extra stats granted by the draw spell will be removed once this minions battlecry resolves.
As I mentioned this minion is cheap and Flexible, and can probably find a home in multiple decks.
My initial impression is to be skeptical and say that this card is only good if there is a large minion on the board, and so you might want to play something more reliable instead. But as long as it is at least a 3/3 it is good value for 2 mana. Also, this can copy the stats of your opponent's minions too, which means you won't have to worry about securing a large board for him to get large.
The only downside is that most of the time you won't be able to play him on turn 2 and expect him to be bigger than a Bloodfen Raptor.
I do have 1 question, does he look for the biggest minion on the board and copy both it's stats? Or does he look for the biggest attack, then look for the biggest health, and copy those? I think it is the later one, but some confirmation would be nice.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Interesting. Could be useful as a board clear with Duel!, or it could be given buffs like taunt and divine shield to slow down a high-powered minion about to end you. Lot's of possibilities here.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
I don't think this card will see play in a fast meta with small-medium minions, but if the meta slows down or large minions come back, this might be an answer in aggro/midrange decks to larger threats. It's cheap enough to be comboed with Paladin buff spells or even that new broom card, but I think this card is entirely dependent on how the meta looks.
Could be relatively decent at helping to gain control of the board early on, play it in the first however many turns to try and copy whatever crazy stats your opponent gets on the board, and if it’s later on in the game you can use it to basically double your board presence on its own for cheap
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I remember that one time I made a 26-attack 7-health Bolvar Fordragon and played Faceless Manipulator on it to get a second one ... only to lose a couple of turns later. Well now I can have 3 of them instead of 2 and still lose! Playing this alongside Lynessa Sunsorrow will be fun for the memes.
The only deck I see this being run in is one that includes Dark Conviction, Subdue, or Humility plus their minion equivalents. All other Paladin removal spells have negative synergy with Argent Braggart.
This is the peak of what win more cards look for Paladin. A very cheap beatstick slapped in the board while the other minions you have deal with your opponents' minions. The moment Paladin gets strong tempo swings is the moment they get back on top of Hearthstone.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Meh? So it's a cheap minion with potentially big stats. No taunt, no rush, no lifesteal, not going to save you in a pinch.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Broken card. At that mana cost most decks that are not hyper aggro pally (stupid fishes) will be able to run this card and get away with it. You spend 2 mana to get a big dude and then you just clear the board with your leftover mana bcs it is so absurdly cheap.
This ain't no place for a hero
The nerf stick has this guy’s name on it
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
I know a rhetorical question when I see one ..!
This already feels like a reason more to run silence in every decklist
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Situational, yes. But it will often be a big guy for 2 and you will still have mana for removal or taunts.
Really nice if you are fighting for board control and you're about to trade a big minion. For 2 mana, you get a replacement big guy.
Yes, I would like another 2 mana 6/6, thank you very much.
This card seems like it could be really insane, and I'm sure we'll all grow to hate it. Until then, let's appreciate it while we still feel positively towards it.
But if you ever need to counter it, Magehunter is right there for you in Demon Hunter.
Maybe this is a silly question, but does it copy the minion with the highest sum of stats, or does it copy from the minion with the highest attack and the minion with the highest health?
Seems like one of those cards that should be powerful but just isn't, e.g. Faceless Rager. Now, this costs 1 less, can copy enemy minions' health but also needs a minion with good attack. With all that considered, Faceless Rager only really worked(ish) in silence priest and handlock so I doubt paladin will be able to use this well, at least for now.
Nothing shiny. In the End it's just Stats. What Pally really would have needed, is something that deals with big Minions efficiently.
ArtStation | Twitter
Cool card and pretty strong. Can be used in aggressive deck to continue to put pressure or in slower deck to have some big stat. 2 mana for this flexibility is so strong...
Cool card. I like the idea of not targeting!
loving it
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
After you buff some stuff, and you should as a Paladin, it's a good to great body for 2, meaning huge tempo. Great card IMHO.
Seems very solid in some decks like Libram Paladin.
Looks good, and it doesn't copy a single minion.
Overall great cost for the effect, copying big cards can be hard because you have to spend the mana to play them and if they don't have an instant effect it's basically a lost turn. This assures you can copy the big minion and still have 8 mana for the whatever you might want to play afterwards
All hail the banshee queen.
This card is absurd. Since it takes the highest attack and health from separate minions, it will almost never be bad stats for the cost.
Silence might be back on the menu if Paladins populate the meta. With this and all sorts of Libram buffs there would be a lot of quality targets around.
This card is good in pretty much every situation, and it has synergy with multiple Paladin draw cars (e.g. Salhet's Pride and Crystology).
I expect we will see this card for years to come.
They must give paladin a very strong card in order to see more play in ladder
Very powerful effect but not sure how much play this will see.
Looks promising
This card is absolutely bonkers and I love it. Auto-include for every Paladin deck. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Paladin have a new 8+8 buff and the 8/8 taunt.
That card can see play easily.
By The Holy Light!
For two mana, this can apply pressure, but it is susceptible to silence, so it's balanced...for now.
Situational card. Not sure how much it will be in play, but I guess could be played along with Subdue to then reduce the big enemy minion whose stats you copied to 1/1.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
More flexible cards are good. Reminds of the zero cost depends on mana spells.
It's a decent card that can challenge big ramp decks but very susceptible to silence. Perfect Earth Shock target too.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Ooh, this'll be annoying to play against. Granted, it's weak to flood-the-board aggro, but on a board with one or two big minions this adds to it well. If they're opponent's minions that you can weaken/remove, all the better (Subdue, I'm looking at you).
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Libram Paladin is the most (if not the only) competitively viable Paladin deck that is centered around buffs. Maybe Argent Braggart makes the cut in Libram Paladin? I think it's possible, but I also think the deck is as much as a tempo deck as it is a buff deck and would maybe rather run a 2 drop that is better on turn 2. When compared to Devout Pupil, Pupil has divine shield and taunt and is more proactive in its buff synergies than Braggart. Overall, I think Braggart may actually not make the cut in standard, but it is an interesting minion in Even Paladin in wild that already runs a lot of 2 drops.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This just seems... good. Like, just a really, really solid minion. And it's weird, because lots of Paladin's cards are like that this expansion, but I still hesitate on whether it all comes together into an actual good deck.
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People seem to underrate the fact that this card is 2 MANA. Like people are saying “oh, you don’t play this on 2”. Well obviously you don’t keep it in your mulligan. Like a 2 mana 6/6 is insane no matter how you look at it.
This ain't no place for a hero
If it works the way I think it does (picking the highest attack and the highest health even if they're on different minions), this will be quite a strong card. There are cheap high attack minons with barely any health, and there's also cheap minions with opposite stats. Maybe a more aggressive Paladin archetype of sorts?