Mindrender Illucia

Mindrender Illucia Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Battlecry: Replace your hand with a copy of your opponent's until end of turn.

Flavor Text

"…and that's how I ended up with a Murloc Cultural Studies major."


Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.

Mindrender Illucia Sounds

Play VO_SCH_159_Female_Human_Play_01

Play ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay

Play MindrenderIllucia_Play_Stinger

Attack VO_SCH_159_Female_Human_Attack_01

Attack ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay

Death VO_SCH_159_Female_Human_Death_01

Death ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay

Mindrender Illucia Guides

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
Kael'thas Nerf

Cost increased to 3 (from 2).

Demon Seed Ban

Text changed to "Battlecry: Replace your hand with a copy of your opponent's until end of turn." (Was "Battlecry: Swap hands and decks with your opponent until your next turn.")


  • CrimsonRShadow's Avatar
    Darkmaster 285 14 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    If you're wondering if you can pull a King Togwaggle with Mindrender Illucia, sadly, if you play her twice in one turn, your decks will still be swapped to your original ones at the start of your next turn. ShadowDragon was the poor fellow who helped me find this out after playing the card against me as a Rogue, Shadowstepping it, and playing it again. The guy even played Plagiarize, and I played right into it, but I ended up getting all my cards back, including the Plagiarized cards ShadowDragon got. It's not all bad though. ShadowDragon got to turn into Rogue's Galakrond, the shadowy-est of dragons, so that's something at least.

  • Xrazoc's Avatar
    270 161 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    This card alone might get to be the most hated card to "play against" ever, even worse than the Jade Idol was revealed.

  • jvjd's Avatar
    215 29 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    At first, I vastly underestimated this card, but when people explained to me why this card is so good (especially in wild), this has probably become the card I fear more than any other card in this game’s history (or any other card game for that matter). It is a vastly understated card that can essentially fix all of Reno Priests’ problems in wild, giving them a reliable way to beat combo decks.
    Arguably the only thing that is currently holding reno priest back from being the best deck in wild, are the combo decks that are currently in the format, decks like QM, Mecha’thun and more recently Maly druid (I am only listing the relevant examples here). However Other than combo decks the rest of Reno Priests match up spread tends to be really good, against both aggro and control matchups.
    Reno Priests typically beat aggro decks due to the large amount of powerful control tools that are at their disposal. In fact, in thoose aggro match ups the Reno Priest doesn’t even consider Raza/Anduin as part of their main win condition at all, due to that strategy being too slow. The reason why I bring this up is because traditionally combo decks struggle immensely against aggro decks, because they can’t combo fast enough to out speed the aggro player killing them. This is a sediment that absolutely rings true for Reno Priest as their combo is too slow against the majority of aggro decks, and the way they end up winning is through their control tools, slowly running the aggro decks out of gas until eventually they run out of resources and loose, just like a traditional control deck.

    How Reno Priests beats control is a lot more self-explanatory, as combo decks tend to be able to beat control due to the fact that control can rarely apply enough pressure to kill a combo deck before they complete combo. Even if a control deck does manage to apply relevant pressure to a Reno Priest player, some of thoose control options I was talking about earlier can also be used to combat this pressure, while the priest player continues to dig for Raza/Anduin. Even If a Raza Priest player buries combo, a lot of the time it doesn’t tend to matter to much since they opponent could never really applied enough pressure to kill them anyway, on the other hand once Raza/Anduin is drawn your opponent will probably die within the next 2 turns.


    • jvjd's Avatar
      215 29 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      It’s important for you guys to understand that combo decks (particularly quest mage), essentially keep Raza Priest in check as the format currently stands, and its definetly not due to the fact that the 0 mana Raza hero power is less powerful than it used to be, because Raza priests’ overall performance just doesn’t really reflect that at all (the fact it is a powerful and relevant deck in modern day wild should prove this alone). It is also worth mentioning that blizzard didn’t nerf Raza for standard, they nerfed it for the long-term benefit of wild right before Raza rotated (they even stated as much in their reasoning behind the Raza nerf). When Blizzard un-nerfed Raza the Chained, I am almost 100% sure that they at the very least expected it to be a very relevant un-nerf, between their original reason for nerfing the card (the long-term benefit of wild) and the fact that the deck was still a tier 3 deck with the 1 mana hero power.

