Forgive me brothers...
...for I have sinned. I have given into the temptation and dealt with Demon (Hunters). I could not resist the siren song of Legend and the promise of a free Classic Legendary, so I did the unspeakable and steamrolled from Diamond 5 to Legend with only 20 wins.
Appropriately I was rewarded with King Mukla like the disgusting Ape I am. BUt alas, I am free from the pressure of ever having to reach Legend again and can now focus on what is truly important in life....pretending like I actually know how to build decks and then claim I found a new way to game the meta.
So anyways, how's your climb going? I got really lucky I guess, because I only ran into a single Galakrond Warlock and only two Priests (one of which I even beat....barely). Tempo DH is pretty disgusting and I honestly can't see the staying this way forever. At some point Battlefiend will have to be nerfed, it's ridiculous how hard that thing takes games from turn 1. It's like Pirate Warrior all over again.
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...for I have sinned. I have given into the temptation and dealt with Demon (Hunters). I could not resist the siren song of Legend and the promise of a free Classic Legendary, so I did the unspeakable and steamrolled from Diamond 5 to Legend with only 20 wins.
Appropriately I was rewarded with King Mukla like the disgusting Ape I am. BUt alas, I am free from the pressure of ever having to reach Legend again and can now focus on what is truly important in life....pretending like I actually know how to build decks and then claim I found a new way to game the meta.
So anyways, how's your climb going? I got really lucky I guess, because I only ran into a single Galakrond Warlock and only two Priests (one of which I even beat....barely). Tempo DH is pretty disgusting and I honestly can't see the staying this way forever. At some point Battlefiend will have to be nerfed, it's ridiculous how hard that thing takes games from turn 1. It's like Pirate Warrior all over again.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Leave my favorite class alone. Yes he goes face, yes he doesn't give a shit about your taunts. That's what that class is all about.
That shouldn't imply the class should easily get away with it and steamroll the meta.
I think a couple more nerfs are on their way, just mild ones (possibly on cards that make it too comfortable for a Tempo deck to overcome a Control one), and I think you can stay assured they won't break the back of the new class.
With exception of a few games to feel up the decks, been avoiding tempo and OTK dhunters like the plague. Just dont like climbing ladder with decks like this. It feels dirty, as you have experienced evidently. If I have to play meta decks at all, I'd like to make some changes into them so I can feel like I've contributed to the deck's power to some degree.
Of course, with principles like this comes poor rank climbing. Been stuck around rank 7 diamond for some time, trying desperately making decks like zixor combo hunter work. I might move on to try ranking up with paladin or shaman next. Wonder what my rank would be by the end of the month had it not been for rank floors.
Without a doubt tempo dhunters is going to dominate until next expansion or until some nerfs are set. Its greatest gift to all of hearthstone is to completely ensure that other tempo decks cant exist, and making res priest a dominant and popular deck. Truly evil indeed.
I daresay the whole class should be fine with:
and he also heals better than Warlock with more burst than Hunter and better card draw then Rogue. If it wasn't for the fact that he can't kill big minions early on he'd have no weaknesses whatsoever
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
At this moment I have no certain desire to climb the ladder but if I do, I will probably head down the same path as OP. I have to craft both the DH legendaries though.
At least I can tell you that they're absolutely a safe investment. Metamorphosis probably won't be nerfed and will remain essential as a finisher. Kayn is also necessary and will probably be used even if he ends up being nerfed.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Funnily enough King Mukla is actually a decent card in tempo demon hunter.
How many of those games that you played were mirror matches, though?
Same story. It took me 21 wins though.
My reward was Xavius, pretty fitting aswell :)
I realy enjoy the outcast mechanic. It‘s a shame that it feels so dirty winning with DH..
Winner winner chicken dinner
surprisingly not a lot. I remember a combo DH that I barely beat by one turn, two unrefined Tempo ones that didn't really seem to know what they were doing (poor mana usage and such) and two more that actually beat me by having a stronger curve.
DH is a lot less common than you'd think. I ran into a lot more Druids (all of which I beat, because Kayn doesn't give a fuck whether you have a full board of 6/6 taunts). Maybe my MMR was that low that I kept getting matched up against weaker players? Or maybe my MMR was high enough that I kept being matched agaisnt low Legend players who are just memeing around. Overall the new ranking system seems less....competitive? Since you're not playing against people of the same rank there's no telling if your opponent isn't just fooling around on ranked floors, which in turn makes climbing a bit easier.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Outcast is actually one of the coolest mechanics in the game. It rewards you so much for playing smart and planning ahead. It's just a shame that the overall card quality is so high that it barely even matters if you play correctly or not. Half of my games I ended up with multiple lethal outs regardless of what the opponent did. However, there's still some obvious weaknesses in the class that could probably balance them out if it was more...enforced.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Congratulations dude! I received Nat Pagle as my reward, so I’d gladly trade you for the big monkey.
I’ve been dabbling in Demon Hunter a bit myself, after resisting it for quite awhile. It’s dirty, but feels good, like dunking a basketball on a child.
the draw ability is just nuts. priestess of fury is not even included in the most aggro versions. not even the anteon or whatever its its name. now we know why they HOF leeroy.
But he has the greatest weakness of all the classes, lack of card generation! ;)
...just so we are clear, that was sarcasm.
the fact that card generation is listed as their weakness proves that the devs think RNG is an actual asset to a class.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Fixed that for you
lol the only reason i love dh but hate mages is that mages don't play with minions, they just scam, yeah that's about it.
Are you me? I hit Legend (for the first time!) with Demon Hunter too, and also got King Mukla as my legendary.
Congrats at any rate! Now you can finally play the decks you want for the rest of the month.
RayC is actually running King Mukla at high legend in DH. seems to be working too haha.
