I'm quitting Hearthstone (again, but for real this time)

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

So after a long time of contemplating I have decided to actually just quit Hearthstone altogether. I have done this once before back in April but I came back out of boredom (and because the new expansion looked pretty good). HOwever, I can no longer play this game while keeping my sanity and it has become a huge time sink for me.

Basically my reason for leaving once and for all is this: The game has become way too....one sided? Basically over the past year swing turns have become more and more important....and this expansion is by far the worst. Basically every single class in the game has one or more brutal swings that either need an immediate specific answer or else the game is decided on the spot. Classes that don't have this resort to pure aggro (DH and Hunter for instance).

Essentially Hearthstone has turned into what I quit Legends of Runeterra over. A game where answers are sparse and a single play decides the game instead of multiple smaller ones.


To illustrate my point here's the summation of class dynamics right now:

Druid: Ramp to 7, get GA and win from there. If it gets dealt with use one of your many other game ending combos or cards to win. No real actual strategy involved, just play whatever you have in hand that keeps you alive or puts big stuff on the board.

Hunter: Doesn't have crazy swings, so burning your opponent to death is the way to go. Single player game because all you need to do is get as much damage in as possible.

Mage: Cyclone MAge is all about getting Mana Giant out as fast as possible. Highlander Mage is literally just an RNG fiesta at this point.

Warrior: Bomb Warrior is probably the only real control deck left in the game and its gameplan is literally to just spam bombs that your opponent can't interact with. Who thought combining Resident Sleeper Warrior with Face Hunter was a good idea?

Paladin: Between Alura and Argent Braggart they just generally tend to have better plays than everyone else on curve. If you fall behind you're not gonna catch up

Demon Hunter: pretty much just Hunter's mentally deficient brother. Ironically enough, probably the most "interactive" of the bunch and they still win by just going face

Shaman: Even the worst class in the game relies on sticking a totem on turn 2 or 3 and winning from there

Priest: plays a bunch of reactive garbage, but they can steal your stuff for 5-mana now and that's how they win.

Rogue: Their strongest deck revolves around playing minions that most opponents can't reasonably interact with. Any deck that doesn't is much worse by comparison

Warlock: literally got nerfed because all they did was swing the game by turn 3 in Wild. Will probably not even exist anymore in Standard afterwards.


I've tried just memeing and having fun and not taking things too seriously, but you can't have fun with slower decks or play for value if you either die inevitably or get curbstomped by turn 7.

What I used to enjoy about HEarthstone was the constant back and forth. Threat - answer- threat - answer - etc. If one player didn't have an answer they fell behind and had to find a way to deal with the situation which eventually decided the game. Sure, RNG was always a factor that could radically change results but there was always this sense of having an out (at least for most normal decks)

I just don't see the point in playing a game where every match boils down to: "Oh look I had a great mulligan, guess I win" or "Oh look I didn't draw my cards in order, I guess they win instead". And I know, things can always change and balance patches have been more frequent....but I really REALLY don't believe this current meta can even be fixed at this point. They would have to nerf basically every single class in some way and even then all that would do is tip the scales in some classes' favor.

Note that this isn't some sort of attempt to convince anyone to also quit the game. I'm really just trying to write down my own thoughts as a some sort of a final nail in the coffin. If you still enjoy this game then I envy you, but I just can't get the same kind of enjoyment...not anymore.


TL;DR I have made peace with the fact that this game isn't going in a direction I want it to and I'm tired of having to hope every single expansions and rotation that maybe things are going to be different this time around and always being disappointed.

Initially I wanted to go for a really melodramatic approach of dusting my entire collection and then spending said dust on crafting all my faavourite cards from the past in golden as sort of a memorial, but I don't even have the motivation for that anymore. I'll just let the account rot.


I do feel kind of sad about the fact that I won't really be interacting with you people anymore, because this site  has a pretty neat community and I've always enjoyed posting here. I guess you can take this as my final farewell. Perhaps digital card games just aren't my thing.

Maybe some day the stars align and we're blessed with some sort of meta that recaptures what the old days were like...but right now I can't see that happening until this entire year has rotated.

Anyways, take care guys, I'm gonna miss you at least a little bit. Shitpost on balance patch posts in my stead.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    So after a long time of contemplating I have decided to actually just quit Hearthstone altogether. I have done this once before back in April but I came back out of boredom (and because the new expansion looked pretty good). HOwever, I can no longer play this game while keeping my sanity and it has become a huge time sink for me.

