Your standard ladder climb (October 2019)
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
I miss (a bit) monthly threads we used to have in "that other HS forum" about our legend climb each season so, why not starting them here?
My objective each month is rank 5 (I don't play enough hours per week to be any more ambitious). I climbed very fast in the first days with Flamewaker so I was quite optimistic, but then I fell in a losing streak, so I switched decks. Neither Secret Paladin nor Murloc Shaman have worked especially, I've been in rank 7 for 2 full weeks!!! The grind is real this month...
I'm going to try Tempo Rogue now, I need a change!
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I miss (a bit) monthly threads we used to have in "that other HS forum" about our legend climb each season so, why not starting them here?
My objective each month is rank 5 (I don't play enough hours per week to be any more ambitious). I climbed very fast in the first days with Flamewaker so I was quite optimistic, but then I fell in a losing streak, so I switched decks. Neither Secret Paladin nor Murloc Shaman have worked especially, I've been in rank 7 for 2 full weeks!!! The grind is real this month...
I'm going to try Tempo Rogue now, I need a change!
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Yeah murloc shaman has fallen off quite hard against the evolve shamans.
If you want to give secret paladin another go I'd recommend the highlander build. That one should easily get you to rank 5.
I've been using it myself together with highlander hunter. Currently rank 4 but not sure I'll be playing much more with the League of Legends world championship going on.
I climbed from rank 7-9 (I don't remember exactly) to rank 5 in like two days with evolve/quest/lackey shaman. If you don't mind playing a deck everyone hates then I should be a fairly easy climb.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
i got from rank 25 to rank 21 with a budget tempo rogue. that's it
For some reason I torture myself and continue to try and hit legend each month despite the rewards being terrible and the suffering being exquisite.
I got there this month using Evolve Shaman. For a deck that's supposed to be Tier 1, I still found the climb challenging. Although that probably says more about me than the deck!
I'm not a big ladder player, but a friend mentioned how good Secret Mage was in Wild and I have Aluneth so I figured "why not?" Got from 20 to 12 so far playing a few games each day - crazy win % (not sure exactly since I don't use decktracker) so will probably push to 10 this month then try for 5 next month before set rotation.
Not you mate. Even the best decks have around a 55% winrate. On average that means 166 games from rank 5 to legend.
I hover around rank 4-5 each month because I don't have the time or drive to go for legend (I got it once, that was enough). This month I gave up on ladder altogether and am enjoying arena for the first time in a while because Evolve Shaman is insufferable to play against.
Communism is just a red herring
I climbed from rank 10 to rank 3 using a combination of Rez Nzoth Priest and Quest Druid. Quest Druid took me most of the way though. Funny thing is the quest druid was made by the auto complete function that Blizz implemented into the game.
O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
My goal for climbing is rank 15 and I reached that in the first week this month. I think I was playing mostly Quest Paladin at the time.
Since Doom in the Tomb all my old decks are basically useless. Now that I've accepted that I've been playing Malygos Shaman and that works very well against the likes of N'Zoth Priest and Rogue. I haven't faced another Shaman yet though, which is weird, since half my opponents were playing Evolve or Overload or Murloc Shaman decks a few days ago.
I preferred the original Uldum meta; almost every decent deck was playable. In the current meta, you can't out-tempo evolve effects (other than hoping they don't draw Evolve/Mutate in time), while if you're going for a more defensive strategy you need to be able to out-greed or OTK the N'Zoth decks. This leaves far fewer options for deck building.
I climbed to legend with a pretty strong winrate as quest shaman (before the evolve patch). It's my favorite deck but it's so busted now ladder isn't even fun to play.
No, thank you! I also hate the deck.
About Highlander Secret Paladin, I lack 2 legendaries: Zephrys is definitely worth crafting, but I don't think so about Finnley. It can't be so hard to climb those 2 last ranks! I'll find a way! xD
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
I reached rank 4 with a flamewaker deck including mecha'thun (which I only needed once). Then I started experimenting with some other decks since the deck is a bit of a one-trick pony, so I am still at 5 now.
Yep. The pre-Doom meta was pretty balanced/solid. They really mucked it up with this event, but luckily the old meta will be back soon.
Communism is just a red herring
When will that be? Only trhing I read is "when the next major patch is released" but when will that be?
The the release of the new expansion
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
It won't be until the next expansion that the wild cards swill leave.
I assume it's likely will be the patch with the new expansion around December.
Well my goal each month is just to reach rank 10, possibly rank 5 if the meta allows me, because i don't have much time (and money). So far i bring Evolve Shaman to the ladder because i got Vessina in a pack, so i think why not. I've also try my own variant of N'zoth priest with King Phaoris because i happen to have him from pack, too. Those decks seems pretty successful around rank 15 - 10. Idk what it takes to get to rank 5, though..
So basically we have to face N'zoth walls and Evolved Hare's and Flamewakers for another month (except if they nerf something).
I rushed ladder to rank 5 just two days before the beggining of the event with Highlander Hunter. Something was telling me that if i didn't do that, it would be impossible to reach rank 5 after the event started. I'm really glad i did that because the meta became a true nightmare. I have spent most of the time after that just playing around with the cards and testing meme decks.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Hi nice topic! I reached rank 5 from rank 8/9 in a week with the quest paladin with zoth package. i run one copy of witch's cauldron too
I really hope its not until December. I can't see Blizzard letting another nearly two months go by where 1 DECK is being played in 20% of games, and one class at 35%. They've been more proactive with balance this year
Communism is just a red herring
Blizzard is in a bit of a bind this time though. They can't really nerf Evolve. It's a Wild card that's only back temporarily. (I'm not sure if it's really a problem in Wild?)
