New Warrior Weapon - Outrider's Axe
Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by
A new Rare Warrior Weapon, Outrider's Axe, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warrior Weapon, Outrider's Axe, has been revealed!
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Well this is likely to become a staple for Warrior. It is just so solid and even if it only draws 1 card it is a strong enough play.
OP, gonna be nerfed
4 Mana 7/7
Great weapon for warrior.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
Save them for dust.
Looks good, 4 mana weapon slot seems good and filled between this and the pirate.
Really good by itself, even better when discounted by the Goblin Pirate from Core. Nuts because you can tutor it with Cache.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Great card, even better with Nitroboost Poison, which has been used almost exclusively in Rogue so far.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Mark my words. This will be nerfed pretty quick. Seems just too good with this stats
Even if you just went face this deals 9, 5 out of 5 card, I think this will become a 4/2 in the future.
With weapon buffs, we just have to worry about any weapon hate
This is so good. So, so, good!
Nice card great value
INCREDIBLE CARD. I was very sceptical about Frenzy warrior, and Conditioning (Rank 1). But now i'm pretty excited for it.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Seems very strong! Also synergizes well with cutting class.
they said this was a 3/2 and was good, then they said, f*ck it lets make it a 3/3.
so I can already smell a nerf (or a buff revert :) incoming
This is just broken. It draws 3 cards and removes 3 enemy minions. It can do even better with weapon buffs. I would be surprised if this doesn't get nerfed.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
great weapon. It will be nerfed
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
this card is too strong to exist
Should fit in some aggro warrior decks
Easy to buff
Rogue DH
this card is awesome + cutting perfect
Wow. Buff it up and cutting class too. Menagerie warrior always gassed out, but not now, baby!
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
wow, WOW RLY? Ok, I'm a warrior now :)
soo good
Guess Warrior is reeeealy meant to have annoying 4-cost weapons, amiright? Worth noting that only Corsair Cache and Krastinov will be able to buff Durability in standard.
I feel this will get nerfed to a 3 3/2
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This is incredible in midrange/control, but a 4-cost 3/3 weapon is almost just good enough to straight-up run in everything
5 stars, will be run in a variety of decks
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
I like that it gives Warrior an interesting way to draw cards. A little like Ancharrr, but contingent on having minions you can kill. I would definitely take a chance on it in most Warrior decks, at least at first. Pairs nicely with Cutting Class and other cards that care about weapons.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
If Warrior finds its place in the meta and attracts some attention, this is a strong candidate for nerf.
Insane card! Tempo, removal, face damage, card draw all in one neat package. Thankfully Captain Greenskin got removed from Standard.
Nice card advantage to be paired with Nitroboost Poison
too situational for card draw
3 card draws, eh?
Lol, I love how Liv Breeden basically accused the final design team for buffing this weapon. So when it'll be nerfed, we know who to blame 🤣
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
4 mana 3/3 weapon that draws 3 cards.
That sounds insane.
me got axe me draw cards .Great for warrior now that they need some draw .
Easily broken card. Save copies of this one.
The final design team thought it was strong, but they made it even stronger?
Arguably even better than SSS. Will definitely be nerfed in the first balance patch. If you are a budget player, do not craft a deck around this.
Draw a card, with 3 durability, in a class that doesn't care much about receiving damage to the face.
This gonna be used.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Why was Ancharrr nerfed again? Sure, Ancharrr tutors and Outrider's Axe doesn't, but this is still insane. The only redeeming thought is that it has to compete with Sword Eater and Reaper's Scythe and even more weapons in Wild.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Psychopomp said it first !
That's way too good of a weapon not to be abused ; nerf hammer is likely to follow...
... or everyone will tech weapon removal in their lists
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Great draw machine
Very strong. Who axed for this???
Great card. I don't think it's OP, but this will be useful in any Warrior deck. Can be a good board control tool for control decks, and a great draw engine for faster decks.
expensive but crazy value for warrior
wow a great control tool with the potential to draw 3 cards. 5 stars
4 mana draw 3 destroy 3 minions. Nuts card. Better than Ancharrr
i like it, really good in pirate warrior in wild
Nice, not too strong - cause, how many times after 4 round you can kill a minion with HP lower than 4. Against agro decks it will be cool, but not in normal games
Wow. Like... wow. This is really very very strong
Effect worth of a legendary....
Super strong card and a huge candidate to be nerfed in the next patch.
By The Holy Light!
