New Neutral Minion - Flightmaster Dungar
Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Flightmaster Dungar, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Flightmaster Dungar, has been revealed!
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I like this card. I feel like the 12 damage is the most appealing option, but this will probably go in all Warlock decks for the delayed +10 heal.
Alright this seems like a great card that we can enjoy using today already. It seems good for tempo plays by picking the adventurer, and the heal is also great for control decks. The Plaguelands thing seems really interesting, now that's a lot of damage!
I think both Control AND aggro decks will run Flightmaster Dungar just because of it's super flexible options. Also it's ODD Costed so some ODD decks might experiment with him at the very least. I expect him to see a lot of play in a lot of decks later today, AND after the expansion drops!
Honestly were getting so many great 3 cost legendaries like [Hearthstone Card (Archdruid Naralax) Not Found] and Mankrik. Sooner or later were going to have too many options for 3 cost neutral legendaries to add into our decks lol.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This is good, just like the last free legendary
It'll probably see little to no play, and when it does see play its for the healing.
Against control a Mask of C'Thun seems powerful, but at the cost of 3 mana upfront and 5 turns of nothing, and any decent player would easily be able to play around it. The reason why Imprisoned Antaen was so powerful (when it was 5 mana) was because it came with a massive 10/6 body and followed up with Priestess of Fury for incredible tempo swing. This card costs less, but doesn't come with a tempo swing, and there's an even chance it would never even trigger before you get your arse kicked.
The 2/2 for 1 turn. That's decent. But then again, why'd you pick it is beyond me. There are better cards than a 3/3 and a 2/2 on 4.
But as a healing device this card is good. 3 turns to negate part of the damage that comes with a tempo loss on 3? That's still decent. Slow, but decent. I can see some applications for this card in rogue because of this, but I wouldn't count on this making any waves before or after the expansion releases.
Already love this guy. The Deal 12 is amazing. People don't pepare for it well yet. Even the first flight is a nice big board. The healing one I haven't used much but still a great and flexible card.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Probably ends up that the only reason you play him is for Westfall/the 2/2 Adventurer. The other options imo are awful for the extra wait time:
Ironforge: Much more healing than Luckysoul Hoarder, and probably the same amount of time waiting for healing to come in, but Luckysoul Hoarder is run because of Soul Fragment synergy.
Eastern Plaguelands: Compare contrast with Imprisoned Antaen. You can run two of Antaen, even run them back to back, and they were pretty effective in early Ashes of Outlands since the opponent had little time to build up a board big enough to soak the damage burst AND deal with the 10/6 body afterwards, especially not back to back and/or with Priestess of Fury. This however, gives way too much time to your opponent to set up a board to soak up the random damage, and by turn 8, a 3/3 body is pretty ignorable.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Very cool idea with the Flightpaths - i can see this working in different decks - so i guess a good card.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Probably just a good enough control card because of the heal while all the other options are optional
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I've already played this guy a bunch of times (only a handful of games, so I wonder if there is some secret internal mechanic where you're more likely to draw him ... ok, tin foil hat put away now). Anyway, really neat and fun card with great flexibility. I've used all 3 options, and never been sorry.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
It looks interesting, I will put it in some decks and see what will happen!
I have already used this guy in a few decks and I love it. In control games, you get a long range heal. For damage games, you get 12 damage to your opponent's side of the board, for aggro, you get a 3/3 + a 2/2 with an ability. It's just good all around
My main gripe with this card is that it can't be used with Shudderwock to stack up multiple healing/damage effects every turn since shudderwock would go dormant turning off the battlecry. Other than that it is pretty much like all of the other free set legendaries, unique, fun, but not terribly powerful.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I play a lot of control so this card looks really good, mostly for the healing.
Will try to find a spot for it in Control Warlock.
While I agree with what you are saying here, I still see no reason to play this for the 2/2 adventurer either. If that's what you're going for, isn't Devouring Ectoplasm just better?
Arena > Wild > Standard
Seems a bit slow to m
I really like that this doesn't really support aggro
If you can time this with the completion of the Warlock questline, this should be all the healing that deck needs to survive. No ideas about the other 2 options, but 12 is a lot of damage, and I'm sure you can play some spell damage while you wait. Though not too early, otherwise it will just be removed.
The Ironforge and Eastern Plaguelands are the only real good options here. Which is fine, and it's a nicely designed free legendary for us to play with now
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
A card that trades all around power for flexibility. All options serve a purpose and, although neither is game breaking, they're all good enough to consider Flightmaster Dungar as basically 3 tech cards in one.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I like being able to review a card after playing it and seeing it played. The card is quite situational. I've never been able to feel like I got the most of any effect other than the one turn option. Both the healing and damage seem to be easily mitigated due to the amount of time given to prepare for them.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
seems like fun meme, but not really anything special
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Loved seeing Regis call him the goofiest looking character ever when reviewing. I'm looking up and down and seeing double.
Cool card but all three options not worth the wait. Spraying a board and face for 12 isn't always that impressive.
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
Pretty versatile card although too slow. Some control decks might want to use 2nd and 3rd effect.
3 stars
Honestly I feel like this is an insanley underrated card for Control decks.
Been using him for a while now in my post-nerf Priest deck and he literally autowins certain matchups if he comes down 3. Healing for 10 on a delay is actually extremely powerful because it allows you to play greedy for the next 2 turns (assuming you're not striaght up dead) and just shrug off most of the progress which allows you to be greedy with stuff like Hysteria or other AoEs.
If Control Warlock becomes a real deck in the next expansion it will probably do really well with this.
Too bad he gets worse as the game progresses and ends up being a rather terrible topdeck. Still worth it for the early game potential though.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I like it, but the animation most of the time crashes my client ..
Maybe someday I'll see the full sounds & effect synchronized without any disturbance - and maybe it'll be on Yt!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Its versatility makes it a card that can always serve as a 30th card slot in all different types of decks.
He's so weak in wild. Too slow.
Flexible card that will probably still see niche play.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Mostly choose Plaguelands effect
Rogue DH
The biggest upside is that it was a free legendary. I like the somewhat unique effect, but it is simply not competitive which is probably for the better.
All the set if full of flavor.
But in terms of card, this one is a bit lacking.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Dungar never really worked out. I hope he gets his band back together someday.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
it's several days that he is around and I have seen very little use and with almost no sucess
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Very good heal option for warlock and a mini C'thun for long games
A fun card, with great flavor. Flexibility is always good!
Each flightpath has uses, which is good to see - sometimes choice cards secretly aren't choices at all, but this one there are reasons for different decks to want each effect. I don't know if I'd include it in many decks, but the healing is an especially nice choice for any class that needs it - Warlock especially.
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