Just came here from Hearthpwn
Submitted 5 years, 9 months ago by
Hello everyone!
I heard the terrible news about hearthpwn closing and heard some users say they were gonna come here.
Hope this will be a great experience to everyone.
Cheers !
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Hello everyone!
I heard the terrible news about hearthpwn closing and heard some users say they were gonna come here.
Hope this will be a great experience to everyone.
Cheers !
Same. I'm mainly here for the 80 Quest Trading. Hopefully it gets carried over from HearthPwn.
As long as this site doesn't have the redirects to spam websites then I'm sold. ;)
This is never going to happen. An audible fuck that can be heard right now.
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So, we'll probably setup a temporary thread for it but we are going to build out a custom system for it since its so popular. Goal is to have reputation involved and any scammers end up permanently battle tag banned from it. There was still a small chance of scammers being seen on HearthPwn, no more once the system is in place here.
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Considering that OoC is not tied to Curse but it's an independant board I don't think that Fluxflashor and the others that are managing it will put that on here, at last for now. With some support from the community on Patreon and Twitch they should probably be fine considering how big the HearthPwn community was.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Same for me :)
Will there be an inkeeper thingy here for my collection as well?
Yes! I'd love the reputation feature. I would like to see how other players are ranked before I add them.
Non related - Is the trophy feature going to be implemented here in the future?
Will the forum eventually get a structure similar to hearthpwn's forum? - with sub forums dedicated to specific things?
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
Same here! Good luck to OOC!!
Good luck to OOC team! p.s. please make decks sortable by rank or something :)
Achievements will indeed be coming in the future! I want to do a lot of fun stuff with them, but more on that when we're closer to their arrival. =
Founder, Out of Games
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Yeah! I'm curious about that too!!
I love theorycrafting and the Inkeeper helps me a lot so I can adapt my collection when deckbuilding...
Btw, I use my mobile a lot and enjoy the mobile interface
Congrats and good luck on your new endeavor, flux
Glad to be here! I'm formerly known as XMegaMike on Hearthpwn. Good luck to Flux and the rest of the team!
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"
Is there anything (in terms of features/content) that's currently on hearthpwn that won't make it to this site?
soon™... Check out this thread. ;)
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, "Hey Matt, how can we get back on the right track?"
Created an account when the site opened before but am going to officially swap my bookmarks over now.
Wish you the best Flux.
There will most likely be a plugin for use with hearthstone deck tracker at the very least. No ETA of course but it's definitely something that's been discussed.
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Hi Guys.
Hope for a Fun time here.
Hey flux , keep up the good work bro! Been following you since 2k14 ,not gonna stop now!!
Welcome to the party pal!
O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
Goal is 1:1 features but tons more! It will take us a long time to rewrite some of the much older content like full adventure guides for naxx and such, but it will eventually get done, and maybe even be updated properly
Founder, Out of Games
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Sweet :)
Sorry to see Hearthpwn close up shop, but I'm excited to see how things go here. I'm definitely looking forward to the Magic content, as that has been a big obsession for me lately.
Thanks Flux, your dedication is really pretty kick-ass :)
Props to Flux for making a new place for us all! I'm still really sad to see Hearthpwn go, but hopefully this will be a new home, in time.
Do you really need to rewrite it? I mean.. the information is there and didn't you guys wrote it? or is it copyrighted to curse?
End of an era but beginning of a new. Excited for where it takes us! :D
I'm really sad to see Hearthpwn go too. It's a place where I made a lot of friends and allow me to hone my cards creation skill. I hope the site will host some Card Creation Competition like the old site. I had an expansion idea ready to go but now the site closed down. :/
The CCC will certainly move here, and we have some cool ideas to enhance it as well which were not possible on Hearthpwn.
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Yep. I do not have any ownership over HearthPwn. Any content I wrote while working for the site is rightfully theirs.
Founder, Out of Games
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Coming from Hearthpwn :(
What I loved about the site was the easy accesibility to everything. Not just that but the prescence the website had. There was something very lively about the website and I hope that's something this website can do. Right now it feels very bare bones and lifeless (In terms of presentation and color palette). I hope this site gets a similar treatment to Hearthpwn.
On another note I think it would be really cool if there was a way to show our old Hearthpwn stats here. Just so long time users can get some recognition for past achievments on Hearthpwn.
