New Warlock Spell - Hand of Gul'dan
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Common Warlock Spell, Hand of Gul'dan, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warlock Spell, Hand of Gul'dan, has been revealed!
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This is immensly boring.
Warlock is already good at drawing cards, they don't need gimmicky ways to draw even more, they need either healing or an actual win condition, neither of which is currently present.
I do believe Galakrond will still be the better version of tempo zoo, but hey, maybe in the future we get some actual Discard support instead of half baked reprints.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
YES, finally another card that you want to discard. The reason why discard never works in warlock is because you end up discarding cards that are valuable. I can't wait to play an Expired Merchant on turn 2 while discarding Hand of Gul'dan. I think in a zooish discard deck that will be sweet to use
I loved the relation between Skull of Gul'dan - Hand of Gul'dan.
But well, @YourPrivateNightmare is right, it is boring to see card draw engines in Warlock but hey ! it is a discard synergy card which is cool with Nightshade Matron and Expired Merchant.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Helpful for drawing a lot of cards. Maybe this will let zoo-lock go fast enough to run Chef Nomi?
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I can finally dust off my old zoo discard-lock, drawing 3 cards for free is amazing.
This thing is absolutely insane, and built properly nearly renders hp completely redundant in games.
It can fit in handlock and combos with Nightshade Matron, but its true calling is in zoolock. Use this along with Expired Merchant, draw three, and later, generate two more Hand of Gul'dans so your discard cards have a likelier chance of hitting this and drawing you 3 cards again. The threat of overdrawing doesnt come to zoo, since they empty it just as easy.
OH BOY I can't wait to play this on curve when I failed to discard it multiple times!
Like it replaces Soularium for card draw but you gotta dance around it JUST right to make it effective
Paying 6 mana ... Discarding it for free
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
You know, this could be a kind of cool package within the existing Galakrond Zoo.
You don't run the new Nightshade Matron, but you do run Expired Merchant. Most people are rightly pointing out that you can't put Galakrond and Kronx in a deck with this card because discarding them with Nightshade Matron is really bad. But discarding them with Expired Merchant just might be the late game gas that Zoo needs against slower decks.
Running this card and Expired Merchant as a small discard package might push existing Galakrond Zoo in a slower direction. Throw in the new Prime, Imprisoned Scrap Imp and maybe even the new Enhanced Dreadlord and you've got a midrangey-ish Zoolock.
This card is a great addition to Zoolock and might make the non-Galakrond version stronger than the Galakrond version. The combo with Nightshade Matron is strong and and fills the role of Veiled Worshipper in Galakrond Warlock.
You never play this, I guess. But I wonder if discard would work so "reliably"... and "timely".
I miss Solarium already. Great legendary.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Looks okay - but 3 different cards don't make a standard disco-lock possible.
Seems like a cool card, goes well with the rush minion..
might be good with the 2 cards that target high costed cards.
and if you run galakround you might be ok with gettign galakround duplicated with the merchant.
personally locks have a lot of methods to draw cards or recycle hand..this feels too costly just to "get more cards" considering lock is probably one of the class that can draw the easiest.
Another card for Discard Lock....o god. So annoying XD
Anyway in this set we have some tool to discard this card, so I think it's an "ok" card with some limitation in a class that already draw a lot
This is the reason that you might want to play Discard warlock in standard, Drawing 3 cards for free is insane, even in a class that already has as much card draw as warlock.
Great if you discard, terrible if you play it. There is nowhere near enough Discard support in Standard for this to see play. Trash until more discard support is printed for standard.
Oh God, I hope this doesn't mean we're seeing more discolock cards later in the Year. I'm so tired of supporting that failed archetype; move on to something else, please. I hate discarding.
Another piece towards assembling the puzzle of discard warlock. They will eventually figure it out, I'm sure. This card is pretty great, but seems like an eternal scourge on "get an infinite well of 3/4 specific cards" tavern brawls. Potential with Expired Merchant in evenlock is probably there. This card will be good some day.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Okay with Nightshade Matron and Expired Merchant this could see experimentation. But i don't know if there is any deck that want to run this package, at least for now.
As much as I love the synergy of cards that are GOOD to discard, it's just never consistent enough. This might be worthwhile in wild with Lakkari Sacrifice.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
This is actually super cool. Out of all of the discard warlock stuff they have made, the cards that played themselves when they were discarded were always the best. And I think the stuff that discarded the lowest cost card in Rastakhans Rumble had a lot of potential, but you can't really mix those ideas as they are. Making the targeted discard cards target the highest cost card means that you can make cards that want to be discarded without making them super cheap.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
this is where i go back to my discard lock list in wild and see if it becomes viable)
Discard still won’t be good enough, and other deck types have better ways of drawing cards
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Great discard target, will definetly see play in midrange or control Warlock.