    Basically my reason for leaving once and for all is this: The game has become way too....one sided? Basically over the past year swing turns have become more and more important....and this expansion is by far the worst. Basically every single class in the game has one or more brutal swings that either need an immediate specific answer or else the game is decided on the spot. Classes that don't have this resort to pure aggro (DH and Hunter for instance).

    Essentially Hearthstone has turned into what I quit Legends of Runeterra over. A game where answers are sparse and a single play decides the game instead of multiple smaller ones.


    To illustrate my point here's the summation of class dynamics right now:

    Druid: Ramp to 7, get GA and win from there. If it gets dealt with use one of your many other game ending combos or cards to win. No real actual strategy involved, just play whatever you have in hand that keeps you alive or puts big stuff on the board.

    Hunter: Doesn't have crazy swings, so burning your opponent to death is the way to go. Single player game because all you need to do is get as much damage in as possible.

    Mage: Cyclone MAge is all about getting Mana Giant out as fast as possible. Highlander Mage is literally just an RNG fiesta at this point.

    Warrior: Bomb Warrior is probably the only real control deck left in the game and its gameplan is literally to just spam bombs that your opponent can't interact with. Who thought combining Resident Sleeper Warrior with Face Hunter was a good idea?

    Paladin: Between Alura and Argent Braggart they just generally tend to have better plays than everyone else on curve. If you fall behind you're not gonna catch up

    Demon Hunter: pretty much just Hunter's mentally deficient brother. Ironically enough, probably the most "interactive" of the bunch and they still win by just going face

    Shaman: Even the worst class in the game relies on sticking a totem on turn 2 or 3 and winning from there

    Priest: plays a bunch of reactive garbage, but they can steal your stuff for 5-mana now and that's how they win.

    Rogue: Their strongest deck revolves around playing minions that most opponents can't reasonably interact with. Any deck that doesn't is much worse by comparison

    Warlock: literally got nerfed because all they did was swing the game by turn 3 in Wild. Will probably not even exist anymore in Standard afterwards.


    I've tried just memeing and having fun and not taking things too seriously, but you can't have fun with slower decks or play for value if you either die inevitably or get curbstomped by turn 7.

    What I used to enjoy about HEarthstone was the constant back and forth. Threat - answer- threat - answer - etc. If one player didn't have an answer they fell behind and had to find a way to deal with the situation which eventually decided the game. Sure, RNG was always a factor that could radically change results but there was always this sense of having an out (at least for most normal decks)

    I just don't see the point in playing a game where every match boils down to: "Oh look I had a great mulligan, guess I win" or "Oh look I didn't draw my cards in order, I guess they win instead". And I know, things can always change and balance patches have been more frequent....but I really REALLY don't believe this current meta can even be fixed at this point. They would have to nerf basically every single class in some way and even then all that would do is tip the scales in some classes' favor.

    Note that this isn't some sort of attempt to convince anyone to also quit the game. I'm really just trying to write down my own thoughts as a some sort of a final nail in the coffin. If you still enjoy this game then I envy you, but I just can't get the same kind of enjoyment...not anymore.


    TL;DR I have made peace with the fact that this game isn't going in a direction I want it to and I'm tired of having to hope every single expansions and rotation that maybe things are going to be different this time around and always being disappointed.

    Initially I wanted to go for a really melodramatic approach of dusting my entire collection and then spending said dust on crafting all my faavourite cards from the past in golden as sort of a memorial, but I don't even have the motivation for that anymore. I'll just let the account rot.


    I do feel kind of sad about the fact that I won't really be interacting with you people anymore, because this site  has a pretty neat community and I've always enjoyed posting here. I guess you can take this as my final farewell. Perhaps digital card games just aren't my thing.

    Maybe some day the stars align and we're blessed with some sort of meta that recaptures what the old days were like...but right now I can't see that happening until this entire year has rotated.

    Anyways, take care guys, I'm gonna miss you at least a little bit. Shitpost on balance patch posts in my stead.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I quit after scholo, tired of trying to play control in a game that hates the style i enjoy playing and buffing aggro and releasing no cards to help deal with it.

    Living like that.

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    So after a long time of contemplating I have decided to actually just quit Hearthstone altogether. I have done this once before back in April but I came back out of boredom (and because the new expansion looked pretty good). HOwever, I can no longer play this game while keeping my sanity and it has become a huge time sink for me.

    Basically my reason for leaving once and for all is this: The game has become way too....one sided? Basically over the past year swing turns have become more and more important....and this expansion is by far the worst. Basically every single class in the game has one or more brutal swings that either need an immediate specific answer or else the game is decided on the spot. Classes that don't have this resort to pure aggro (DH and Hunter for instance).

    Yes--come play Legends of Runeterra instead!