Great! Achievements were my favorite thing about Hearthpwn
Substance#1425 Add me! (Americas server)
I also think you guys should make a big post about moving to this website. There's a closing down post but there's no post telling people unless in the comments about moving to this one.
I'm here from Hearthpwn too.
My 1,381 posts and 3219 likes though.. PepeHands
Sad moment made less painful with this shiny (well, not so much) new tavern!
Good luck Flux and mods! I'll give all my support!
Not really something I'm allowed to do unfortunately
Founder, Out of Games
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welcome back, guys
mm, do i smell an in-site card creator ? :P
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I will likely regret saying this so early, but yes
Founder, Out of Games
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wow, I was just trying to be silly but it ended up I'm right.
Glad to hear that tbh. I am always worried that they will design the same card with me while I am trying to open the hearthcards, upload the image etc. Now it will be quicker.
That's an awesome addition. :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Dude, I was scared. Hearthpwn is my top visit page in bookmark. So glad to see Fluxflashor opened this new site!
I think a lot of us are here because of it. It’s so crazy
Sad to see Hearthpwn go. Also hi Flux.
Shout out to Flux! Glad you are on top if this. My heart sank with the announcement.
Hearthpwn Squad up in this bitch about to take over the site
We should have some sort of HearthPwn memorial.
Trying to go to whatever site Kaladin isn't at Kappa.
Invalid Deck ID
Actually I'm glad that this site belongs to the passionate guys who worked for heartpwn and not to a company that seems to be disconnected from their users.
I will totally support this site and this team and if you guys need any help please let us know.
I just came for the Salt
Aesthetically this site is already much better. Everything is sized well for mobiles and the font / colours make it easy on the eyes. Thanks to everyone involved with the new site.
So this is Hearthpwn now? Hi.
Hello sir
Just came over from Hearthpwn. Wasn't much of a poster over there and don't expect to be here but hello to all. Will need my "get the weekly tavern brawl done quickly deck section". :)
Yesterday I was sad about closing heartpwn site. Today I'm here and I have hope again :)
Also came from Hearthpwn, who would say :-P
I like this new site very very much, keep up the good work! ;-)
Nice to see some familiar faces already :)
My Greetings, outof.cards! The site looks absolutely fantastic and doesn't lag, which is a true privilege for those of us coming from Hearthpwn. Hopefully we can retain all of the users who made Hearthpwn great while shedding all perpetual whiners who can't read
By the way, I've been told this site is going to do more card games than just HS? I'm excited to find out which ones. Hopefully there will be MTGA so the Shermanator has reason to drop by
Sad to see Hearthpwn go too, but so happy to see Fluxx is giving the community a new home here!
I saw the closing coming, they stopped supporting core features, and started closing projects. also this site was the last nail in the coffin people speculated the site is going to close since march
Another refuge from hearpwn. Same username I had there. @Fluxflashor good luck mate. I hope it will be popular like how big Hearthpwn was.
Hearthpwn without Curse, great!
Hope we see the CCC soon! :)
On another note, perhaps the site is a little too dark? Maybe a red/white motif works? (Something like this https://www.bloodyelbow.com/).
Congratulations and good luck!
Wow just came back from a flight and hopped on the Hearthpwn website and was totally shocked. I've been a member for 3 years and this was so sudden I still can't believe it as I'm writing this now. So many memories from Hearthpwn I really hope out of.cards can live up to the legend that was/is Hearthpwn.
Also hi everbody :)
Hello, guys! I wasn't a member of the hearthpwn but I used the site for a long time and now I'm here and I registered. I hope this site will be as good as hearthpwn.
Hi there!
just found out about HearthPWN and as sad as this news is i was looking for a "replacement" and i read about this site.
So i thought i'll check this one out and hope that it is gonna be my new HearthPWN :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Howdy Sir!
Hey Hearthpwners im new here too .. This site actually seems nice so i hope its the continuation of Hearthpwn. It was really nice to have a site that informs you about everything that happens to the game and when it will happen
Man its really sad that Hearthpwn is closing :/
Also does this site have a decktracker like Innkeeper ?
Hello guys , i guess this will be my go to site form now on .
