which deck will you start to play with ?
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
Assuming you get the needed cards ... just curious ... I will probably try a Libram Paladin ...
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Assuming you get the needed cards ... just curious ... I will probably try a Libram Paladin ...
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
i will play soul fragment demon hunter followed up by big demon hunter probably
I really liked the Spell Beast Druid in the final reveal stream. Even finished the Trial by Felfire Challenges to get that shiny golden Kel'thas yesterday. Second on the list is a tempo mage, but I'm not sure if that will be a thing. When I get bored of loosing I'll switch to Demon Hunter or maybe try and put together a Hunter list.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Tempo mage, aggro rogue,Totem shaman, control dhunter, beast hunter, libram paladin, soul frag warlock
Depends on what epic cards I get. I don't usually start wasting my dust on day one, and I might change my opinion depending on the theorycrafting stream.
I just left a decklist and a guide for a soul glide DH, so that would be my starting option, as well as a deck someone could try.
Soul Fragment collector.
Soul fragment DH will be cool, just dont forget glide, skull of guldan and double jump xD
Soul Fragment collector.
Totem Shaman
Libram Paladin
Beast Spell Druid
Tempo Priest
Spell Damage Mage
I found out that there are an absurd amount of Stealth minions and found that some of them were Beasts, so I guess I'm making Stealth Beast Druid lol.
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
Burgle Rogue. Some very nice looking additions. Will be fun to start swinging the 3/2 for the first time since Tess rotated
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
Without a doubt Quest soul fragment control warlock!
And Big Paladin
Probably have to try out Umo Malygos Druid first. If it works, awesome. If it doesn't, I'll probably playtest the new Quest Warlock and a disruption focused Tempo Demon Hunter. I'll also try out Tempo Priest, but it's not as exciting to me.
Lightforged Pally has been fun so I will probably pursue it although xpacs are a really good way to climb ladder quickly with aggro decks since people will be busy trying out the new #SHINY cards a spin.
O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
Whizbang the Wonderful, so all of them.
Put your faith in the Light!
Depends on what classes my dailies have me play for that day
Probably Big Warrior though. I love trying to make that deck work.
Mostly dependant of my pulls... Will craft more neutrals than class cards this expansion and also I am out of Argentine Pesos in my premoving bank account, so I cant buy anymore until I get a new job
Just read the assuming perfect pulls part, I will try Big Demon Hunter and both soul fragments. Also Spelldamage mage seems fun.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
You mean in wild, or did they finally come to their senses and make him evergree?
I wanna try Soul Fragment DH and Aggro Stealth Rogue.
Beast Druid with Guardian Animals looks like an interesting archetype too. I might play it since I already unpacked Shan'do Wildclaw.
I'm intrigued by Token Odd Druid, using the plethora of new 1-cards: the idea is to make a defensive Tempo deck, hoping that the other Aggro decks (chiefly Odd DH and Rogue, which I can hopefully counter) can crush the rest of the meta for me.
I'd also love to try Big Paladin, mainly because it is the only deck where Turalyon, the Tenured makes sense, but I doubt the deck can be viable, even in Wild.
Additionally I'm intrigued by Spell Damage Mage, possibly in Even version, but not necessarily so. I just love the idea of the synergy between Cram Session and Azure Explorer.
Finally I have to tune my Aggro Reno Paladin for the new meta. I hope I can squeeze High Abbess Alura in the list, but I'm afraid the card is just too slow for the incoming Aggro meta. Probably I'll just chill at D10 trying the other decks, before going for this one for my final ladder rush.
Soul Fragment Demon Hunter, obviously. Glide is just busted beyond belief, and if day one turns out to be more agrro than I'd like, Ill just swap it for [Hearthstone Card (Skull of Guldan) Not Found]
Soul Fragment collector.