    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Essentially Hearthstone has turned into what I quit Legends of Runeterra over. A game where answers are sparse and a single play decides the game instead of multiple smaller ones.

    Oh wait...  ;-)

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Hearthstone can be tiring at times, but then all I do is just finish up my quests and go do the things I want to do, coming back when inspirations hit me.

    The nature of card games is back and forth, but not since the first 2 years have fatigue ever mattered, so I guess your assessment is right. Then again, what makes hearthstone fun is essentially about me playing broken things and my opponent doing the same, and the best player is the one that can play them - not necessarily first - but play them at the exact moment to turn the tide that demands an answer you think your opponent don't have.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    All this is exactly why I have reverted back to burgle rogue as my go-to deck for years (going way back to Karazhan, and even to TGT if I'm honest). As a weird midrange/value/tempo/meme hybrid mess that gets decent support in most expansions, it manages to put up acceptable win rates against pretty much every archetype because it has a little of everything already in the deck, and has the chance to generate more for you. It also has the pleasant feature that it is practically designed to ensure all games are a little (or a lot) different.

    Praise Tess for that one archetype keeping me entertained between flashes of inspiration for more goofy - and almost universally less successful - homebrews.

    But ultimately it's a game and there's no point in playing it if you are not enjoying it. It almost doesn't matter what the reasons are, and I would still encourage leaving (either for a while or permanently) even if you couldn't specify what you disliked about it. So if you are fed up with it, then I wish you good luck with whatever you end up doing instead :)

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Honestly, I understand your point of view. I'm also very frustrated with the direction the game is taking of powercreeping the hell out of every expansion. And I can attest to that feeling especially now that I finally decided to try reaching Legend last month (and suceeded with 20 minutes left in the expansion lol). That month was the first one where I tried a more competitive approach and it just wasn't worth the trouble, exactly because of how much power every card has these days and how little it felt my decisions mattered when compared to, say, when playing four years ago.

    I used mostly big Warrior, a deck that also relies on big tempo swings, but those swings felt balanced because they would come only after a lot of turns of playing from behind and those tempo swings were more of a reward for utilizing your control tools well throughout the game. I also played Libram Paladin for a while, which was one of the most boring experiences I ever felt in Hearthstone. It was insanely draw dependent and every card felt like "lets dump a bunch of stats and hope the opponent doesn't respond". I love the idea of having big slow tools and small fast tools in the same deck to fight for the board that Hearthstone had when it started (and that, to a degree, the Rush mechanic highlighted) and a deck whose only fast tool is Lightforged Zealot feels so out of place it becomes boring playing with and against. In fact, to highlight how much the deck felt out of place for me, I ended up with less than 50% winrate with it in around 40 games. My final push was made with face Hunter and even a deck decided to ignore the board for most of the game felt like it had more board interaction (especially the mirror match) because you had know when to push the board and when to push face. That was my experience and the reason it felt like a waste of time.

    You talk about big swing turns and, the way I see it, the reason the game is so swingy is because of the exponential increase in power level the last expansions. The current power level reminds me of not only of LoR but also the days when I played Shadowverse. When I left that game, it felt like the designers just wanted to release insanely powerful effects and then nerf them if they became to polarizing. It didn't feel like we owned cards as much as it felt like we owned stats, and since I didn't like that feeling, I ended up leaving the game. That is exactly the biggest criticism I have with HS at the moment. The feeling I don't own those cards because they're designed in a way that I know they'll end up being different cards. 

    I remember putting a big rant in here when the final batch of changes during the AoO expansion was announced, a rant that was downvoted like hell because I criticized the design philosophy the game currently has (and I understand that this post I'm doing right now feels like a big rant coming as well). The biggest reason to all the downvoting was because I said it felt like the developers were releasing busted cards on purpose to then nerf them and give the players the satisfaction of having their voices heard and that satisfaction would be shown by purchasing in-game stuff. It was an insanely cynical proposition my raging impulsive head had when I saw like ten cards being changed for the third or forth time in one expansion cycle. And yet, here we are, less than two months later, seeing two different balance changes in one month (I know less cards are being hit, but there are still constant changes happening). I get that one of the biggest advantages CCGs have is the ability to change problematic cards, but right now those changes come as part of the design of the game instead of a "last case scenario" and the proof is that balance changes are part of their goddamn roadmap!  I don't want to be just another cynical guy but the design philosophy the game has is turning me into one.

    We're being given what's supposed to be a finished product every expansion and said finished product is never finished.