Just 1 question : This site now is yours right ?? i mean we woudn't want history to repeat itself ,there was so much work invested in Hearthpwn hands down to all you moders . Thank you and keep up the good work.
The king is dead, long live the king!
Let's create some "Please nerf X!!!" threads, to make this place more familiar and cosy ;].
Anyway, good job guys, thanks to this site Hearthpwn community won't spread.
Hearthpwn user checking in
Yay, there is hope as I found my new home! Now I'll just patiently lurk around here while you guys are building what your vision is for this new HS ressource! I think it's going to be awesome!
Graphic chart does not feel confortable :/ Need light
To a bright future! Wishing all the best to Flux and mod team for keeping the community alive, keep up the awesome work you've been doing for years!
I also just came over from hearthpwn. I didn't know that hearthstation was back up again under a new name! Great to see!
I was sad to see that Hearthpwn would be shut down, I was a member for 4+ years ... but then someone sent me a link to this site.
Good luck to Flux and his team, I have no doubt that the content you guys provide will be as good as the one we got on Hearthpwn.
Give em time and it will be even better mate :)
All generalizations are false.
from Hearthpwn we come - to outofcards we go ! hopefully with a tradequest-thread soon :)
Wenn die Pflicht ruft - gibt es viele Schwerhörige...
Will we have any site achievements system? Those hidden were quite interesting.
I've smoked a lot of ganja dust so I'm forever not2fast
We definitely will! I'm also eagerly awaiting those.
I'm gonna miss you hearthpwn
I'm really surprised that there's no notification system on when the threads we posted to / followed have an update yet. It's the feature that made me finally relents and sign up for Hearthpwn. Hope to see it here soon.
Same! Glad there's a source for forums with mods I'm familiar with.
Excited to see the site grow.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Happy to see so many users already here. Lets make this community the biggest one .
One door closers, another opens.
Hopefully this site will also have a Card Design Competition, was always fun to compete in that.
Now I'll have to get my Card Design Champion status again! :P
same here, glad there's an alternative
Same here. Was sad to read of Hearthpwn's demise, but glad to read of this new site. Looking forward to continued awesome Hearthstone discussions.
Came here from Hearthpwn. Was a member for 4-5 years, so it was sad to hear the news. Looking forward to a great future here!
Start date: 5/16/14 Current gold: 16,410 Current dust: 17,200 Play wins: 10,786 Legendary from crafting: 26
Cash spent: $125.00 Lifetime gold: 177,110 Dust reserves: 62,985 Arena Wins: 907 Legendary from packs: 127
Came here from Hearthpwn too... Thanks so much Flux, this will be great!
I just came here, too. The good news is that I was able to get my gaming nickname without having to attach a bunch of Xs to the end of it. So I've got that going for me ... which is nice.
Hi all! Excited to be here too :) Good luck Flux and team! Cheers!
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
Me too. I am here from hearthpwn. Sad times!
Came here from Hearthpwn as well. I'm gonna miss that site :(
Anyway, this new site looks sweet! Looking forward to visiting here often.
naxx is out?
👿In dalaran I am pimpy👿in set reviews I was wimpy👿as minions die my cost gets shrimpy👿You guessed it right👿I'm jumbo impy
👿In dalaran I am pimpy 👿in set reviews I was wimpy 👿as minions die my cost gets shrimpy 👿You guessed it right 👿I'm jumbo impy
Hello everyone!
I hope that this site will be a new hearthpwn with all the good things taken from them... Now that there are staff here that have experience from previous place there no place for excuses ;)
I strongly hope that the news about this site will spread widely to gather more people that are to be cut from previous site, afterwards all the rest is in your hands, noble staff and site owners! May the force be with you! :)
Well, I follow Flux forums since http://fluxflashor.net/ / wowleaks.
This one will be great, just like the others. :)
Hey everyone, another Hearthpwn transfuge, just saw a link pointing to here. To future fun!
I am glad to see the community still holding together after the bad news about Hearthpwn.
Seems like a great site! I'm ready to transition into a new era :P
I'm a decent guy. Sometimes my writings don't reflect that though!
Okay, let's give it a try. Gonna miss the old one for sure but change is not always as bad as we think of it.
edalyas, reporting for duty!
Seeing the forum so empty is bizarre. Won't take us long to get back to normal though.
