New Mage Spell - Learn Draconic
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A new Common Mage Spell, Learn Draconic, has been revealed!
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A new Common Mage Spell, Learn Draconic, has been revealed!
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What's a sidequest?
so I'm just gonna assume sidequest means you can play it alongside a regular quest and it doesn't start in your opening hand.
Kinda comparable to Rat Trap at this point, but seems like a pretty bad topdeck.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I don't think sidequest will work just like a quest.
My guess is It will work like the spellstones in KaC.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I daresay it works exactly like a Quest, but you can accomodate it with other Quests.
The design is great anyway. The real power may be lackluster tho...
It works like quests ok but I really wonder that can we play them together;
I mean playing a quest and sidequest card at the same time. I really wonder that's possible or not.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Little-spell quest mage will be so fun! You play the quest and sidequests, play a bunch of small spells, draw and generate even more spells. Even better with Flamewaker.
Me hungry! You Yummy!!!
By the time opponent can play skulking geist, you can already burst them down or at least play most of your 1-cost spells :))
This doesn't have to be from small spells though. This into Power of Creation is two 6 drops plus a 6/6. You can likely still play this outside of a casino mage archetype and have it work.
That's also what I came here to say.
This side quest seems at least more interesting than the one hunter is getting.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This could be pretty good to set up an AoE swing turn with Flamestrike or Blizzard. Sticking a 6/6 on an empty board is a lot more threatening than playing it into enemy minions, even if you're playing control.
This is a Value card, as most Sidequests will be by design.
However minor, it requires setup, so it does nothing the turn it is played (poor Tempo), EXCEPT from turn-9 and later, which can still be considered as a Value move, within the economy of HS.
All in all, these cards can only fit Midrange or Control decks.
To be seen if worthy of the slot tho. Probably only specific Midrange/Control will benefit from them, despite the condition being quite generic.
UNLESS an efficient tutor is printed.
Learn Draconic might not be a tempo play, but the turn it activates it's a huge tempo swing, effectively a zero mana 6/6. In that sense it can be compared to cards like Arcane Tyrant and Anubisath Sentinel. Now I happen to think that 8 mana is just a pinch too much to make this card good in tempo mage decks(at 7 it'd be a LOT easier to complete with 2 spells by turn 4), not to mention the fact that that deck lacks a certain Flamewaker at the moment, but it's a mistake to look at Learn Draconic as just value. The fact that you can "pay" for your dragon over a number of turns while using that mana to draw cards, kill minions, deal damage, etc. makes this side-quest a very powerful tempo-swing.
Yeah, but as i said, it does fit only in Midrange or Control, because only there you can afford to have a card in your deck/hand with no effect on the play-turn.
In other words, it is a CONDITIONAL Tempo-swing, not a real Tempo-swing card.
Not to mention the fact that the real swing is applied by some eventual removals you play to unlock it: 6/6 on the board is no big swing per se, however cheap it is (it's not a Rat Trap that gives you a 6/6 ready on your turn).
Indeed, Arcane Tyrant is a Big Spell card: Midrange/Control.
This card will have so much utility. Small spell cycle, midgame tempo play, combos with Khadgar etc. I think this might end up being a very underrated card that will take many ppl by surprise how powerful it will end up being.
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I'm very interested in this side quest. It's a 1 mana 6/6. And Mage is going to spend 8 mana on spells multiple times during a game. Seems very powerful.
the sidequest with real sinergy with the quest
A 1 mana 6/6 cant be bad
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Mage has so many spells (including 3 at/over 8 mana by themselves) this is an easy fit into any mage deck. Not sure how impactful a random 6/6 body will be, though people do play around Rat Trap to avoid that 6/6 triggering, so certainly not NOTHING. Basically it's the cherry on top of Mage doing what it already does - hard to ever go "wrong" with that.
This is crazy good for so many reasons:
- Obvious apprentice mana cyclone combos that end up with a big boi dragon.
- Possibility to use questing explorer in your deck, seeing as it is one of the best body/mana draw card.
- you complete this quest with normal mage plays, no need to change your deck to specifically use the quest.
- Finally, who else remember rogues doing auctioneer turns ending up in big edwins/spiders/arcane giants? well mage now can do that but with dragons.
6/6 which can be summoned after a boardclear automatically. Nice one.