    Right now, only two things are keeping me in the game: 1- I want to see how bad the battle pass system will be (again, being cynical); and 2- I really like Battlegrounds. That game is also changing a lot but it feels like said changes are the same as expansions rather than balance changes (which aren't as bad as the game mode is still in Beta, you know, an openly admitted unfinished product).

    I'd say feel free to uninstall the game. But you can still hang around the forums sometimes. I honestly like reading your thoughts on the game, even if those thoughts become based on second hand experience.

    Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
    Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906

  • OldenGolden's Avatar
    Snow-Covered 690 131 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    People can do what they want to do, of course, but if there's anything more ridiculous in life than someone making an all-or-nothing decision about a free game on the internet, and then feeling like they have write out a big lengthy explanation of it for strangers, I can hardly imagine what it is. 

    If the game isn't to your liking right now, don't play. Then come back if you feel like it. Then stop again if it still sucks for you. None of this requires a Sermon on the Mount, or one last big swing at the people who DO enjoy the game to tell them why they're wrong, and that their game sucks. 

    Seriously, everyone - rein in the egos. I get that this is a forum, and  opinions, and feelings, blah blah, but come on. Get a fucking grip.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Is the Meta in Standard really that sucky rn?

    It's funny, because I'm playing Wild (you know, that Mode that's supposedly unbalanced) and I actually have quite some Fun. I played mostly Control Priest, Highlander Shaman, Thief Rogue and Yogg Hunter, and eventually reached Legend last Month. I faced some of the Meta Stuff, like Quest Mage and that soon-to-be-nerfed Warlock Deck with Darkglare, but I also faced quite a lot of Control Warriors (Odd and DMH), Quest and Odd Shaman, some Paladins, Highlander Mages, other Thief Rogues, and Everything in between.

    So, if you're frustrated with the State of Standard, maybe give Wild a Try?

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Show Spoiler

    I don't understand the point of these posts. Why does a person quitting Hearthstone (or any game, for that matter) have to be such a big deal that you need to get on your soapbox and preach about it? It's a free online game, nobody's compelling you to play the game. 

    If you don't like the game, there's nothing we can do to change that opinion, but why do you feel the need to tell people who do enjoy the game why their game sucks? 

    I get that this is a forum and the game isn't always so peachy keen, but it's really not that big of a deal.

    EDIT: Looks like @OldenGolden said what I wanted to say before me. Maybe I should read the replies before commenting.


  • Me0203's Avatar
    Design Champion 750 497 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I feel ya, ElSabidon. Shadowverse's card design philosophy is a road which I hope Hearthstone doesn't follow. In that game, there aren't decks. There are win conditions, and cards which help you get to those win conditions. You can play Deck A and face Deck B and know that, no matter how well you play, their win condition is a turn 7 card and yours is a turn 9, so you lose. 

    Even though we're not at Shadowverse yet, it feels like cards these days are overdesigned; there are so few plain ole well-statted minions. Curve is a myth, unless you're Paladin. Cards aren't played if they don't have unique, strong effects. Besides aggro, decks aren't collections of good cards anymore - they're synergized pools of cards that are optimized to create a big swing turn(s). Unlike Shadowverse, there's still a great deal of deck-building agency, which I enjoy - not everything is theorycrafted, tested, and sent out for play by the devs, like Libram Paladin - but the current and recent card pool feels less interactive to play with, since stats matter less than effects. Not less skillful, but less interactive. I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda miss [Hearthstone Card (Grook-Fu Master) Not Found].

    PrivateNightmare, if you do miss the strategic back and forth of old Hearthstone, I would encourage you to give Arena a try. Since you mostly pick for stats, it feels oldschool and can be quite fun. I play more Arena than ranked myself, at least.

    Better call Thrall!



  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    While I understand your pov, I don't think it is entirely true, and I believe your own expectations are making real premises more relevant than they are.

    At least, not in Wild, as paradoxical as it sounds.

    Barred the temporary Darkglare shitfest, Wild meta allows virtually any well-rounded deck to have a chance in most situations.

    In particular, you can build Reno decks with Zephrys the Great, and you can tune them from Tempo to Control, as you like. As long as you include other cards to go with the incoming new meta.

    Infectious Sporeling is another incredibly underrated card to get out of cheesy situations, and you can easily Rush it up as well.

    At the end of the day, even in Standard, if pop-off turns are common across most classes, you can use your own pop-off turns to answer those of your opponent. 

    The back-and-forth is still there, just on steroids due to powercreep.

    I think you are making nostalgia a bigger factor than it objectively should be. And you are entitled to think it as you do ofc, but I mean you are kinda generating your own problem.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From OldenGolden

    People can do what they want to do, of course, but if there's anything more ridiculous in life than someone making an all-or-nothing decision about a free game on the internet, and then feeling like they have write out a big lengthy explanation of it for strangers, I can hardly imagine what it is. 

