Hearthstone’s latest expansion Saviors of Uldum is one of the most exciting expansions yet and we can’t wait to see how the meta shakes up. We are excited to try out the new cards and see what the upcoming meta has the offer.
Here are our top ten cards from Saviors of Uldum so buckle up as this is going to be quite a fun expansion. A lot of these cards were picked based on their design and fun factor instead of listing them based on raw power level alone.
10. Plague of Murlocs
This is a card that got a lot of Wild players very excited. Big Priest is one of the strongest decks in the format and there is very little you can do about their board when they get the perfect draws. Being able to disrupt their resurrect pool with a single card can be potentially devastating. The card should also be strong against decks like Cyclone Mage, a meta deck that is capable of spawning multiple big threats in a single turn.
9. Anka, the Buried
Anka, the Buried looks like a solid pick in any Deathrattle Rogue deck which is an archetype that didn’t quite take off despite all the support it has received over the years. But Anka has potential to give the archetype the push it needs. But what’s even more interesting is that you can combo Anka with Mecha'thun for an OTK combo. There have been quite a few Mecha’thun decks over the months and Rogue finally gets to join the party.
8. Activate the Obelisk
Priest has always been a passive class and even though we have seen mid-range lists make it to the top of tier lists every now and then, the base hero power has always been a limiting factor. With Obelisk's Eye activated, you can not only heal for 3 but also generate stats on the board for just 2 mana. Recurring Villain is something that can make it into Quest Priest lists for potentially infinite value if your opponent can’t deal with it. There is a bit of combo potential as well if you play Leeroy Jenkins with your upgraded hero power and copy it with Vivid Nightmare for 18 burst damage.
7. Untapped Potential
Untapped Potential is one of the easiest quests to complete if you are willing to float some mana every turn. With the addition of Oasis Surger, Ossirian Tear is definitely one of the best Quest rewards on offer this expansion. One of the weaknesses of the Quest and Druid in general, is that they don’t have enough value generation in Standard to compete against slower decks so you definitely want to build your deck as aggressively as possible.
6. Elise the Enlightened
This is the third time Elise gets featured as a Hearthstone card, and this is definitely the craziest iteration we have seen so far. Druid can pull off some interesting combos with Naturalize, Flobbidinous Floop, Twig of the World Tree and Elise the Enlightened for milling your opponent indefinitely. It remains to be seen if Druid is capable of building a competitive highlander deck to make use of this incredibly powerful legendary minion.
5. Plague of Wrath
Warrior gets some of the strongest boar clears in Hearthstone but they usually come with downsides. Brawl is random and can leave behind big threats while something like the Reckless Flurry requires you to have enough armor to wipe out entire boards. Plague of Wrath can be chained with any “whirlwind” effect in the game and you can take out large boards with ease. Control Warrior fans rejoice!
4. Hunter's Pack
Zul'jin is one of the strongest hero cards we have in the game and it got even better with the addition of Hunter's Pack. Getting three random cards for three mana is quite a lot of value and if you love playing Spell Hunter as much as we do, you should definitely be packing it in your deck. While Mechs are quite dominant right now in Hunter decks, the addition of powerful cards like Hyena Alpha and Hunter's Pack might push Spell Hunter back into relevance.
3. Corrupt the Waters
Shaman's Quest card is by far the strongest if initial impressions from pre-release streams are anything to go by. It is the most popular Quest and we expect it to be relevant in the new meta. With Lackey synergy being introduced to the class, finishing the Quest isn’t going to be too difficult. You can generate quite a bit of value with cards like Swampqueen Hagatha, Weaponized Wasp, and other powerful Battlecry cards.
2. Mogu Cultist
While it might not be the most practical card to play this expansion, it definitely has the “wow” factor that makes certain cards stand out in Hearthstone. Cards like Togwaggle's Scheme should be able to support a deck aiming to summon Highkeeper Ra and we definitely want to see if we can pull the combo off. It might not be among the strongest cards of this expansion but we definitely love its design.
1. Zephrys the Great
“The perfect card” has arrived. The Team 5 developers have teased the card for quite some time and it is definitely one of the most complex cards ever printed since Hearthstone's release in 2014. In a sticky spot and need a board clear? Play Zephrys. Need a Fireball for lethal? Play Zephrys. Out of steam and need a big minion on board? Play Zephrys.
The only concern is Bomb Warrior easily counters highlander decks and we don’t know if Zephrys will be able to shine in the upcoming meta. However, the card is incredibly powerful in a vacuum and we can’t wait to see what this guy is capable of.
What are the cards you are looking forward to from Saviors of Uldum? Let us know in the comments below!
Great picks, another card I'm really looking forward to is King Phaoris. It will probably not be the best card, but it's very cool, and that's what matters! And, while on the subject of big spells: Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. Yogg's back, baby! Out of all the cards you listed I gotta put Elise the Enlightened on #1 though, even if it's just because I spent a lot of time theorycrafting a cool combo deck ever since she got announced:
Elise opens up so many combo options for druid in the future, love it!
Defintily gonna try the Twigg-Floop-Naturalize combo. Just turtle up and trow salt at your opponent
highlander decks will be midrangy offensive decks cause of Zephyr giving the lethal card on the spot
"Brawl is random and can leave behind big threats"
Feels more like "always leaves the least desirable minion for your opponent".. Haha I just had to chuckle reading that. And yes that probably belongs in the salt thread.. Soz..
Super excited for this expansion though!
I really like Hunter's Pack a lot, such a great card. Good choice adding it in top 10.
I cannot wait to see how Zephrys the Great will work. So excited to see some more (powerfull) highlander specific card. The other new singleton card are so underwhelming sadly.
Great article; I agree with several of the card choices!
Unfortunately, all highlander cards will be useless because of Bomb Warrior.
We shall see, at the very least, highlander decks can potentially become huge next year when BDP rotates out :) I know that is not what players want to hear right now, but having these cards open up possibilities in the future.
Boomsday project
Edit:stupid autocorrect changing boomsday to doomsday
Boomdsay Project
Oh yeah right
I frown on your pessimism.
I really think people are overestimating how easily bomb warrior will defeat highlander decks. I mean, its not like highlander decks can literally do nothing except play reno and zephers.
it's not "How easy bomb warrior will defeat" Highlander Decks., it's "how easy bomb warrior will disrupt" highlander decks. Getting that 2nd bomb into the deck negates all that Highlander decks need to work, but it's not an Autopilot win, you still have to kill them.
No "Explosive Reorigination: If there are any Bombs in your deck, shuffle them into your opponent's deck" card, so yeah. I don't think we'll see many Highlander decks once the meta has settled. I'm actually excited to play Priest this expansion. My favorite decks in Hearthstone are midrange decks where I can keep my minions alive and buff or synergize with them.
Indeed, the vulnerability of Highlander to Bombs is such a bummer, that it may raise more complaints than Blizz may want to receive (for an archetype that is known not to be a threat for the meta anyway).
I am glad Bomb Warrior is marginal in Wild, but i maintain Bomb is an awful design.
This is pretty accurate to my choice too