If you missed the fact that a new Tavern Brawl was live this week, we wouldn't be surprised considering there was that big Hearthstone expansion launch just a day prior to its release on Wednesday. Brawl Block: Tinyfin has made a return for the third time and brings us together in the goal of playing on a budget by experiencing gameplay that only includes Basic, Common, and Rare cards. The brawl makes use of wild cards so expect some crazy fun.

I must say, this was an excellent call by Blizzard to put the Tinyfin brawl out this week. A new expansion means plenty of new cards that can be experiments with and for players that don't open a whole lot of packs on launch, a mode like this lets them play on a more even footing and gives them an opportunity to find other budget synergies organically through gameplay.

So, we're going to take a look at some of the great decks that we're seeing in Brawl Block: Tinyfin this week with a focus on Alterac Valley cards. If you've created a deck for this week's brawl and it isn't here, be sure to add it to our deckbuilder - select the Tavern Brawl game mode when saving your deck - and drop a link or bbcode for the deck down the comments below to share your creation. Bonus points if you write a guide!

Also, before you think this is going to be an easy way to grind your way to the end your honor questline, think again. Unfortunately, Tavern Brawl isn't considered an "honorable" game mode so not honor can be earned here.

Zelgadis' Elemental Freeze Shaman

Esqtin's Control Priest

1990feels' Handbuff Paladin

Pirate Warrior

Pirates really lend themselves well to consistency in the commons and rares department. Easy pack.