    If the game isn't to your liking right now, don't play. Then come back if you feel like it. Then stop again if it still sucks for you. None of this requires a Sermon on the Mount, or one last big swing at the people who DO enjoy the game to tell them why they're wrong, and that their game sucks. 

    Seriously, everyone - rein in the egos. I get that this is a forum, and  opinions, and feelings, blah blah, but come on. Get a fucking grip.

    sorry but did you actually read the post or did you just look at at the title and go "lol what a <snip>"


    I specifically explained that this wasn't supposed to shame or convince people to quit the game, I'm just writing out my thoughts.


    take your own advice and don't bother commenting on something that you don't care to hear anyways

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Well, for me I´m not happy with the state of this game aswell and most of the time I feel myself forced to play it. But I still enjoy the uncompetetive part of it, like doing daylies, opening packs, collecting cardbacks or heroes, doing events, playing brawls, or even play against innkeeper. Right now I´m excited to see, how the new battlepass will look like. What  I really miss in the game is the more rewarding achievement system apart from ranked and can´t wait to see what they got for us. So I´m definitely staying until I see whats new (or until I finally reach that freakin legend rank :D)

    Sorry to hear you go, but maybe you´ll come back eventually, like others say, you don´t need to close the door completely, we never know what the furute will bring :)

    TL;DR: Go on and have fun with things and games you´ll really enjoy at the moment :)

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    If there's anything I love more than seeing someone give, in OldenGolden's words, a "Sermon on the Mount", is someone else giving another "Sermon on the Mount" on the first person's "Sermon on the Mount", whilst completely unaware that pointing out sermons in a forum also necessarily requires giving a sermon themselves.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 920 951 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Come play Mythgard! We have 2v2, Axolotls and a new expansion coming.

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    @OldenGolden, @GameTheory345 & @Carew6 - why do you complain about a well-written post explaining why one of the most active members of a public discussion forum will quit?

    In a forum, we share ideas and opinions, and while the opinion "I'll quit hearthstone, because of reasons" is a valid opinion to voice, replying with "No one cares" is less polite, less interesting to read and less useful. This is a hearthstone (mostly) forum, of course users are interested in other people's opinion of the game!

    @YourPrivateNightmare: Sorry to see you leave. I hope you'll find a new, more fullfilling past time. I quite liked your long posts and your new hunter decks.

  • Echo's Avatar
    Staff Writer Cupcake 860 321 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Yeah this meta seems to be really polarizing for the most part. Personally I've been having a blast with it and I know a lot of others who have the same, but there's still a lot of games that go "oh well they had the nuts guess I die" which can feel pretty rough a lot of the time.

    Over time card games evolve and change how they are played completely all the time, for better or for worse. Like a great example is with MTG's Modern format, where you have cards like Splinter Twin, which used to be a meta-defining card, being on the same banlist as a card like Hogaak, which for reference kills you on turn 3 like, 65%~ of the time. The format is still great to play and all, it's just different now than it was a couple years back and I don't think that is inherently bad. 

    As for going completely cold-turkey on the game, I'd totally recommend doing that. Playing a game that you don't find enjoyable is only going to make you become more jaded. Maybe next time a new expansion or nerfs come out, check out the meta and see if it's something you'd want to play again. Lord knows I've done that with this game numerous times. If the game never does recapture that feeling that made you fall in love with it originally, hopefully you can look back at the time spent fondly. All that said, hope to see you around still!

    Cardboard wizard and dog haver.

  • Rippy's Avatar
    Darkmaster 335 141 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I can't believe how toxic people are. There's no reason to flame someone when he's just motivating his choice. If you don't care about it, just go elseway or stfu.

    Anyway, I also quit playing since 2 weeks. The reasons are many and I'm feeling hopeless about the game itself.

    First reason, I'm bored AF to wait 4 months to get new cards that sinergies with the ones that came out 1 year ago.
    I don't understand what is Team 5 doing or waiting. They need to make a change asap because people get bored of playing just after 1 mont since release of an expansion.
    I would like to get new cards each month to keep the hype alive. Some kind of mini set of 55 cards obtainable from packs (like yu-gi-ho). No more expansions, just mini sets focused on balancing the game while keeping it fun!

    Second reason, balance and synergies.
    But you've already explained the problems...
    I want to add that some class seems very sketchy and unfun. Mechanics becames un-creative and Discover feels the only thing that matter. Because having more cards became way more important of having the right cards... 