Very good
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Very strong! A staple in every Warrior Deck and for sure a Candidate to be Nerfed.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Tempo Warrior will love this
Broken AF, potential nerf candidate.
I voted 5/5 because that's a lot of damage AND draw for a decent mana cost. And you can have two of them!
anpther great weapon for warrior
Get ready boys and girls, because this is one weapon that you will be seeing for a very long time in standard.
The only good thing is that there's no other way for warrior to add durability to this weapon except for Doctor Krastinov and Corsair Cache. With three attack that's basically going to kill most things, and in case your opponent decides never to play minions for this to kill, it still does 9 damage overall without a buff.
The only drawback is competition from Sword Eater (one of the best cards warrior has) and the fact that kazakus restricts this. But you can easily just grab this using corsair cache then play kazakus, though it does make it a bit iffy.
Well warriors seem to really want weapon on 4 so seems good
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Very strong.
Best card of the set or too many good 4 drops to even make it into a deck? This will be very interesting to see what warrior wants.
So much good weapons are around. Luckily nitro boost is nerfed else this would be insane.
Murlocs <3
Good weapon that allows Warrior to have some draw. It will definitely see play as there's not really any other option for Warrior to draw anymore.
This is very good card draw, but because it comes down on turn 4 when minions start to get bigger than 3 health, it's also a bit meta-dependent. If you're stuck trading on board and swinging into large, damaged minions to trigger this, you might just wear yourself out before you get value out of the draw.
Is it that good? Because, the way I see it, the biggest advantage for Outrider's Axe is the card draw, but it already faces competition from a better control option in Reaper's Scythe and a better tempo option in Sword Eater. The drawing effect is only viable because warriors better draw cards, Ancharrr and more importantly Battle Rage, are leaving. You can't even go face with it to draw cards, which means the damage isn't as splashable or versatile as with other weapons, so it's not as good in tempo warrior because of that.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Wow, just wow, should have kept it at 3/2
The card is good and the effect is really interesting. Playable in almost all type of deck
Very good in order to having gas on upcoming turns
Draw power. I like it.
Seems OP, but not sure it will be nerfed.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
This is a pretty good option for warrior.
And Corsair Cache does indeed stay in Standard. Yeah I can easily see this getting nerfed at some point, it seems really good. In the meantime, bring out the Oozes.
One of the strongest cards in the expansion, it's absolutely nuts!
This seems like it will be a Warrior staple for a while. Draw three cards and do some board control? Any class would like that.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Crazy strong card, the devs even admitted it was 'busted' on stream :P
There should be plenty of 3-health or less targets for this. Or you trade first I guess.
This is basically three Hammer of Wraths spread over three turns for the price of one, not to mention how insane this is to curve into Doctor Krastinov or Mor'shan Elite.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Incredibly strong, 3 attack already makes it good for cleaning up most 2 and 3-drops, and 3 durability gives you plenty of time to draw into stuff like Doctor Krastinov or Mor'shan Elite.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Such a good card I feel like this will get nerfed to 2 durability to be more balanced.
Draw this, draw that, draw me a picture of warrior finally getting somewhere.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
Bonkers card.
Potentially 3 draws, 9 damage across 3 swings, all for 4 mana. Auto incude.
Amazing card, which Warrior very much needs a bunch of to compete.
good card
One of the best weapons 👌
Assassin's Blade, but so much better.
Put your faith in the Light!
Incredibly powerful considering you can easily tutor it with Corsair Cache. Unless better weapons are available this should be a staple for the class.
I finally understand why Kazakus's battlecry is not good to be extremely easy to achieve, this expansion is practically full of 4 mana cards
Clutch card, and an obvious auto-include in many decks. VERY good.
Another multi-tasking Warrior card, I like it.
Really solid weapon for Warrior. It's just not that interesting of a card in my opinion.
Is this strong? I've not noticed that lol
For The HORDE!
Weapon with card draw. Super strong.
that's a powerful one
Seems strong. I don't think it's too strong personally, but I definitely have my blind spots and weapon classes are one of them - I just never seem to get which weapons are great and which aren't.
Welcome to the site!
Card draw is never bad, and the weapon stats are good for the price. The only hard part is that you have to destroy a minion to get the effect, which won't always be possible.
3 attack kills a lot and getting a card every time is excellent.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
RIP gonna be a 3/2, it's too good. What on earth, why was this printed so op? I actually don't want to see it nerfed.