      I know I have gone on a tangent at this point, and I’m sorry about that, but let me continue (I promise I’m almost done). Blizzard was absolutely right about their assumption that the Raza un-nerf would be super relevant in the modern format of wild. It was kind of lucky for the wild community that modern wild combo decks were able to outpace Reno Priest and keep the deck in check. Until the current set Scholomance Academy where Reno Priest would obtain this one card Mindrender Illucia, a card that allows them to steal their opponent’s hand and deck to use it until their next turn. This card works in such a way that it essentially punishes combo decks for merely existing, since the majority of them have ways of being disrupted by this one card and left with no way to win. Mindrender Illucia is the one card that solves all of Reno Priests current short comings in wild, by single handedly being a one card all-purpose combo deck destroyer. That is why this card utterly terrifies me, not only will it completely destroy peoples ability to play combo decks in wild unless something changes, but it might also be the thing to make Raza Priest the single best deck in wild with little to no bad match ups.

      • HolyWater's Avatar
        HearthStationeer 380 156 Posts Joined 03/15/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        this card doesn't solve all the reno priest problems! this is not a card that destroys combo decks, yes maybe sometimes but most of the time it destroys you too! you play this and use their combo pieces BUT there maybe there is raza in your hand, maybe anduin, maybe shadow spawn, maybe velen, maybe mindblast or ... and they can use these cards against you and spend your cheap spell. raza priest is a combo deck too so Illucia is not an insane card that you think.

        • jvjd's Avatar
          215 29 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
          Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

          1. why would you be stupid enough to give them Raza the Chained or Shadowreaper Anduin?  at best they need to top deck it (witch is unlikely cause by the time they combo you, your like half way through your deck at best)

          2. your not running [Hearthstone Card (velen) Not Found] or Mind Blast if your running Lorekeeper Polkelt as well

          3. you don't need Spawn of Shadows to win, especially after you remove the combo decks combo

          4. yea I'll give you they can play a bunch of your cheap spells, but unless there druid or warrior you can genrally still ping them for 30

          I know that you won't always draw Mindrender Illucia and  it probably isn't doing a whole lot for you against non combo match ups (it probably hurts you if anything, for a lot of the reasons you mentioned). I acknowledge I could be overselling how good this card is practically, and I hope that is true. However the idea that a cards mere existence, could discourage people from playing combo decks in wild, is quite a scary one.

  • SilverWolf's Avatar
    Tauren Chieftain Addict 990 1085 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    It's more a 7+ turn play, you change the hands, play everything you can, or disrupt enemy combo, and then the hand returns to you.

  • FaytFFX's Avatar
    405 191 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I smell King Togwaggle shenanigans incoming. This is brilliant. Something for old, something for new. GREAT counter to Combo as well. Amazing disruption. :)

  • Khoodos's Avatar
    195 20 Posts Joined 04/11/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    What a delightful counter to Mecha'thun Warlock (in Wild) - play their Cataclysm and return them a hand of 0 cards!

  • Trimutius's Avatar
    1580 2533 Posts Joined 03/16/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Meme... why would you run this?

  • barnabsx's Avatar
    Sparklepony 695 66 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    In wild, if a play this with brann bronzebeard , the double battlecry means that its swapping back to my deck, and if so its i much cheaper muruzond toggwagle combo

    • Helios's Avatar
      The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      you could have read my comment 2 mins ago lol

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Deck ID Not Found

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
  • sandels's Avatar
    75 14 Posts Joined 07/28/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Opponent gonna be so salty with their Curse of Rafaam


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