Play Power of Creation on turn 9 or 10 alongside this card, and suddenly you have two 6-cost minions and a 6/6 right next to them. Set it up beforehand and drop Khadgar for additional shenanigans. And of course Mana Cyclone, as others have noted. Really good card.
I think this one could be great! I mean, Hunter plays the Rat Trap for 2 mana which can be played around, while this condition is very easy for mage to fulfill. Sidequests are a cool idea.
I like the concept, but without starting in hand, it just seems too disappointing as a top deck.
Strange card .. I don't like it very much, but I think that can possible find a room in some cyclone mage or whatever.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I don't know what you thought on this but i see a potential in this card.
I mean, ok, I know how hearthstone might be so fast in some games but it rewards slower decks greatly.
Turn1 this, turn2 Frostbolt turn3 Arcane Intellect turn4 any secrets and this or Fireball seemed a good play to me.
even for late game, This can be used from a leftover mana. We all have 1 mana left at some point of the game. 6/6 for 1 mana is not bad at all. Ok, its simply 9 mana but you can spare your turns and other 8 mana on spells will do other stuff too.
I liked this card.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Seems like a fine addition to Mana Cyclone Mage until the next rotation. Not too sure if it's too slow though, we'll have to test and see.
It is not very hard to spend 8 mana on spells, and mage won't have a hard time finding spells to cast. My main issue with the other the other side-quests is that if you top-deck them then it will just feel really bad. But I don't feel this way with Learn Draconic, mage has plenty of ways to generate spells, so even if you don't include this in your deck, it will probably show up sooner or later, and even if you weren't planning on playing it, it will still trigger the turn after it is played super consistently. I give it a 4/5.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I just can't get a read on the side quests. It's definitely a midrange thing because it's too slow for aggro but not impactful enough for control.
If you could start with this in your hand it would be way more exciting as it is, its just kind of fun. Nothing to write home about, but at least the payoff of a 1 mana 6/6 is cool.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
i like a lot the concept of sidequest, and this one is the strongest so far
I like this card - it also makes the whole side-quest thing very clear. This is a solid, if unexciting, reward for doing a bit more of what you would want to do anyway. Yes it doesn't start in your hand, but with or other cards that give you spells later on in the game (also looking at you, Quest Mage) then this could be good.
Hearthstone fan. Arch-nemesis: wifi drop-outs.
I just have the feeling it won't be to good. There may be times where you do not want to overcommit on the board, because of a likely boardclear (say, playing against warrior), and thus have to play spells. This sidequest will then screw you.
With Aprentice and all the random Card generation, this will definitly see play.
But I'm not convinced that People will put this into their Decks. I mean, a 9 Mana 6-6? Mehh...
ArtStation | Twitter
I don't see the value of this. Basically you are using a card slot & 7 mana to summon a 6/6 dragon. I might be wrong but I don't think it will see a lot of play.
Those sidequest are jokes... league of EVIL related classes will have stron hero cards and those classes which are related with league of explorers are gonna have...uselles mini-quests which do almost nothing :c
While a 6/6 is nice for just playing two or three spells, not really feeling like it’ll be that great given the other big plays you could do instead
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
You need to play spells, turn 2, 3, and 4 to summon it. Twinspell.
And you need the draw to compensate. Looks terrible.
Good card as it fits perfectly all mage archetypes!
Insane Sidequest!
Easy to fulfill, 6/6 is a solid minion. Looks like the best sidequest so far by far to me
Best side quest imo, one mana buffed up arcane tyrant
I can’t wait to summon a 6 mana dragon with 1 mana at the beginning of a turn, play a second Learn Draconic, then target the dragon with Conjurer’s Calling, then play it again and get another 6/6 dragon.
Good card for the quest but if you don't draw this early game it will just be a dead card..
Feels like an upcoming Firelands Portal with a consistent 6/6, I don't think people will want to run this in a spell heavy deck since you might not be able to draw it before needing to use your smaller spells. Instead, I see people using this in a slower control deck and try getting a high tempo play with big spells like a Flamestrike (with another spell), Pyroblast or even Power of Creation which can work with Tortollan Pilgrim (maybe not pyroblast...).
More dragons? Yes please!
I won't say that this would need to start in your opening hand. I'd be okay with it any time in the mid-game, depending on the size of the spells I've included. If it's in the bottom ~20% of your deck, though? Yeah, that'd feel bad.
Playing 4 2 mana spells give you a 6/6 body. However you want to add it up, it isn't a difficult effect for Mages to trigger. I like the card, and I hope it sees play.