    I don't want to say anything more, It would be really boring...

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago


    In what ways do you think that LoR is based on swing plays? The only example of that I can think of is “They Who Endure” and maybe “Swain/Leviathan.” I do agree that in general there are relatively few removal options compared to the number of threats, but I think that makes gameplay interesting because your power cards don’t get removed the turn they are played. I’d love to hear your thought process because that problem wasn’t even really on my radar.

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I also quit the game... because my phone couldn’t handle the game’s weight and dropped my FPS to 0.5 lolololol 

    Make The Cow King an alternate Warrior skin plz 

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot


    In what ways do you think that LoR is based on swing plays? The only example of that I can think of is “They Who Endure” and maybe “Swain/Leviathan.” I do agree that in general there are relatively few removal options compared to the number of threats, but I think that makes gameplay interesting because your power cards don’t get removed the turn they are played. I’d love to hear your thought process because that problem wasn’t even really on my radar.

    perhaps my juddgement is still based on outdated information, but when I played it for a while when it first came out I got into these situations of "my opponent plays a snowballing a threat and I have an answer. They have a counter to that answer. I can never get rid of that threat and will therefore lose. What was I even supposed to do there?" way too often.

    Even just simple things like a Garen or a Greenglade Duo. The problem I have with LoR is how easy it is to protect your own stuff vs killing your opponent's stuff. It's what made me return to Hearthstone afterwards, because in Hearthstone there used to be this unspoken rule of "there's always an answer to everything (usually)". Now that's basically gone from HS as well.


    Maybe things have changed since I left, but looking at all that Targon stuff I just don't think so. I just don't like playing a game where I rely on one or two cards to answer certain threats, but said cards are easily countered by 3 more cards in my opponent's deck. It also doesn't help tht the nexus total is only 20 so coming back when behind just isn't as likely...not to mention that card draw is sparse in most decks so digging for answers is rarely an option.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • thazud's Avatar
    Duskrider 265 93 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Show Spoiler
    Quote From CursedParrot


    In what ways do you think that LoR is based on swing plays? The only example of that I can think of is “They Who Endure” and maybe “Swain/Leviathan.” I do agree that in general there are relatively few removal options compared to the number of threats, but I think that makes gameplay interesting because your power cards don’t get removed the turn they are played. I’d love to hear your thought process because that problem wasn’t even really on my radar.


    perhaps my juddgement is still based on outdated information, but when I played it for a while when it first came out I got into these situations of "my opponent plays a snowballing a threat and I have an answer. They have a counter to that answer. I can never get rid of that threat and will therefore lose. What was I even supposed to do there?" way too often.

    Even just simple things like a Garen or a Greenglade Duo. The problem I have with LoR is how easy it is to protect your own stuff vs killing your opponent's stuff. It's what made me return to Hearthstone afterwards, because in Hearthstone there used to be this unspoken rule of "there's always an answer to everything (usually)". Now that's basically gone from HS as well.


    Maybe things have changed since I left, but looking at all that Targon stuff I just don't think so. I just don't like playing a game where I rely on one or two cards to answer certain threats, but said cards are easily countered by 3 more cards in my opponent's deck. It also doesn't help tht the nexus total is only 20 so coming back when behind just isn't as likely...not to mention that card draw is sparse in most decks so digging for answers is rarely an option.

    I'd say your judgement is outdated. There are plenty of tools to kill stuff on the board and help you progress to the late game (if that's your plan). In Runeterra it doesn't come down to spells only. You can challenge, force blocks, stun and so on.

    I quit Hearthstone before the release of this expansion and haven't looked back since. My biggest thing about Hearthstone is that you either have to play a lot or spent a lot of money to have a big collection. And buying e.g. 50 packs for way too much money can end up giving you absolutely nothing of value for your collection. 

    To me Runeterra is much more fair, and while I have spent a bit of money to start my collection, it has not been nescessary for me to buy anything to have a almost full collection after the new expansion was released. 

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Bye, see you next expansion. 

  • Madaf's Avatar
    140 8 Posts Joined 04/08/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    You post on every thread on this forum. You're not quitting hearthstone xD. Man it's is just a game, enjoy playing a couple of games in your free time and don't take it so seriously.

  • Riffraff's Avatar
    760 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I for one will miss your contributions to the forums and your awesome decks/guides and comments. Take care and good luck! Hope we'll see you back before too long :).