Ya know. I recently spent some time on "the other site" because of isolation boredom, and posts like this can get such crazy toxic hate. forgot how bad it can be over there. Out of cards seems like such a nicer community.
Talking about sins, when playing Hearthstone. KEK. Still congratulations to your legend run.
Hearthpwn isn't a website, it's a containment facility.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I'm also feeling the temptation, but I'm still at Platinum league, I have played a lot of Casual to test Dragon Priest and Libram Paladin decks. In case I decide to play ranked with DH, at least I'm going to use my own unrefined version, it should feel less dirty.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Indeed. OOC have way better content as well
I feel so dirty, but don't care. Because finally for the first time, I can call myself a Legendary Hearthstone player!
Finally hit legend for the first time with Aggro DH! Now I never have to make that legend push again!
Reverse situation for me.
Since the new rank system only requires 15 stars from last rank floor, instead of the old 25, it is a hell of a lot easier to hit legend.
Therefore I did the push with random meme decks. Now at legend, I’m playing full time DH (3 different types) to work on the portrait.
DH is strong, even deserves the fine tuning it is getting, but don’t be fooled, you’re all hitting legend because of the new system, not due to some incredibly oppressive deck. There has never been this many legends so early in a season before.
The sheer popularity of DH at last rank floor even makes it possible to completel tech against and breeze to legend that way, so let’s not pretend DH is a necessary evil to hit legend. The new outcast mechanic is fantastic, and really rewards players for thinking ahead and planning their turns.
Congrats, I'm happy for you!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Well done op! And the others too!
I managed it today with a carpet galakrond Rogue list which did surprisingly well against dh and went on a bit of a streak with it.
Onyxia was my legendary.. Feelsbadman. Can also echo the point about lots of legend players; came in at 10,500 or something!
I went from rank 10 to 7 this afternoon in like, maybe an hour and a half
I think I'll try to hit legend before the nerfs but I am kinda lazy and wanna do other things
For one such as me who hates aggro and smorc and likes long control games, challenging OTK or off the wall memes, this is probably the lowest point in years. Just nothing BUT DH, hunters and rogue. Rez Priest is less exciting when you can't throw in Hakkar the Soulflayer to spice troll things up with highlanders and mirror matches and add risk and pressure to the late game.
The brief time I played Demon Hunter (opening days quest requirement) I felt that the deck was overcompensating. Dirty, all that.
Glad I didn't buy the expansion. Zetalot's meme deck (Dragon Egg Priest) was fun for a few days, but it finally fizzled this weekend.
I've noticed some Bomb Control warriors in Wild, but it's not enough to tempt me to craft old school Dr. Boom and that class legendary that puts a 10-damage bomb in a deck, not to mention that it's probably useless against Quest Mage (still the rage, still be the rage after upcoming nerfs) and Big Rez Priest 4.0 (who seems to shrug off attempts to junk up the rez pool where previous would concede, and RNG sides with those priests, no matter how many sheep or 1-mana minions you place in their lineup).
Oh, and congrats on King Mukla; he was the last classic legendary I needed too and I received him just before the new ladder hit. So motivation to reach legendary went out the window for me there (even though I had a feeling how bad the ladder would be this month).
I've been playing a lot the last couple days. I wanted to reach Diamond 5 before the nerfs hit. I tried to use Galalock, but it wasn't working so i switched to Big Druid and it finally worked. Now, i'm playing with Highlander Priest just for fun. I want to hit legend but i'm going to wait and see how the meta changes before i make any forced attempts. I don't play DH since release day. I'm not the biggest fan of aggro or combo decks so the class doesn't offer anything for me. I also don't have Metamorphosis or Kayn Sunfury and i'm not particularly interested in crafting them. The outcast mechanic is cool though.
"True mastery takes dedication."
I've been trying to build a Control DH, but it's just not possible. Fingers crossed the next set has a heavy (and really good) big demons package for Demon Hunters, because otherwise I'm still playing a 9 class game.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Thanks! Only took me 4 years..
Way too many Quest Mages to make it work in Diamond/Legend
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Haven't climbed much since hitting Diamond 5. Got an almost 5 month old at home now so my free time doesn't allow for much ladder grinding. Last night I probably quit at least 4 games or more in the early turns because he was very restless and kept waking up and crying through the night. I'll get that free legendary some day... [Hearthstone Card (Natalie Saline) Not Found] is the only Classic Legendary I don't currently have. I'm sure I'll have her by the time I get around to hitting legend. Maybe the Leeroy replacement or some other new Classic Legendary post another HoF rotation will be available when I do.
One funny story: A few weeks ago I hit the Jaraxxus rank in the new system. Platinum 5? Anyway, I got my free Classic pack from that. I opened it and one card was glowing orange. It was either Natalie or... Lord Jaraxxus! I just thought, "Of course I would play for 6 years, never open Lord J, until of course they make a rank with his portrait and I hit that rank." :)
Overall, since hitting Diamond 5 I've been playing a variety of different stuff, trying it all out. Also been playing more Wild overall in the past year or so. Been having more fun there with weird decks and wacky combos. Don't feel as much pressure to climb in Wild as I do in Standard so maybe that's part of it.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I've sinned too.
I hate aggro/face decks, but I wanna test that new hero and... WTF, from diamon 10 to 5 on winstreak and 5 to 2 in 1 hour...
That is really disgusting, DH deserves any nerf that Blizz decide.
Edit: From 2 to legend with 7 wins, abussive.
By The Holy Light!
I, too, have to confess a Sin...
I've played some Version of Scumbag-Res Priest up till D5. But, after hitting a Wall I switched to Highlander and got to Legend (30k+).
Got the Warrior Legendary, which sucks cause I don't play that Class. But I guess I deserve that for playing Res!
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