I think this is a great card that could go into a lot of mage decks. No matter if you spam cheap spells (Cyklone, Flamewaker) or prefer a few heavy spells you can easily complete this twice a game with a nice free 6/6 body to show for it.
Descent, the tempo potential it's there but I'm afraid of times you draw it too late because this doesn't start in your hand like Quests do.
It seems decent to me as a tempo play the turn it completes, howhever im skeptical about it, not seeing it take a spot in your hand or deck whasoever
A delayed 1 mana 6/6 that you can control when it summons.
It seems powerful, can be a very nice tempo tool for an aggro spell burn deck in a similar way to Rat Trap. I feel like you can really look at this card in a similar way as Corridor Creeper in that you are cheating out an incredibly cheap minion with good stats, and 8 mana of spells seems relatively easy to achieve.
Could also see this being played in some Highlander decks to get some early board presence while they play a bunch of cheaper spells.
Like all other side quest is very strong. Will be played almost for sure looking at the other cards that they got this expansion
I think this card is good, not stellar or anything, but in a deck with a good amount of spells it can be useful to apply some pressure to your opponent while removing/freezing their board.
I'm not sure if it will be played in a cyclone mage deck because those decks want to play a lot of spells spending as little mana as possible.
Not worth a slot in any mage deck, IMHO.
One of the strongest sidequests IMO. We are getting some tools for cyclone mage this expansion so this card can fit in such decks very well. It's cheap and pretty easy to complete so it will not slow down a fast mage deck.
at this point this is basically just a 1 mana 6/6. really strong.
Ever felt the need to also have a decent body after that Flamestrike? Now you can! For 9 mana! Clear board, use Ray of Frost to freeze that big surviving minion and be ready for action with a 6-6. What I like about this quest is that the impending doom of a free 6-6 is a continuous threat. Opponent must take it into consideration.
And its a useful 1-mana play which Mage is a bit lacking. So it can be included to mulligan for and hopefully play it at turn 1. Or keep it for a nice combo with a big spell. However, there are so much powerful cards screaming for inclusion in your deck that I am sure this one will not be an auto-include. Also wondering about the interaction with Khadgar: if you have him in play will it summon two minions? Or not since its not a "card" anymore but a "sidequest".
Easy quest to complete. We trade a card for a dragon 6/ the faster we complete it, the better it is! An early 6/6 can win some games...
The common problem with this side-quest (at least for me) is that we don't want to draw it in late late game
Seems like such an easy auto-include in most any mage deck. Now if only sidequests were always in your opening hand!
Does anyone know if the sidequests can be generated by RNG cards?
1 mana 6/6 with the added cost of having to do something you already wanted to do...seems really powerful.
Need to play with it to see if its good enough for a deck slot but it is a good random card.
So its a 1 mana 6/6 that basically just pops up when you play the game normally as mage? this is going to be mighty and powerful
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Spending 8 mana on spells is easy for mages. In the late game, this side quest can even be completed within one turn. This card will definitely see play, however, it might not find it's way into more refined decks once the meta becomes solved.
1 mana delayed 6/6. Rat Trap was inconsistent, but saw play. Perhaps this one is better than that
Yea I think thats about right. This one seems rather weak overall, but its super nice to generate off of random effects.
Feels too slow and becomes awkward with Chenvaala or Sorceror’s Apprentice and Dragoncaster since this card wants you to spend mana while the latter three are trying to discount mana costs as much as possible for tempo gain.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Good reward for a spell heavy class. Not so certain which archetype this fits into, maybe cyclone mage?
I think it's a very good card. You 'll eventually summon a 6/6 dragon from casting spells. It fits into a few Mage decks and it's pretty great in Quest Mage, both in standard and wild.
Looks really good for Tempo, it's so versatile it's gotta be played somewhere.
Very simple to complete, and 1 mana for a 6/6 is clearly great value. Not 100% sure how effective this will be in practice, though. What is a mage going to do with a 6/6 dragon on the board (that you can't attack with until the enxt turn)? I'm also struggling to see how the spell synergies and dragon synergies will fit together in this expansion, and this card exemplifies that.
Can be very good at tempo Mage, condition is easy to accomplish and reward is solid. Also I can smell some shenanigans with Khadgar, Conjurer's Calling a potentially others. Definitevely curious about what meta will do with this card.
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