New Priest Spell - Power Word: Fortitude
Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by
A new Common Priest Spell, Power Word: Fortitude, has been revealed!
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A new Common Priest Spell, Power Word: Fortitude, has been revealed!
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I still not believe in spells in hand archetype
in priest this can be 3 or 4 mana very often, I think this is a good card
Priests do like playing and hoarding spells, so it has potential.
Spell priest has been pretty relevant, I think this will see play
4 Mana 7/7
A better variant of the spell in hand cards.
Priest loses a lot of card generation, so often this will barely be discounted.
Priest tends to have huge hands. This card is interesting. You need to find the right balance in your deck for this to be good
Nice if discounted
That's a very strong effect early, but I don't think you can get that many spells that fast.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I don't think this is great. What deck has a hand full of spells that is enough to make this cheap, while also having reliable minions to aim the buff at? I can see Spell Priest happening but I don't think this will be run in it.
Now that I see the original cost, it's just not good enough.
A card that allows a heavily spell oriented Priest archetype with minions that have sinergies when you buff them or generate cards when you cast a spell. I'm curious to see if the deck works.
I think this will see play in the spell priest decks.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
Could be good, probably won't be though
I don't think it's good enough, it requires a LOT of spells in your hand. And by having a lot of spells in your hand, you probably don't have that many minions to play it on. Also a lot of spell generators are rotating out, so that makes these cards a lot weaker.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This is a strong card, but I don't see it being played much. If you are running too many spells, then you won't have a target to cast this on, and you are probably not worried about getting a beefy minion anyways. If, however, you are running a lot of minions and are concerned with getting a beefy dude, then it will be hard to also have enough spells to get this down to a good cost consistently.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
hmmm, priest doesn't have that many card draw to enable this. so...
spell heavy decks will go to better enchanments
Kenny's little poet. 😇
i don't think it will be good enough to be played
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Needs more draw support to be viable
Rogue DH
More support for spell priest
I think it's good for 4 mana or less. Priest usually has a couple of spells in hand. Synergizes with Sethekk Veilweaver, so it might see play.
not standart type of card at least not yet
does this count itself? also what a weird combination of numbers: 8, 3, 5, 1...
I do not see this fitting in spell priest...
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
You need to consistently have 5+ spells in hand to make this worth playing. But it's also really nice with Primordial Protector.
It's a solid buff and pretty good if you can play it cheap. That's about it though, so not too inspiring.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Priest better have more summon cards.
Rez priest just got buffed again for sure.
8 mana +3/+5... repeat that to yourself
still seems too expensive
It has anti-synergy with itself: It wants you to run plenty of minions to have a reliable target, but plenty of spells to reduce the cost. Because of this, it will always be mediocre.
If you have a spell that generates a minion for this sure, otherwise you need at least 5 spells in hand for this to be good and makes it more difficult for having minions for it.
Yeah cool, just wondering how you'll stick a minion in spell focused deck. And why would you need a buff in it?
I don't know. Seems a bit too clunky for my taste
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Spell priest can be a thing we still have cards that generate spells.
They keep pushing no minions priest. Maybe they continue with that thematicmo on the next expansions
easily a cheap card for priest
So, technically could be 0 mana, but I wonder if it is worth it.
I mean, priest has already big minions, so to me it's like a win more card.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
This can be pretty strong, but it requires you to have a lot of spells in your hand not play them. And of course, have a minion on board. Seems like it needs too much be consistent enough.
This is not a great card. However, if you are down to a small hand, you don't exactly need the discount since you have nothing else to spend mana on anyway. It just seems like it will be awkward so much of the time.
I'll stick with Apotheosis for now.
Power word doo-doo. If priest is just playing spells again, priest is getting run over.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
If you have at least 4 spells, this is decent.
But its true potential is a massive veilweaver turn when getting lots of spells in hand is not uncommon. Its fairly easy enough to make one really big veilweaver with divine shield so this is absolutely the nuts when it does work.
But when it doesn't, i.e. when you're playing from behind, this is just trash.
Spell priest is not so viable. I guess this card will not see a lot of play.
Weak card with a class that has weak card draw.
Buff spells with no effects like lifesteal or taunt generally want to be utilized in an aggressive fashion, but Power Word: Fortitude is restricted by requiring a hand size of spells. This isn't something you usually achieve in an aggressive deck and decks that are more likely to have a hand of spells don't care for the effect.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Don't know if it'll be put into decks, but it's a nice Discover pick.
Priests tend to cycle their spells not Horde them. So not sure what to make of this. Of course this effect is strong at 4 or below. Above that though don't know if I'd be happy to play it.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
But is it worth a spot in a list, and would you hold on to your spell just to get the discount.
Don't think Priest struggle so much with the stickiness of their possible board, but I could be wrong.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Bad card. Even if you can get this fairly cheap, you have yourself a +3/+5 buff. Well, congrats I guess.
Arena > Wild > Standard
HMM not sure about spells in hand for priest - don't think this is good enough
Great card !
This might be pretty good, like the other priest card that damages enemy minions based on spells in hand. This could be discounted quite easily.