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago


    Thanks for the response! I assume that you probably stopped playing during one of the elusives metas before Rising Tides, because since then they have introduced a lot more card draw and removals. On card draw, Bilgewater and Targon both have a considerable amount of it, and more card draw was added to Ionia, PnZ, Freljord, and Shadow Isles (if you include the new cards that tutor specific champions that also includes Noxus). At this point, Glimpse Beyond is a fair and balanced card, that’s how much more card draw there is. In terms of removal, Noxus now has a deal 3 spell, Freljord has the Vulnerable keyword to take out units, Bilgewater also has Vulnerable, and Targon can generate removals with Invoke cards.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot


    Thanks for the response! I assume that you probably stopped playing during one of the elusives metas before Rising Tides, because since then they have introduced a lot more card draw and removals. On card draw, Bilgewater and Targon both have a considerable amount of it, and more card draw was added to Ionia, PnZ, Freljord, and Shadow Isles (if you include the new cards that tutor specific champions that also includes Noxus). At this point, Glimpse Beyond is a fair and balanced card, that’s how much more card draw there is. In terms of removal, Noxus now has a deal 3 spell, Freljord has the Vulnerable keyword to take out units, Bilgewater also has Vulnerable, and Targon can generate removals with Invoke cards.

    that actually sounds much better. Maybe I'll give LoR another go at some point, but right now I'm just burnt out on card games in general

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Yeah, definitely take your time and see if you feel better off not playing a card game. And maybe keep tabs on some tier lists to see if non-frustrating decks are tier on

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Try magic if u have the money. Otherwise i strongly recommend chess. Im serious.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    505 931 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    You’ll be back. Hearthstone is like herpes: it’s forever.

  • ArcticFox's Avatar
    Zombie 375 118 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Good bye YourPrivateNightmare,

    Best wishes to you. I think it was a good call to leave your collection as is that way if you do decide to come back and play it will be there. That being said, I too have grown tolerant of the game that I once loved. I have been playing some Starcraft II but my life situation doesn't really allow for much more than Hearthstone. The game has become more of a habit than a joy. I try to realize that Hearthstone is just a game and doesn't really provide much escape from the horrors of 2020. I hate this year. This year has become "my private nightmare." Well, YourPrivateNightmare, I wish you the best.

    I will miss your tag line: I tried having fun once. It was awful.

    The above comment assumes a Hearthstone Wild perspective.

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 695 297 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    OP, you'll be back after the next set of changes or expansion because it'll seem that the meta will be different. And you need to see for yourself if anything changed.

    So stop kidding yourself - you won't quit HS forever. The game has been like you describe it since they introduced the idea of "standard" (with a few changes here and there when control decks were successful).

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Imagine gaslighting someone because they don't want to play a shitty card game anymore.


    Imagine being someone that has played this game for a loooooong time, they were an active member of the community, avid deckmaker and theorycrafter, excited for expansions when they were released, and suddenly the game does not interest you anymore, and you know that it just hasn't gotten stale, the game itself isn't interesting to play at all. So you decide to leave, you choose to freely abandon all the time and money and effort spent on this game. And what do you get? Entitled pieces of shit that say your decision that you spent a lot of time making, means nothing because you used to love the game and were an avid community member, and that you'll be back. Completely invalidating your decision.


    What a community.

    Living like that.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2514 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From ArcticFox

    Good bye YourPrivateNightmare,

    Best wishes to you. I think it was a good call to leave your collection as is that way if you do decide to come back and play it will be there. That being said, I too have grown tolerant of the game that I once loved. I have been playing some Starcraft II but my life situation doesn't really allow for much more than Hearthstone. The game has become more of a habit than a joy. I try to realize that Hearthstone is just a game and doesn't really provide much escape from the horrors of 2020. I hate this year. This year has become "my private nightmare." Well, YourPrivateNightmare, I wish you the best.

    I will miss your tag line: I tried having fun once. It was awful.

    This. I'll miss you and it's a real blow to this site and the community to lose both you and Xarkkal in short succession. Take care of yourself. Maybe we'll meet again one day.

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • OoklaTheMok's Avatar
    290 113 Posts Joined 01/19/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    If there's anything I love more than seeing someone give, in OldenGolden's words, a "Sermon on the Mount", is someone else giving another "Sermon on the Mount" on the first person's "Sermon on the Mount", whilst completely unaware that pointing out sermons in a forum also necessarily requires giving a sermon themselves.

    Get ready for sermonception as I prepare a lengthy response to your mini-sermon!

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Honestly, I'm surprised you've lasted this long. I quit playing HS with any seriousness months ago. And it's been at least 3 months since I even logged in (well, except once, literally just get the freebie legendary with the new set).

    I do disagree about Legends of Runeterra. I think it has a massive amount of variety, and plenty of ways to interact with what the opponent is doing (aka "answers").

