New Priest Minion - Mindrender Illucia
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Priest Minion, Mindrender Illucia, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Priest Minion, Mindrender Illucia, has been revealed!
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Nice addition to Raza priest in Wild!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Omg just realized this finally gives a win condition against wild quest mage for a non-aggro deck. If you get lucky and pull this just take their spell and enjoy your free extra turn. least it's not a Demon Hunter card.
I don't mind this at all, sure you get to disrupt your opponent's plan but they get to do the same to you,, so you have to set it up carefully.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Holy fucking shit! I saw sth similar in a Fullas Gaming video in the past and even they said, that the effect was too OP. I would have never believed, that it would be released. This goes straight into my Steal Priest and it's not even a meme card. I can finally disrupt the opponent's combo by playing the combo pieces from hand.
This card has no downside if you have no hand (tapping on head)
who said you need to play a control priest?
A nice combo disruption card, but also almost certain to be usable as a way to destroy the opponent's deck.
Looking forward to seeing new alternatives to togwaggle priest.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Play this and then play Lorekeeper to troll your opponent
Hehehehehe, Thief Priest go brrrrrrrr. I'm psyched to see that Priest has some good ways of disrupting opponent's combo, it might be enough to take Control Priest over the top since it could be one of the only control decks to consistently disrupt or destroy enemy combo pieces. What's more is that this could be run in Tempo/Zoo Priest as a way to pseudo-refill your hand and get rid of any clear pieces the opponent might have. Also neat synergy with Envoy of Lazul, but that's neither here nor there.
Well, that's a card alright. And somebody will play that in a . . . deck of Hearthstone cards . . . probably . . . ?
Okay in all seriousness I hate this card and love this card, and I don't even play priest. I don't mind having my cards copies, that is a fun mechanic for the priest player, but having my cards stolen is a whole other matter. I crafted those cards with my dust and put them in my deck so that I could play them, not my opponent. On the other hand though it punishes mage players in wild for completing their quest, and I will support anything that discourages people from playing that deck.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Lmao fuck your combo I guess
Fun and interactive...
Put your faith in the Light!
Considering how dirty the togwaggle combo in druid is, I think there is going to be some Temporus shenanigans with this one. I just don't know what it looks like yet.
Oh wow, you have a OTK ready? I just saw you copy 4x Sorcerer's Apprentice with Potion of Illusions? Well guess what? IT'S MY OTK NOW, GO CRY AT THE HEARTHSTONE FORUMS FOR A NERF, BABY!
This will see play in every control priest decks, even ress priest. Ress priest will most likely not even play this minion, they just have it so they can counter their only weakness, OTK. Also in wild: Mindrender Illucia + Brann Bronzebeard is pretty much a better King Togwaggle. I guess even King Togwaggle got powercreeped, and togwaggle druid was a strong deck before this, so i don't see why this style of priest deck wont be powerfull. Just play brann + this and have a deck of bad cards like Wisp.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Quest decks on suicide watch.
I think this card isn't really that good. You get 8 mana to mess with your opponents cards, then your opponent gets 10 mana to mess with yours.
This card can be used in tempo decks for the last push or value in control vs control though
There isn't many combo decks in standard to disrupt either. But maybe I am totally wrong with this card
No. No. No.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
OK this one took me a while to figure out it's hard but it goes like this
2.lorekeeper polkeit and mischief maker in one turn
3. Hopefully your opponent now has 8 mana deathwing
4. This card and deathwing
5. Profit
I'm not sure how practical this card will actually be competitively, but there's a lot of things you could do to really annoy your opponent, and make them lose their cards.
It seems pretty decent as a combo disruptor too. Just play their combo pieces haphazardly and watch them cry. You just gotta take note of what's in your hand and be sure to play around it.
I like this is not a straightforward card, there are situations you don't want to play this, and since I play galakrond even if I don't include this in the deck I will end up with a situation on where I should play this or not (having gotten this by Galakron's ability)
This one card is amazing because it basically covers one massive hole in any priest deck, which is its persistent weakness to OTK combo.
For that reason, I hate that this card exist. Its bad enough to lose to rng, now you can't even cheese them off with combo. And brilliantly enough they can get it off Galakrond's Wit, so that's twice the fuckry
Of course, you get to waste their resources as well, but they're fking priest. There's little to no way to end the game immediately, and nearly every card generates something else, so its like youre just cycling their cards for them.
The real question is what will happen if you play Illucia after they have played Illucia? does the deck permanently switch now?
It's definitely an alternative to standard King Togwaggle Priest, but there are heavy differences. While this new combo has less counterplay, it uses cards that Cost (3) or less, and Togg Priest prefers to run Hemet, Jungle Hunter to thin out the deck faster. This means Mindrender Illucia + Brann Bronzebeard is slower, and every turn, the value of swapping decks starts to dimmish.
But I like this card overall. Obviously not fun on the other side of the spectrum, but this gives you a ton of possibilities to truly shape the game in your hands.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
I'm fairly certain this will become my most hated card from my most hated class.
I think this card has a high skill cap though. The priest player needs to have a read when the opposing player has key cards for them to deny. Works well with Madame Lazul for hand reading.
Interesting card - not easy to play - but i like it.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
You need to play Lorekeeper Cho before this because you will give up your hand
How would you do that?
1. You play Illucia. You have your opponents hand now. Unless he is a priest with Illucia in hand, you cannot do play her again.
Yes another steal priest support, in the right condition this can 'render' the enemy plan unplayable. At 2 mana this will still save some mana left to do the shenanigans.