If spell priest is viable next expansion, this card won't be in the deck. There's just better buff options out there
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Nice priest spell, i can image combo with this card. Wanna play some priest deck with this after expansion.
Very nice
I'm not online
it's just your imagination
Pushing that Spell-in-Hand archetype pretty hard still. Might actually be decent now though.
Bad card, Apotheosis is sightly better.
By The Holy Light!
Spell in hand bad
Decent card and could work to be played at aroung 5 maybe 4 mana. not sure if you would manage to make this even cheaper.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Good in Spell Priest.
As we´ve seen in in reveal stream, this card could be very good, if some conditions are met.
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
doesn't fit in any priest
If we compare this to Blessing of Kings or Power Infusion, it looks like a fair price for a buff with about these stats this is 4 mana. So, you need at least four spells in hand and a minion on board when you finally play this card. That's a pretty tall order for Priest.
The biggest problem is that Priest's resource generation doesn't make your hand bigger most of the time. For example, the best ways to generate spells are really just spell cycling (e.g. Sethekk Veilweaver and Renew), so they won't impact the cost of this spell. There are other cost reductions (Palm Reading and Nazmani Bloodweaver) that could be relevant here, but they're not so powerful that they'd push you to main deck Power Word: Fortitude. You're probably happy to see this card generated during the game, but you're probably not wasting a deck slot on it.
So bad. To be played it should cost 3 mana. So we need 5 spells in hand for the spell to be "ok". Thats way too expensive.
Murlocs <3
So you need to have lots of spells,but also a minion to buff. I don't see it.
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Another card for big hands woth lots of spell. If the synergies comes together it cpuld get interesting. requires a lot of draw and/or generation though.
Possibly too situational to be effective.
I don't think the priest that will be good want this card but you never know. At 3 it is good but you need 5 spells and minions.
I don't believe you'll be really stuck with that many spells in hand to justify running a buff minion card in your spell deck (if it's even a thing ?)
Seems high cost for what the stats supply I know it lowers in cost but I can only see this benefit with a spell heavy priest
If control priests continue to have large hands, this becomes a powerful tool. Not sure how much card generation they still have coming up, but if enough, should be solid. Needs the discount to be worthwhile.
I think it should be pretty easy to get the cost of this down to 4 or less, and at that cost it's pretty dang good even if it is only extra stats. I could definitely see there being a spell/combo buff priest in the meta. The deck likely won't be as strong as some other things that Priest could do, but I'll definitely play it.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Will be hard to find the balance between minions and spells in priest decks i think
The exact problem I have with this card. Don't see it happening either.
And what's the reward if you manage to pull this off? Plain stat buff which is quite far from exciting.
8 mana are too much. You want spend 4 mana at most, so you need 4 spell only to have a kinda of Blessing of Kings. In the early is a dead card
Even at 4 mana this is pretty weak nowadays. Blessing of Kings sees very little play. And if you have many spells in your deck, you will have not enough minions to put this buff on.
Looking at Apotheosis, I think this will need to be discounted to 3 or 4 mana to be good.
Doesn't seem good enough for me, even with the potential to make it cheaper
8 mana seems a little hefty. But, might be good with the neutral elemental.
There's no way you run this card. It's probably nice to generate off of a random effect, but it simultaneously wants a lot of spells and enough minions to play it, making it really wonky. Neat that it counts itself though.
You need at least 4 other spells for this to be better than Blessing of Kings manawise. And considering priest has a much harder time to get on board than paladin, I just don't see Power Word: Fortitude being consistent enough to warrant a deck slot. It is, however, a very unique card in priests spell pool as far as discovering spells goes.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I think this will need significant discounts in order for it to be run. Maybe you run this with the spell generation shell and put it alongside apotheosis.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
this might not get included in a lot of decks, but will be nice to get when you're generating a crazy amount of spells
I think this is fairly mediocre.
good card
Not bad for future sets
Palm Reading priest, nazmani bloodweaver buff to make it stickier
yogg giveth, and yogg giveth.
Priests do fairly well with spell heavy decks, and arrakoa is still in standard. This will see some use in a few different decks for sure.
I think there's potential in some miracle/tempo something, but will such a deck be good in the first place? Maybe.
Priest usually runs a lot of spells so reducing the cost is not the issue. The issue is finding good targets for this, even more so if you built your deck with a lot of spells. Seems way too clunky.
8 mana is too much.
not worth to run in the deck
Spell priest getting a lot of support.
Ah a big spell! I don't have seen many of these in a while
For The HORDE!
So weirdly enough, I guess this always costs at most (7), because it itself is a spell, right? Seems like they could've just said other spells and lowered the cost to avoid that weird distinction. Becomes good at like 3 other spells in hand, which doesn't seem unreasonable.
Welcome to the site!
It's difficult to judge this in a vacuum. With a lot of spells this can be played at a significant discount, but that might mean you don't have a minion to play it on. Too many minions and obviously it's terrible.
Overcosted by a LOT for a deck that probably doesn't care too much about its minions.
Unsure how good or bad this will be.
The discount favors spell heavy decks but at the same time you will need a minion for this to buff.
Cost too much even with the discounts
Does not seem like a priest would hang a bunch of spells in their hands.