Earlier today we shared some insight from Dean Ayala on the highest winrate decks that the top 1% of players were playing over the past few days - there was a surprising amount of variation over just a few days, with 10 different decks vying for a place in the top five over the sample period.
We've collected some decklists for the top 5 archetypes of February 11th. These decklists all boasted good winrates in the bracket of the top 1% of players, which according to Dean constitutes around Rank 3 to Legend.
Quote From Dean Ayala Hey everyone! I spent some time today going through community feedback and interntal statistics for the Standard metagame. Wanted to share some thoughts on where we are now and where we might be headed in the near future.
Still seeing healthy fluctuation in terms of deck power levels every day. Here are some metrics for the best decks over the last four days. Data represents top 1% of players, which is approximately Rank 3 to Legend.
Feb 11
- Combo Priest – 55.4%
- Galakrond Warrior – 54.3%
- Dragon Hunter – 54.1%
- Mech Paladin – 53.9%
- Quest Druid – 53.7%
Combo Priest
Galakrond Warrior
Dragon Hunter
Mech Paladin
Quest Druid
Its really nice to see more and more stats coming from the hs team these days.
It's quite sad that there isn't even one proper Control deck among the 5 best performing lists (and even more sad that on of the best, if not the best, Control deck is Highlander Mage, which costs over 20k dust).
I guess we can define Quest Druid like that, but... ehh... I don't know how to describe exactly how I feel about it. But it is indeed the one I appreciate the most among the 5.
To be honest I don't see the rotation changing this trend at all, since (based on what we know now), these 5 lists will only lose:
game-ending only for one archetype.
What I'm trying say is that (again, given the information that we currently have: if by chance this year's rotation will bring chances to the evergreen set then all my comment may become extremely out of place) I'm afraid we're going to face another Year of the Raven (undewhelming sets which will be mostly overshadowed by the Year of the Dragon's ones) or we're gonna need a really impressive set in April in order to make the games last longer and punish aggressive lists (and then we're be all over again).
It's not that I hate the meta we're in (haven't played much Standard in the last week or so, but mainly due to personal duties), but I'd like to see some archetypes that haven't been on the radar for a long time (e.g.: an actual Control Priest that doesn't want neither of the two players to shoot themselves in the balls, a Control Warrior whose mirror isn't a pointless value shitshow that hits the turn limit, a DECENT Paladin deck that doesn't involve shooting your opponent from 25 to 0 or having nightmares about Hex and Polymorph,... I could go on, but I think I made my point).
I don't want to be a Doomsayer, but I'd rather like to read other users' opinion on the matter.
Hmmm . . .
I'm not sure if "quite sad" is a reasonable response to Iksar's post - he emphasised that the top five was volatile, changing each day (this site didn't show all the stats he posted). In any event, we'll seldom have one Aggro deck, one Control deck, one Midrange deck, one Combo deck, and something else among the top five - as long as Control is viable (you point out that it is), there really isn't much of a "problem."
Would you also have complained if there wasn't a Midrange deck on the list? A Combo deck? Aggro? Would you still be sad if Iksar had simply posted a top ten list, with a couple Control decks?
TBH, Iksar's post didn't stated which server his statistic was based on. I could be only from a single server, and there's alot of hearthstone servers going. So, perhaps we shouldn't really judge his statistic to be the only truth out there.
Edit: replied to the wrong comment
That is more of a personal preference.
My point was not "this deck-type isn't really competitive in this meta", but rather "Control decks, my favorite, aren't really viable because straight aggro is so consistent and Zephrys/Alex don't encourage you to go down that path".
we still have ~2 months before the expansions. So there's still time.
besides, don't worry about it, if the latter is true, meaning, DoD expansion is overwhelmingly strong, I think I can assume the trend is going to continue. The next expansion is going to be so massive, it needs to be on the same level to DoD. Reasons included,
1. We lose a lot of Mech tribe on next rotations, so it's natural to think that Blizzard would have to include a lot of new Mechs.
2. Plus, dragons tribe is already crowding, I believe they must create a non-Dragon tribes to even it out.
3. Team 5 is already experimenting with a lot of new mechanic, like Side-quest, new Warlock card mechanic Chaos Gazer, etc. What I mean is probably "Tech Cards". And we could also see a new synergies worked out.
Losing ~400 card to the wild (minus 135 new cards) is going to shake meta nonetheless. Even if the first expansion doesn't balance it out, Maybe the 2nd will, or maybe the last one will.
EDIT. I would also like to add, Zilliax is so good that even Combo Priest, Hunter, and Druid plays it. And they too will lose it when it rotates, not only Mech Paladin.
I don't know where exactly, but I somewhere read that there introducing a new Tribe in the next Hs year
New tribe?
let me guess. making Undeads/Treants/Kobolds/Gnomes/Goblins/Orcs/Elves/Golems tribes is near impossible, since Blizzard need to revamp every single units that has been printed out, both Standard & Wild.
Even if (And this is a big if), they need to create a new tribe, they really need to think about units that hasnever been printed at all. And there are so little that can fit that descriptions.
New Tribes:
Eredar Tribes : (I could say this tribe is similar to Demon)
Draenei Tribes : (The shadowy tribe that helps Kael in his campaign to help Illidan)
and the last one is probably Blood-Elf Tribes : the same one as Elves.
This is all but theory, outside from that. I'm not so sure Hearthstone gonna print out a new tribe at all.
This is my point: most list will lose only a card or two (one of them being Zilliax as you also mentioned), so there's no reason to say that the meta will shift massively. I hope to be wrong though.
Conclusion : The one dude that has been playing combo priest this season is pretty good :)
Probably Zetalots' alt Account. (Edit: funny joke)
Ya gotta scratch that Itch for Priest-Victories somehow ;)
I wish you were right, but Zetalot's moved to Runeterra, so I don't think he's smurfing on HS atm. I could be wrong though.
(source : https://twitter.com/Zetalot2/status/1219325993854390272
He's never played Combo: like most of those who play the class, he only want(ed)s board control and value games.
I know, was just making a joke. Should have made that clearer, sorry.
Never watched him, but I heard he is THE Guy that plays Control-Priest.