So what can they do? I suppose they could remove Evolve and replace it, temporarily, with something else from Wild. I doubt that's going to happen.
All things considered, I wouldn't put it past them to wait until early December and just let November be Shamanstone. I recall when DK Rexxar was everywhere and the most infuriating card to play against. Even after they nerfed the Lesser Emerald Spellstone, there was still a long stretch of time where Hunter was very oppressive. And then the April rotation came. Similarly, I expect Blizzard to do nothing and let the December new expansion / return of the cards to Wild solve the problem by itself.
I'm currently taking a hiatus from ladder- normally I finish in or around legend, but when the meta is as unpleasant (for me at least) as it is now ill take a break rather than torture myself and forever ruin the game for myself. Like Starscream mentioned, Hunterstone was pretty brutal and I came back after a couple of months with my passion for the game renewed for a bit. I'm sure I'll return, fool that I am, when the next expansion hits.
They could just make evolve 2 mana while it's in standard. I don't know but I hope they fix it soon
Quest shaman is one of my favorite decks of all time but after the initial hype of the new patch died down I don't even feel like playing. shit is degenerate. The shaman mirror used to have a lot of decisions (with a lot of variance) but you could hedge advantages. Now it's literally just "who got the good cards".
Well I lost some joy but I got it back with this deck:
Deck code:
Or check it out at my decks, will add it there as well.
It is a hand mage with Mountain Giant , Conjurer's Calling and Khadgar etc. But also jan'alai, face manipulators and...lo and aligners and meteorologists and galaxy spell.
It's a joy to play, late game value is insane and something unusual for the opponent. Tried it out in casual but this morning unleashed it on ladder and it took me from 5 to 4 already. It can put pressure from turn 3/4 with giant, regain board with meteorologist and deliver my all time favorite combo with khadgar+faceless+jana'lai doing 32 dmg "Die insect!". It can win from any deck out there.
As I play on a budget, and don't have *that* much time to grind away, my target is rank 15.
I got to 12 with my Doom Hunter deck:
Back down to 14 now, I think. I get totally wrecked by all the latest Doom decks at those ranks.
So, with free arena tickets, I dipped my toes in that. Generally fairly average, but managed back-to-back 12-2 + 11-3 runs.
I climbed from 9 to 5 with Aggro Warrior.
Right now im messing around with different builds because this month i do not have the time to try the legend grind - and my usual target is rank 5 :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Climbed from 15 to 8 in wild with Mech Hunter and Mech Pally... only doing quests and farming for the 1.000 wins portrait. Then switched to Secret Mage, which is a nice change from all those mechs. First world problem: I'm at 800 wins with mage, but I also got the Medivh skin 3 years ago. I'm not sure if I even want to use the alternate Jaina skin once I get it.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Very casual month this time, Arena hooked me for good. Still managed to get to Rank 1! I may try legend on the last day if i can find some time. I played a bunch of T2 decks and worse. N‘zoth rogue got me far, highlander hunter is still fun, Druid was great before shaman got so prominent, ...
Highlander Paladin lost me a bunch of stars, i fail to find the win condition on this one.
Overall i‘m doing well in this shamanstone! But i guess all good shaman players are long legends by now..
Winner winner chicken dinner
Got to rank 5 with combo-whip-warrior (danes list) and n'zoth-rogue quite easily this month, then continued to experiment with otk-ra-warlock and hakkar-control warrior and surprisingly kept climbing, hovering between rank 3 and 4 now.
I usually don't play much beyond dailies after reaching 5 but this time I am really enjoying the meta, n'zoth is among my favorite cards as he can be a great tool to stall out or be a win condition in itself.
I don't really get why everyone hates on shaman that much, sure if of they luck out with an early evolve it sucks, but there have been far worse things around imo(maybe that's because I also play wild and am used to being hit in the face for 20dmg in turn 4). They don't seem that strong, I think the main selling point of the deck is how straight forward and ez to play it is. The only thing annoying about it for me is how many you face at times, but like I said, could be worse.
In general I think it was a good idea to bring back some wild cards, will be interesting to see if any more strategies evolve(hehe) or things stay the same now for the rest of the event/expansion.
Used Highlander Hunter on NA (9/0 from 8 to R5), Tempo Rogue on EU cuz Shaman was so prevalent, 6/1 from 7 to R5). Set for the next month.
Used a recent mage deck of Thijs (anti Shaman deck) to play some games yesterday evening, got me from 5 to 4 again. Probably will not get a lot higher since there is not enough time left. But its a solid deck that can win any matchup given reasonable draw.
Link to deck? Mage is next on my 500 list and looking to something to counter Shaman, since that's all I see these day
Communism is just a red herring
Here is the link to his video: Its the one from yesterday on his twitch channel, I just manually added cards from a screen shot, I dont have a link to the deck, but maybe it can be found somewhere else. He intended to destroy all shaman's with it, although his first match with a shaman went...not so well :).
So I reached rank 6 the first week and I finished... rank 7. Worst season in a looong time. Sometimes I hate this game.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Well new run started @rank 8. First game: against a resurrect priest (in the left corner). I had brought my Thijs Kills All Shamans deck (in the right corner). An epic fight ensued. We removed stuff, refilled board, did some damage, healed some also, repeated those tactics until we both had 3 cards left in the deck when I finally still had some board he could not remove anymore. An epic struggle but I won.