With the card nerfs arriving earlier this week, it is time for some deck recommendations! We've got 5 great decks that will do you well on Hearthstone's Standard ladder.
Included on each deck is their good matchups and which cards you'll want to target for mulligans, so be sure to click through to their guides for more information.
Secret Rogue with Galakrond
We'll start things off with the non-Demon Hunter powerhouse - Secret Rogue! Blackjack Stunner is your 1-cost Sap on steroids. You get a body, the control, and forcing your opponent to spend more mana to get that same card out again. It can help curb some initial aggro if you must but it can save you in a pinch later on too. Holding onto a Secret to make sure you can activate this is a really good idea. Play with your secrets, control the board, bring out big boys, and conclude with Galakrond.
Some alternate lists run a single Shadowstep to use with Kronx Dragonhoof. If you want to play with that, drop one of your Devoted Maniacs.
Murloc Paladin
Murloc Paladin is a disgustingly good deck and thankfully for us it does well against many of the other players we're showcasing today. The Murloc generation isn't quite as crazy as Shamans once had access to, but Imprisoned Sungill can help us replenish a board after ours gets inevitably wiped out. Felfin Navigator spreads the fishy love on our tiny units and Underlight Angling Rod (later brought back with our Hoard Pillager) gives us much-needed card generation.
Face Hunter
Personally speaking, I've always adored Face Hunter and winning games in the lowest number of turns possible. The potential brought to us with Toxic Reinforcements when paired alongside Teron Gorefiend and some fantastic cards from Ashes of Outland (notably Pack Tactics & Scavenger's Ingenuity is an absolute delight. Face is the Place! SMOrc
Totem Shaman
Totem Shaman is one of those funny archetypes where we waited for years to get something that actually worked decently and now we've got a deck that can be tough to beat. It does great against those pesky Hunters, Mages, and Priests especially, and we know how popular Hunter has been as of late.
Tempo Demon Hunter
I can't not advertise Demon Hunter. Even though they've gone through two rounds of nerfs, their greedy gameplay continues to deliver wins and I'd be lying if I said they weren't fun to play as. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
And here we see why the Demon Hunter nerfs were such a big mistake. Demon Hunter was the only thing keeping Galakrond Rogue in check, which was already the stupidest, most overpowered, least fun to play against all last expansion, and now just got more stupidly overpowered unfair random crap to make them even stronger. Not nerfing Rogue any of the previous nerf cycles since the release of Descent of Dragons was a big mistake, hopefully they rectify it hard. Blackjack Stunner, Galakrond, the Nightmare, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Seal Fate all should be nerfed hard. It's a shame, because the meta was actually really fun before Valeera the cockroach came back crawling out of the sewer. Hopefully the next expansion will be better.
Hmm, maybe time to do some crafting? Hanar actually seems like a safe choice.
Hanar is super powerful, it can win games on its own if its not answered.
Hanar, Togwaggle, Seal Fate, Galakrond, Blackjack Stunner, would be a good start.
Hanar was the only card I was missing so I crafted it right away. :
Still having the personal illusion of opening this kind of posts and see another good viable deck for Thief Rogue. I'll wait for next one :(
No wild? Cmon
Bamboozle always makes my day - unless I get Bamboozled ... ^^
best part is the fact that we know its Bamboozle but its so awkward to play around it that it effectively has little to no counters.
The fact that DH runs 29 cards from its class and then only 1 from neutral just shows how unfair and poorly designed the class was IMO. It has fewer cards in the game than any other class, meaning it should rely the most on neutral cards for power, but no, it runs almost all DH cards. It even had two rounds of nerfs that barely changed anything. Blizz fix ya class.
It should run mostly Neutrals? Based on what, your personal preference? Class cards are meant to be stronger than Neutrals, so it makes sense for them to be used as long as they synergize well enough. Demon Hunter cards do. I'll agree that Blizz erred on the side of "busted" when designing DH cards, so I do expect a few more nerfs in the near future. But the initial cards work together to support an aggressive Tempo playstyle very well, so of course they'll be used.
Pretty sure the best dhunter list is the one with 2x Warglaives of Azzinoth, which will pretty much wreak all the other lists available here.
I have to agree. Warglaives of Azzinoth are broken honestly. Those things win me so many games.
...you think you know a guy and then this...
Sometimes you just need a fast game of smashing face instead of a 30 minute game of Priest vs. Rogue
Yeah. I feel betrayed on a deep, personal level. How could they?
Copies deck code.
I've been playing a version of Bomb Warrior that has been kicking the hell out of Demon Hunter and Warlock decks, and to an extent Rogue as well. Anything that lets them draw and draw, it just beats up for the most part.
Does anybody know of a good deck to climb with in wild? I have tried Secret Mage, Odd Warrior, Cubelock, Odd Demon Hunte, even a homebrewed Spiteful Hunter but I haven't been able to get past Diamond 2. It feels like any deck I play is able to win against half of my matchups, but loses really bad to the other half. I am now at Diamond 3 with 1 star and I am afraid of falling all the way back to rank 5.
I can personally recommend Thief Rogue. Pretty much nobody runs weapon removal at the moment, only Highlander decks can potentially wiggle their way into it through Zephrys, which means you get to pound out absurd amounts of damage with Cutlass to opposing face or minions and get very good survivability out of it against aggro. You also have very powerful tempo plays against opposing tempo and aggro in the form of backstabs, vendettas, Underbelly Fences and Saps and get to disrupt opposing combo or reactive play through Loatheb and the back-breaking Zihi battlecry. Plus, you have access to tons of draw through Raiding Party and Elven Minstrel to dig your way to the weapon and card generation. Currently sitting at 64 % winrate with it. It's been performing consistently well against DH, all Mages, Warlocks and Highlander Priests. Haven't been playing it that much in the last few days but gave it a good whirl about a week ago, i.e. before most of the competition got nerfed and went 15-2 with it over the course two days. It's been performing spectacularly for me for several expansions now with little changes.