    Lastly, if you want to try a completely different card game that is none of the above nor Magic, I'd suggest Eternal.

  • Ilphelkiir's Avatar
    550 254 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Have you tried wild format? I'd be in the same boat as you if I still played standard.

  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Good bye, drama queen.

  • Bersak's Avatar
    Magma Rager 720 432 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    If after all those text walls, someone is still reading, congrats, you reached another faceless guy that thinks his opinion matters. But since I haven’t read anything similar, here is my take and my past experience: 

    Nightmare is obviously very involved in the game, as many of us are. It gets to the point that HS takes a lot of space in once life, sometimes more than it should (talking about my past self now). It’s not only gametime, it’s deck analysis, forums, streams, videos, ...

    It can have all the characters of a toxic relationship. There are aspects that you love, awesome memories and simply routine but something is allways wrong. You quickly spend to much time with the game, doing things you don’t enjoy, simply because it’s what you’re doing for years. 

    I have forced myself to quit in the past but eventually came back as well. But I gradually distanced myself from the game (a full time job certainly helped). Emotionally that is. I don’t rush in to see the next Brawl at release time anymore. I dont care that much about my arena Scores anymore. I stopped watching videos on a regular basis. And most of all: I spend at least once or twice a week days without opening the game at all.

    What I’m trying to say with this: Take it easy man. Don’t make forced emotional decisions. If you don’t enjoy putting the time and effort in as you are used to, simply don’t. But nothing stops you to hop in once in a while to see what’s up. In my experience, playing less makes the time that you play more entertaining. 

    Oh and finally: I know this is hella controversial, even more in your current situation... but spending some money on the game takes away the urge to grind. And that has been very beneficial for my game experience!

    Whatever you may chose to do, you are always welcome here! The innkeeper will save you a chair :) Farewell


    Winner winner chicken dinner

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Hearthstone is obviously getting pale due to lacks of new mode. I can picture someone getting brain burned like I did, playing constructed over and over with nothing much changed over the course of 4 months.
    EDIT. Did they really think that a new expansion hype will last for the entire 4 months period? Because I don't. 2 months and it's getting boring already.

    I haven't got the slightest idea why the Blizzard won't make a simple mode where players can make their custom plays and rules (skirmish mode maybe?), and in doing so, prevent a burned out feels of playing the same mode over and over again. (or any other modes except BG which is not everyones playstyle).

    And yes I did it with multiple deck, but unfortunately, I feel the same way as you did. The only thing prevent me from quitting the game is that I invested a lot of time to get to where I am right now, and to avoid losing it all, I just do daily quest every 1 or 2 days and play another game. If I can gather 100-120 golds /day in the past, It's only 60-70 golds /day, and it's already a miracle to get to 80 golds.


    Knowledge is Power

  • DSpawn's Avatar
    50 2 Posts Joined 09/18/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I feel about hearthstone like I do WoW. I quit for a a year even 2 then come back check it out, if it's really good I might stick around for a while, if it's not then I'll quit again in less than 2 months. I even have a favorite time of the year to return to HS (now).  A few months before most of the cards are about to rotate. Most of the cards will be gone by April so the game will literally shrink, and catch me up by doing so, if I'm still around, but I usually only get there if I'm into it.  

  • Lycaon's Avatar
    230 80 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Same here as OP, I quit too. Blizz cannot correct HS it's too messed up. The only way would be to be start over and release HS 2. Not holding my breath for this though but I am still checking the HS websites for any meaningful changes that could bring me to play again.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Lycaon

    Same here as OP, I quit too. Blizz cannot correct HS it's too messed up. The only way would be to be start over and release HS 2. Not holding my breath for this though but I am still checking the HS websites for any meaningful changes that could bring me to play again.

    If you still want to play a card game, pick up Legends of Runeterra. You'll have a competitive deck in a week or less, and can find out if you like it within two weeks.

    I'm a little over 4 months in, never spent money on cards, and have almost literally every card in the game already.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 920 951 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Lycaon

    Same here as OP, I quit too. Blizz cannot correct HS it's too messed up. The only way would be to be start over and release HS 2. Not holding my breath for this though but I am still checking the HS websites for any meaningful changes that could bring me to play again.

    If you want a game with a similar gameplay loop to Hearthstone with none of the RNG BS and a fair monetisation, come play Mythgard.

  • Lycaon's Avatar
    230 80 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    OK I'll give it a try. Thanks!


  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    505 931 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Again, you’ll be back... Herpesstone is forever after all 

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2025 3143 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I'm going to lock this thread. No need to bump it with a response like that.

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