A new Hearthstone card has been revealed by BeNice for Voyage to the Sunken City - Bottomfeeder! There are 2 remaining card reveal spots on the reveal schedule.
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A vanilla 1/3 beast that scales with Sunken Gardens is probably enough to see play in Aggro druid. I don't think the ability for it to scale constantly is much more than a pipe dream, maybe you occasionally get a 3/5 out of it with dredge if your tempo is pretty bad. The thing with dredge is that it seems they're not printing many cards with it (at least at this point) and the neutral ones currently arent very good (basically just vanilla minions). Aquatic Form is a decent enough card, but you'd rather be spending that dredge on giving every minion in your field/hand/deck +1/+1 rather than a 1 mana 3/5
God I wish this was a Hunter card. Sunscale Raptor was such a disappointment (mostly because Frenzy sucks) but this could legitimately work in hunter....but in Druid it's just a vanilla 1-drop that has occasionaly upsides with the Dredge card that's just too good not to run and occasionally with Drek'thar
Also, I guess if Fatigue Warrior ever comes back this beats it...as if that's ever happening.
I get why it could work, because the position always at the bottom. But you also can't get infinite dredge to keep pulling this.
Maybe with a class that draws deck quickly.
I don't get why you're being downvoted, as usual Druid gets better versions of Hunter cards and a lot of times better version of past cards that didn't work in other classes. Druid should be a jack of all trades, master of none, not the other way around. Regardless though, I don't think this card will see play because despite being better than Sunscale Raptor and in a OP class that can easily draw and tutor, it will still suffer from the same downsides and weaknesses, namely that it's a bad topdeck, not to mention that it's worst at being triggered in the late game since it's a deathrattle. It's probably a worst Dire Mole in an aggro deck because you don't really want to shuffle a 1 mana 3/5 in your deck. That said if Aggro druid gets even more card draw post rotation it might actually become an upside which is infuriating for such a design in an aggro archetype.
Honestly just being a 1/3 Beast might be enough for this card to see play the effect is just a bonus. Ideally you want to dredge the copies not wait until fatigue.
Solid 1 drop for beast druid.
Dire Idol
Aw come on, don't give a druid fatigue immunity. Mage was annoying enough. And this one is even better than Sunscale Raptor.
If we're talking standard, I kind of doubt fatigue immunity will be relevant in Druid, at least for the next year... Kazakusan is just too strong of a finisher, and Taunt and Beast Druid are just too fast for fatigue to matter. Even if fatigue becomes relevant, Kaz is just a straight-up better way of avoiding fatigue... he puts it off by ten turns all in one go, while Bottomfeeder puts it off by just one turn at a time and requires your opponent to choose to kill it--something that's not super likely in a fatigue mirror, which is the only situation I can imagine where fatigue prevention would be relevant.
Hoping to win through fatigue is a thing of the past, and I say good riddance. It was always a cheesy win condition.
At the very least this doesn't hit you for 500 damage a turn. This one scales pretty slowly and doesn't actually do anything on the turn it's played.
Its not a bad card, but there's only two Aquatic Forms and dredge isn't exactly printed on many cards to take advantage of the snowballing stats of this card. If I have to dredge something, I'd much rather get Sunken Gardens, rather than this card anyday.
At best you'd play this card simply because its a 1/3 that can scale with both Azsharan Gardens buff, something of which Druid of the Reef cannot do. As for the deathrattle, you can just forget about it, or use up aquatic form as and when tempo is more important than the gardens. Or alternatively you just run finley to sometimes get you both the gardens and the buffed up fish.
You can use Moonlit Guidance with this card to get extra copies of it with the extra stats and also copy it on board with Oracle of Elune.
I don't think it's a good idea. Sunscale Raptor which was bad card has still proven that you almost don't want to run 2 copies of this type of cards as they are anti synergy with one another assuming you want to go all in on the combo. If you start creating additional copies of this card with cards like Moonlight Guidance you will dilute your deck with 1 mana 3/5s (5/7s at best) that don't do anything the turn they're played. You want preferably to go all in on ONE Bottomfeeder so that it always scales when its deathrattle goes off.
Sunscale raptor was bad because frenzy sucks and Druids have better synergy with small minions than hunter, not because the effect was bad. Also, I don't think 1 mana 3/5s are bad, especially if you can multiples of it play it before turn 6. Trust me, I've reached legend with Beast Druid in wild and even there I know that discovering upgraded Bottomfeeders with Moonlit Guidance will feel awesome. I can imagine turn 4 summoning two 3/5s with just that one card. And also Aquatic Form is a really good card that incentivizes you to play Bottomfeeders.
At the very least, it's a 1 mana 1/3 beast for druid. You don't really need to go all in on the combo.
Besides Aquatic Form, we know of 2 neutral dredge cards at the time I write this. That's six copies of dredge in your 30-card deck. How many more copies do you imagine you'd need to make something like this work?
Also remember that Bottomfeeder can be tutored as a Beast or as your lowest Cost card. You do not have to dredge it to find it.
There's Aquatic Form, Tuskarrrr Trawler, and Excavation Specialist. Both tuskarrrr trawler and excavation specialist are pretty standard vanilla cards, and unlike aquatic form you can't play the card immediately unless you have a draw option.
Trawler maybe still within the realms of possibility in aggro druid, but excavation specialist is too expensive for what it does. And either way, I still think you'd much rather save it for sunken gardens whenever possible. The only reason why'd you pick the fish is because you're in a tempo game and your hand is weak.
As for tutoring. I wouldn't play or contrive my deck just so Capture Coldtooth Mine or Living Seed (Rank 1) will fetch me a Bottomfeeder any day.
That's not to say the card is unplayable. I just think its a good card that will be played for what it is, a 1/3 on 1. The deathrattle is just an option available.
On the contrary, I never care about the "lowest" version of Capture Coldtooth Mine when I split it with Jerry Rig Carpenter, and I welcome the opportunity to draw something halfway interesting with it. If you are adding Colossals to the deck, using Carpenter to find the Mine does seem like a good idea.
Fatigue? What is that? Is it that thing that warlocks kill you with?