New Neutral Minion - Parachute Brigand
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Parachute Brigand, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Parachute Brigand, has been revealed!
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It's.....Patches....but you want to draw him.
They'Re really doubling down on the memes this expansion, aren't they?
This would have been fantastic if Even Rogue was still around...and it is still a pretty strong card in any class that uses low cost Pirates. Maybe we'll see a return of Raiding Party
In any case it's Cannon Barrage support and that makes me N U T
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This is absolutely disgusting. The possibility for wild Pirate Warrior to have the god tier opening hand of playing N'Zoth's First Mate on turn 1 and summoning 2 of these and Patches the Pirate.
6/6 worth of stats in pirates and a 1/3 weapon on turn one. SMH.
Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.
That's one crazy aggro card.
anyone remember that frozen fellow and what he did in the meta?
Similar to Patches the Pirate but obviously not as good as it summons from your hand.
This is some pretty crazy tempo for pirate decks, some very nice early game aggro cards is what we have been missing for some time now. Works very nice with Skybarge.
The high rolls with this will be real... potential 1 mana 5/5's incoming.
0 mana 2/2? yeah thats meta breaking for sure.
Imagine Wild Pirate-Warrior :
N'Zoth's First Mate into Patches the Pirate into this into Coin Southsea Deckhand
ArtStation | Twitter
wild: 1 mana 2/1, 2 2/2s from hand, patches from deck. pretty op
Pirate decks - they get cards in almost every expansion and from time to time they get enough to make a t1 deck. But I doubt it will be this time with so many dragons and board clears. Crazy aggo card, but with severe condition, compared to Patches.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
This is a strong aggro card, but its also dangerous. You can easily dump your whole hand and push for a fast lethal but it also means you already dumped your whole hand. It makes AoE better against you, because they know you're already used your resources and this isn't a super strong value cards, its just got great tempo. that said, in wild, turbo aggro is the only aggro.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Could be scary turn 1, beyond that though it’ll risk overextending a lot of the time. Encourages you to use that one weapon though to draw them early on
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Turn 1 nightmare scenario is facing a 1-drop and these come with it.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Patches, is that you?
Curious to see how Pirate Warrior would work in this meta. The pirate cards in Standard aren't exactly broken or anything, unlike during the broken Pirate Warrior era years back
Well it's over
don'T overhype this, a 2/2 really isn't that big of a deal, even when it comes down early
Reminds me of Heal-Zoolock, which was pretty crazy with the Happy Ghoul shenanigans, but it wasn't nearly as broken as people made it out to be.
I mean if someone (by someone I mean Rogue or Warrior) really gets the super start with this, the basically just played 3 cards at once, leaving them 1 or 2 in hand, meaning that if you are even somewhat able to deal with this and not have them snowball into a Southsea Captain they're out of ressources and haven't really accomplished much.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Patches from the hand with a better body! Must have in pirate decks!
This in wild, you could theoretically get 6/6 worth of stats on turn one. I fear that if pirate warrior can be a thing in standard, then it will be nuts in wild.
if seen this card been played a few times and i already hate it
2/2 patches that you can run 2 off. Ancharrr looks really really good now. Also might Raiding Party a thing again.
It's an auto include for any pirate deck and could get some highrolls here and there but it doesn't seem that strong. This doesn't have Charge to pressure them immediatelly and you are emptying your hand pretty fast. If they find a way to clear this and whatever else you played, you will be starved of resources and they will have plenty of time to establish a board, draw their board clears and so on. I can see this both winning the game pretty fast and losing just as fast.
"True mastery takes dedication."
The Patches from hand xd Strong Tempo play obviously. Will Pirate decks be viable in Standard? Idk, but Warrior and maybe Rogue might give it a shot..
I hate pirates,
That's just what I want to say about this card.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
"I'm in Charge!"
PLUS 2 copies of this.
1-mana 6/6 turn. Bravo.
Yo ho! Let’s goooooo!
if you have dream opening Sky Raider 2x Parachute Brigand and Ancharrr on turn 1 its pretty devastating
or bit late pretty amazing combo with Skybarge
Not as good as Patches the Pirate but pirates were always about tempo and fast aggro, so this fits nicely.
Looks good, but not OP. You risk overextending by dropping all of your Pirates right into an AoE. At least Ancharrr isn't pathetically out-of-place anymore.
It's not Patches. Useless on later turns and you wont have anything to play on early turns unless you have a lot of draw cards.
Frequently a free 2/2, super powerful on turn 1. Totally insane pirate card.
patches 2.0..pirate war says thanks! this is an insane card for pirate war! free minions
More comparable to Happy Ghoul than patches, but MUCH MUCH easier to play cause playing a pirate is much easier than healing your face..
Might even find it's way to other decks jsut by how powerful it is to cheat stats warlock zoo might run pirates just for this card.
