Frozen Throne Solo - The Lich King

Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by

The spell druid decks do well against him.



Anyone have suggestions for the other classes?

  • frenzy's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_200_HS 945 474 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    The spell druid decks do well against him.



    Anyone have suggestions for the other classes?

    by frenzy 4 years, 1 month ago
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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I haven't played against TLK since the Adventure came out, but I do have all nine victories so I know these strategies work. They might be improved with more recent additions, but with time and patience they can be done the original way:


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    Strategy: Scavenging Hyena all-in. Fill your deck with cheap Beasts you can kill off and whatever else you need to clear a path, then sacrifice everything to the Hyena God in an effort to kill TLK before he ever plays Frostmourne. We're talking Kill Command, Alleycat, Crackling Razormaw, etc. Mulligan hard for a turn-1 play and a Hyena, or hope you get lucky and draw what you need that turn; if not, restart. If he plays his weapon you lose, so restart if the strategy is flagging. It can be really frustrating watching TLK Obliterate the Hyena, but it can be done this way: it took me like 50 restarts, but my father did it in 7.

    Improvements: Rastakhan's Rumble introduced Springpaw and Halazzi, the Lynx, both invaluable tools to boost your Hyena and clear the way at the same time. Diving Gryphon and Mok'Nathal Lion can also work.


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    Strategy: Secret Cheese. You can use Kabal Lackey into Counterspell to make the fight more of a normal match, or you can use Mana Bind to steal TLK's spell and use it against him, making the fight a risk but also faster. I went the Mana Bind route, for what it's worth, and worked to win before Frostmourne was played. Build a regular Secret Mage deck around the package, perhaps with more removal to save your precious 1 Health from harm.

    Improvements: Cinderstorm, Rolling Fireball, and Arcane Flakmage are decent removal. Cloud Prince can be removal or a finisher, while Ancient Mysteries makes the whole deck more consistent.


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    Strategy: Young Dragonhawk all-in. Similar to the Hunter's strategy, you need to buff the Young Dragonhawk as high as possible and hope he kills TLK before Frostmourne is played (I'm sensing a pattern). Buffs and other people to clear the way are what you need. Blessing of Might, Righteous Protector to block access to your Dragonhawk, Adaptation to give him Divine Shield or another +3 Attack, etc. This one took me less time than the Hyena strategy, but it's just as capable as taking forever if things don't go your way.

    Improvements: Brazen Zealot gives us another growing threat to work around if necessary, making the deck potentially more consistent. Autodefense Matrix protects your Dragonhawk from harm. Sound the Bells! and Hand of A'dal can buff your Dragonhawk, while Subdue can bring a Sludge Belcher down to size.


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    Strategy: I'm not gonna say anything about the Priest, because the fight is a joke. Without a real Lich King "cheating spell" to worry about, you can play anything that can go the distance and win.


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    Strategy: Had to look up what the cheating spell was, because I totally forgot this fight. I believe I used Murlocs. See the Shaman.


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    Strategy: Murlocs, and more Murlocs! This fight got harder now that Murloc Warleader has been nerfed, making everything you have that much flimsier. That being said, it's still doable. Swarm the board and win before, you guessed it, Frostmourne is played.

    Improvements: Underbelly Angler, Scargil, and Soul of the Murloc help you flood the board. Storm's Wrath can buff your wide board. Plague of Murlocs can remove stupid stuff like Sludge Belcher while (hopefully) still retaining your deck synergy. 


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    Strategy: Build a Highlander/no duplicate deck and win the normal way. It's even easier now with Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.


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    Strategy: Alarm-o-Bot switcheroos. Fill your deck with big minions, removal spells, and two Alarm-o-Bots, then mulligan hard for one of the Bots. Protect him long enough to get something big on the board, then repeat. TLK tends to ignore the Alarm-o-Bot to focus on the heavy minions, but you've got the clearing spells just in case.

    Improvements: Woecleaver and Gather Your Party can Recruit minions directly without using the Alarm-o-Bots. The Boomship can quickly drop a bunch of heavies. Dimensional Ripper and The Boom Reaver can summon copies of your heavies onto the field. The Galakrond package can protect your Alarm-o-Bots while leading to a big draw, making your heavies even bigger.

  • frenzy's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_200_HS 945 474 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    The main stumbling block is that he always start with dealing damage for every minion in my deck. Hence the spell druid. The hunter deck will kill me on his first spell :(

    by frenzy 4 years, 1 month ago
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    by frenzy 4 years, 5 months ago
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    by frenzy 4 years, 7 months ago
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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From frenzy

    The main stumbling block is that he always start with dealing damage for every minion in my deck. Hence the spell druid. The hunter deck will kill me on his first spell :(

    Well the spells he cheats with are different for each class: Druid, for example, loses all minions that cost 3 or less. I got around this by going Jade Druid.

    For the Hunter, you just have to balance it and see how comfortably low you can get without getting killed. I had like 6 Health going into the fight, but on my winning run it didn't matter because I was the aggressor the whole time. But again, my strategies come from back when the Adventure first came out; if anyone has a more recent strategy that would work better, I'm all ears as well.

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I just did the SN1P-SN4P+2 Mechwarpers+Faceless Manipulator+small Mech that LK will ignore during the Frostmourne phase. No longer possible with the changes to Echo, though. 

    Make The Cow King an alternate Warrior skin plz 

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