New Warlock Minion - Chaos Gazer
Submitted 5 years ago by
A new Epic Warlock Minion, Chaos Gazer, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warlock Minion, Chaos Gazer, has been revealed!
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Talking about pressure and disturbing someone else game's plan ^^
Also, a demon - Yay!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
It's cool that we get some more hand disruption. Shame many of these cards are tied to the warlock class though.
absolutely broken against any kind of slower deck. imagine hitting a zephrys or reno or even a GULDAN with this on turn 3-4. obvioisly worse against aggro but theres still the the off chance to hit a leeroy or bloodlust with this on turn 3 where they cant hope to play it. im already afraid of it.
404 skill not found
The wording suggests it will be a random card. It would be amazing if it were discover, but that would probably be too busted and give too much info. I love that there is more hand disruption possibility. I really wish there was a good neutral option for it. I guess this does give Warlock a niche role of possibly having a control game plan and still messing with combo decks. Now if only they had a decent control deck in standard.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
It says a "playable" card, so I'm assuming it can only hit cards that they can actually afford next turn
If anything, the Demon tag counters Cubelock current synergies...
It's cool and playable but it also feels like Bad Luck Albatross.
Is there really a point of putting this into a deck...and if yes, which deck would it be. Zoo doesn't need it unless you're so bitter that you need to highroll your opponent into submission by hitting some combo piece or just a tech card.
Maybe Handlock runs it for the memes, they do love stalling after all.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Cool concept but won't see play, too situational if the opponent have a playable cards they will probably play it anyway too techy.. mostly vs control.. or make aggro overextend.. but you just played a 4/3 in a control warlock.. that's kind of too slow as a reactive play.
totally agree. imo is an amazing concept, but it not playable
Cool little Idea. Forcing your Opponent to either play a sub-optimal Turn or lose a Card is always great!
Also, with Cards like Gnomeferatu or Demonic Project in Mind, I really like that they are giving Warlock this little bit of „Combo Breaker" Class-Identity. I hope they give something similar to this to Rogue in the future. Playing „dirty" would fit so well to that Class.
ArtStation | Twitter
I love this against a combo meta!
Imagine hitting a 5+ mana card with this on turn 3. Could be disastrous for all Galakrond decks if you have Galakrond or Kronx Dragonhoof in hand
Well it's over
That would not be a playable card, so it's not going to happen.
In fact, I suspect this will very frequently hit a card the opponent is perfectly happy to play.
Good point! I didn't notice it specified "playable". Although it could still hit a Galakrond that isn't fully upgraded at later turns, which wouldn't be the most favorable situation.
Well it's over
Against a heavy control deck or a combo deck it’d be pretty good, since they usually have something they want to save in hand. Just thinking about this with a Brann feels dirty though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Its a conditional disruption card that doesn't screw you back (Demonic Project, Unseen Saboteur, etc.). On top of that it has vanilla stats, and costs only 3.
Its good enough to see play in almost all decks, at least as a one off. Besides which, it is also hilarious to play and watch as your opponent squirm as their unupgraded galakrond glows in their hand.
3 mana 4/3 not good enough for a card like this in aggro. hand disruption is nice to have but this ain't it chief
Living like that.
What happens to the corrupted card if it isn't played? Does it get discarded? Does it get transformed into a useless imp?
Strong card even as just a 3 mana 4/3 but I wish warlock weren't the only class to get combo-hosers.
Curious about the 'playable card'. Does it mean mana cost <= current oponent mana? Or mana cost <= next turn oponent mana?
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
Fascinating card. I love it. Have no idea how playable it will be though.
The more i think about it, the less excited i am. „Playable“ is for sure a card that can be played with the mana available. Remains to see if overloaded mana cristals or situational cards like execute are considered or not...
This is useless against aggro and mostly useless against highlander. I thought hitting Zephrys would be a good outcome but he would offer sacrificial packt, so forgett about that.
I see great use for this card against control. Forcing a brawl or Maybe even a plague of wrath on 5 can be hughe!
That’s about the best you can get though. I guess a not upgraded Galakrond on 7 is a welcome outcome aswell but probably unrealistic.
Overall, this card is sadl way to inconsistant...
Winner winner chicken dinner
I don't think this will see much play. Could be interesting in tournaments though - nobody expects you to run that one. Might find a spot in control decks, just like Gnomeferatu.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Looks like a "Reprint" of Gnomeferatu which is one of my favorite cards of all time. But unlike Gnomeferatu, Chaos Gazer gives your opponent the chance to actually play the card before it gets discarded.
This might be bad on paper, but most often your opponent might have wanted to save a card for later. Or a more realistic scenario is that your opponent has lets say 5 mana, and you hit his 4 drop. This means that your opponent has to use that 4 drop instead of putting down a 5 drop, or coin out a 6 drop. (Or just let that get discarded)
I think this card is pretty good overall, fits well in control warlock decks, but might actually fit into some aggro decks as well because of its decent stats, and as a way to annoy control decks, as control & combo decks usually have a bunch of board clears.
(It hits A CARD, meaning it can force out clears. Imagine playing this turn 9 against a priest, who might now debate if he/she should play their hit Plague of Death against a single minion or not, and after which you might play something like... warlock galakrond? Wait it's a demon, so it can actually be summoned by galakrond battlecry! this might probably be a bit of a boost to the stats you get from warlock galakrond's battlecry!)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I absolutely adore this card and the idea. I wish they print more of this stuff in the future. Even "select a card from opponent's hand to corrupt" or even "corrupt" as an mechanic.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
When I first read it, I thought "Curse of Rafaam", then finished reading... I want this without the "Playable" part... It's not really a great effect considering the RNG fiesta that Hearthstone is... I would bet that if "playable" weren't in the text, I would normally hit either Coin or a combo finisher card...
Now I know I'm gonna hit coin 90% of the time.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Cute but meh.
It's 100% metagame dependent...and even then, I'm not sure this is a good option.
It can only hit a card your opponent can play, so this will be awkward, but maybe not as strong to see play consistently? Might be decent, if there would be a lot of combo decks, so just taking out any part of the combo in late game can be good enough. Not an obvious T3 play tho, which makes it worse.
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Random or Fortunetelling Warlock?
If Random it's still good.