People are getting hyped, but this is definitely weaker than Patches the Pirate. But in tandem with cards like Ancharrr and the Pirate synergy cards like Skybarge, I think Pirate Warrior might actually be a deck. It will probably not run Galakrond, and leave that strategy for Midrange/ Tempo Warrior. But face is the place for Pirates, which I think is healthy for the metagame.
Every other meta maybe, but this time, it's probably 90% DoD cards in every deck, which will result in a whole new powerlevel.
In a pirate deck, this is basically a 0 mana 2/2 pirate. That is good. This will see play as long as pirates are good. This will also be an amazing tempo play in the early game.
This will be a staple in all pirate decks forever.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Like we saw from the stream, this has the potential to be nasty, but is I think very high-roll dependent. I'm sure Pirate Warrior/Rogue will give her a whirl, just not sure how truly good it'll be.
I already hate all my skilled opponents that will draw both of them in their starting hand togheter with a 1 mana cost pirate. I think this card is super strong 5/5.
A different type of Patches the Pirate. This card is strong in all agro/aggressive pirate deck, but right now the only one that want this card is Pirate Warior in wild
Solid card, but it doesn't make Pirate Warrior any better in Wild.
Not while Arcane Flakmage exists.
0 mana 2/2 is a good card, especially with a pirate tag
Very good Pirate in general, can't see it being (too) broken. I doubt Standard Pirate Warrior will be high tier, and the Wild one fell apart anyway.
PATCHEEEEES!!! And pirates for warrior. Where is my renolock??? Can be a good tempo play but not in a degenerate way how patches was.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
strong enough to make pirate decks viable
patches but more stable and not that broken and maybe less interesting since no charge/rush mechanic. hmmm, 3/5?
A Patches the Pirate that you actually want to draw. This card will make pirate decks early game really annoying with the possiblity of 5/5 or more in stats on turn 1 just like with Happy Ghoul in Warlock (with the coin). Also this time we don't have Golakka Crawler to save us. Pirates are comming for our dragon booty!
More dragons? Yes please!
It's a huge tempo card in turn 1, Im a bit scared about where this is going,
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
2 in hand on turn 1 play the warrior pirate that adds more to your hand and get another they resolve in some weird manner and you have 4 minions on board. Combining this with the cannon is going to happen for sure also a bit better than current patches since he doesn't have charge
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This gives me chills... Seems like the Patches case has not been clear enough for Blizzard...
Good when dropped early, but you really need to have reliable draw engine, which is a hard task considering where you want to put this card. I guess it will find it's place in Wild.
Hmmm worst Patches... It's okay, should be played in hudge tempo pirate decks
This is an excelent card for Pirate Warrior. Maybe, this card will also find a place in the wild version of the deck. And this card is way more balanced than pre-nerf Patches the Pirate.
Patches is back, and this time around - after a long recovery from her surgery - she wants to be in your starting hand.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A decent card for a pirate warrior if he will exist this expansion! And this is another great addition to a Wild pirate warrior decks.
It’s good. Really, really good. Comes out as a free 2/2, it’s a Pirate with all the synergies that involves, and as it gets summoned it will trigger Skybarge and Ship’s Cannon.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This card makes pirate warrior tier 1 probably. Not as crazy as patches but you can run 2 of them and drawing it is actually good unlike patches.
Sneaky cheating pirate! Good card, more balanced than Patches. Pirate decks might be valid again.
When patches came out I gave it 5 starts. I was right, a strong board presence and a tutor effect turn 1 are insane.
This does not have a tutor effect. but there a 2 of them. and are 2/2.
If you can pull off at least one of these in 1/4 games turn one, they are already raising your win rate enough to be considered meta defining.
Oh man if you can get six of these in your hand with Rogue and have cannon barrage ready it's gonna be explosive
I guess this will be a staple in any standard pirate deck. In wild, I don't know, he existing list are pretty tight already. I'm not a big fan of pirate warrior : it was one of the most infuriating decks ever.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Aggro Pirate Warrior for the SmorC! Free cards are always welcome.
Certainly not Patches, but solid in pirate decks.
Crazy card for pirate warrior in wild. Might the new warrior pirate become the Sn1p-Sn4p warlock? We will see...
Great, new way to vomit pirates on board. Pirate warrior looking really scary right now.
Fun and interactive game.
worse than patches. empties the hand but it shouldn't be a problem with the new legendary weapon
I think this card will deserve some stats nerf. Don't know why it is so strong. On the other hand I believe I saw that you cannot summon both for free with just one minion (may be wrong) so that is that :/
Wow, and to think we used to like Patches. Of course, the hand restriction is limiting.
Incredibly strong card and you will almost always mulligan for it so you can have a broken turn 1.