Hola, also just came over from Hearthpwn.
There's definitely a bit of a transition period going on but i don't doubt things will pick up here. Welcome all who just joined!
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Hearthpwn is dead!! Long live Hearthpwn!!
Already switched as the latest news just isn’t making it onto the sinking ship anymor
Same here. Hope this will be better than Hearthpwn, especially in terms of cards collection - that issue was a bit laggy there as of late.
cant agree more, truly enjoyed HearthPwn, and hopefully i´ll feel like home here aswell :D
“No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way is without enemies.” Daisy Bates.
Well I'm here, that means this site is alive and well!
worst community ever
YOoooooooooo. Hope this place is more active than the old place.
Oh hell yes. The party has officially started.
Founder, Out of Games
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If you are planning on playing WoW on US realms, consider using my recruit link =)
Hi everyone! Been playing Hearthstone since Naxx, been reading Hearthpwn almost as long. Never made an account before, but figured this was a good time to jump in! Was hoping to do my first post in the Pepper Thread, but can't figure out how to add a screenshot. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
One of the buttons in the post interface has a button that reads "Insert/edit image". Upload your image to an image sharing site (Imgur would probably be the best one), and copy the URL. Click the aforementioned "Insert/edit image" button and paste the URL into the box that reads "Source". You'll know you did it right when the Dimensions numbers come up.
Once you have that done, click the "Ok" button.
Hey! To post a screenshot you first need to upload the image to a hosting site like imgur, then you want to use the url it will provide you (where the image is stored). Be sure it is the direct link; this means it has the file extension at the end, like .jpg or .png.
On the forum here you can just paste it into the post and the image should appear, or click the image button beside the link button in the editor and enter the link there (there's additional sizing options there, just make sure it isn't too big).
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As someone who mainly comes here on mobile, this is huge, so thank you. Hearthpwn became nearly unusable on mobiledue to the spam.
Great job on the site so far. I'll be around for sure.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
I could even bear some ads, say in some small banners or sidebars, but when they become invasive, or even unavoidable redirecting scams as with HearthPwn, well that's unbearable on the long run.
A clean site here is a huge upside indeed.
Thanks for the replies, haven't used Imgur before, so I'll try it out tonight.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Also just arriving from HearthPwn and super relieved that this is here as HearthPwn was my daily morning ritual to put off work (though I never got the super secret achieve :() Is there a thread of post on her that explains what exactly happened? I assume Flux isn't allowed to speak about it on HearthPwn due to some contractual obligations with Curse or something, but was just curious what went down.
Mostly just pumped that the content I've enjoyed for so long will continue!
Check out that post if you haven't yet.
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same for me :)
That sounds awesome, looking forward to it :-)
So nice to see all this ppl from Hearthpwn here. Let's go!
Great! But MAKE SURE everything we do now counts towards the future achievements :) For all of us - the early birds supporting you since Day 1 :) I'm an achievements whore :D
Great to see the team becoming independent and putting their full creativity and skills for the best!
In Flux we trust!
Wish you a lot of success guys, we're with you! :)
What's Hearthpwn? It's always been "Out Of Cards" hasn't it? (I'm trying to start a new mandela effect)
Hey Guys, came here from Hearthpwn as well. Just like many others, it has always been the default bookmark page to go to over the past 5-6 years. I hope Out of Cards will truly replace it! Still lots of work to do on this website, but I have faith that it will become better over the time!
This should be possible for MOST stuff. Obviously if we have an achievement to view a certain page that isn't something we're tracking right now. The same would go for like, logging in to the website for x days in a row (I don't think we're gonna do that).
Founder, Out of Games
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Came here from HearthPwn, which was the best HS site IMO. Hopefully this site will deliver the same or better :)
Invalid Deck ID
Just wanna say hi, as many others have done. Can't wait to see the site grow and the salt flow!
Hello everyone, I’ve joined this community today as well... also an old hearthpwn member (pre-merge with Twitch).
Looks good so far! Keep up the good work!
yup i'm here too, hoping this site can be as good as hearthpwn was, just need to give it time for the site to get proper up and running, but so far so good i'd say.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
Welcome everyone. already seen tons of familiar people here. I've switched to uploading my decks here as well, not uploading to Hearthpwn any more since I uploaded my last deck there last week.