Its just a question. Obviously in most circumstances you're pretty helpless.
Priest has plenty of generation cards, so you stand a chance to get it via rng.
1. You play Illusia. You have your opponents hand and deck
2. You play second Illusia generated by Priest Galakrond hero power. You have your own deck and hand.
3. Next turn one Illusia effect applies, switches deck/hand then second applies switching the deck/hand back to original owner.
With the combo decks that are going to be so powerful this expansion eg. Mage and Druid this card is a welcome sight
Interesting card. And not in a meme-way. A well timed Mindrender can win you a game vs combo decks (Quest warlock for example). As a control priest. Not too shaby, not too shaby.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Oh wow, what a card! I mean, this can backfire spectacularly, but it can also ... do some really neat stuff.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Pretty crazy card for both standard and wild. Priest in both formats right now is strong against aggro, but weak against combo. This gives Priest very consistent combo disruption. As long as you time her right, Mindrender Illucia is a Dirty Rat that will always hit your opponents combo piece, so long as you have the mana to play and get rid of it. Maybe this puts Raza Priest over Quest Mage as the top deck in wild? It also keeps Questlock and potential Maly Druids and Exodia Mages in check. It does require you to draw the one-of card in your deck. In standard, it's harder to draw her consistently with less card draw available to Priest, but Sphere of Sapience can help with that. A staple in any control-based Priest.
For glory, honor, and gold!
One thing I don't understand: If combo decks shouldn't even exist, then what are they doing to druid???
So aggro decks can be super broken and it's not a problem cause they'll "respond quickly" and everyone's happy.
OTK decks can't even get a chance to be powerful because whenever there's some support, they also print this and Glide.
i hate this just because it's a priest card. priest gets to play the good cards out of your hand and you're forced to have a turn with priest cards which are shit.
I feel like this is too cheap which makes it too good. I don't mind more disruption in hearthstone but this is a bit much.
YES. Just so much FUCKING YES! Instant Day-1-Craft for me.
I'm sooooo sick and tired of losing to Quest Mage just because of the frustrating Non-Interactability of that Deck. But with this Card, I can make them swallow their own damn Medicine... Especially after their smug „Hello!".
And it's not just Quest Mage! EVERY Combo Deck gets hit! No longer will I have to pray that Dirty Rat maybe pulls a Combo Piece. Instead, I can just TAKE THEIR WHOLE HAND FOR 2 MANA!! GOODBYE, OTK!
...Unless this is at the Bottom of my Deck.
ArtStation | Twitter
Super Stron Card! In Tempo Priest is really powerfull but we can use it in control deck. Easy 5 star...we will hate it
Use this to murder Combo decks. (or Mecha'thun)
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
I really Love/hate this
Wacky card DAY 1 craft 4 fun
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Combo murderer. This is going to annoy me in Wild.
My personal favorite card of the set, Hope I get her Day 1.
Anti combo,but situacional
This card is good for two things, combo disruption and trolling.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I'll try it, just for the shenanigans.
Great for combo disruption, not much other use for it though.
I hate Priest's steal effects and this card will give me nightmares.
Despite this cards low cost this is very much a late game tool, and not something that can be played on curve.
Her stats for mana cost is pretty weak, but her battlecry should allow you to see what your opponent was planning. If Combo decks become prominent this minion will be Priests' tool against them as they can throw away key pieces for their win condition.
Galakrond decks may also have issues with this minion, as she can steal your opponents hard earned Galakrond and play it before you get a chance too.
Having said all this, the key word is that this minion is situational, she's not a minion you base your win condition off of such as Prophet Velen or Disciplinarian Galding. Worse still, your opponent will also have your hand and deck, and if your win condition is in your hand your opponent has the chance to screw you over as well.
Great card for combo breakers and removal destroyed, you can fill your board, trade hands and use the enemies removal from the game
All hail the banshee queen.
I already hate this card. Having it played against you will always suck, and it will see play in any and every priest deck and more because of Galakrond generating extra copies.
I know how to recognize when a big brain meme type of situation is occurring, and this is one :
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Another really cool idea from this expansion!
Thanks, I hate it...
This effect is really cool and allows for really high skill plays, but I don't think anyone is going to like playing against this card.
I want Thief Priest to be a supported archetype, but I'm not sure this is what I meant...
Going to be annoying to play against, though it’s not gonna be able to completely fuck you over. After all, they’re not gonna be able to play any 9 or 10 mana cards, so your end game stuff is safe at least
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Sure it's fun to play opponent's hand and toss his junk around. But would you allow him the same? Good against decks with very few win cons, as long you have many yourself (or an entire crap deck). Nice to see Blizz experimenting with new conceps, but many of these aren't quite as great when made real.
Little Togwaggle that can be useful for mid late game
I want this in golden if only for the eventual full dust refund when it's nerfed!
Or maybe she won't be as bad as many seem to think she will.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
This card will be amusing to say the least. Golden craft day 1? Maybe.
Without talking about the consistency of the card, that is how a legendary card should be, a unique strong effect.
By The Holy Light!
I'm going to love playing with this card. I'll probably use it terribly, but when I get to dump someone's combo piece, it'll all be worth it.
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I honestly am having trouble seeing how this will work or be useful unless you have your hand and deck filled with junk that they can't use against you.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
It's always fun to mess with your opponent.. Low cost enough that you can play 1 or 2 of their cards. If i open it, I'll definitely try it in a few decks.
This card looks crazy, can't wait to see the meme videos that come out of it.