Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
Is anyone else just bored with HS? Nothing seems fun to me.. i've done all the things (except stupid OTK combo decks), i've had awesome skipper armor smith combos. I've played and hated playing demon hunter as well as against. I have built spell druids, and mages and countless galakrond and singleton decks. What else is there. Battlegrounds? oh, you mean the every game is the same formula mode.. nah, pass. Murlocs, check. Totem's? yep, face hunter, pass. Anyone have any spicy things to liven things up in a stale meta?
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Is anyone else just bored with HS? Nothing seems fun to me.. i've done all the things (except stupid OTK combo decks), i've had awesome skipper armor smith combos. I've played and hated playing demon hunter as well as against. I have built spell druids, and mages and countless galakrond and singleton decks. What else is there. Battlegrounds? oh, you mean the every game is the same formula mode.. nah, pass. Murlocs, check. Totem's? yep, face hunter, pass. Anyone have any spicy things to liven things up in a stale meta?
Play some arenas or PvE like dungeon run
Have you tried a different card game just for the sake of switching things up?
No game is made to play exclusively, that's why there's so many of them. Try a new card game, or even a new game entirely.
Big Spell Galakrond Shaman is my go to deck if I want to play something off meta at the moment. Galakrond package plus beefy spells plus King Phaoris essentially.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I've considered Runeterra since it seems to be the new hotness and it is available on android
Try building your own deck based around a particular card(s) that you enjoy. Such a shame that there isn’t some sort of mode where there could be restrictions on cards/classes/mechanics to allow people to create more elaborate decks that aren’t built around grinding someone down in 7-8 turns in the least interactive way. There needs to be greater rewards and achievements for using particular cards and mechanics, ultimately spicing up the variation of decks that people will face.Meme the dream and make Hearthstone fun again.
Come play. I can barely bring myself to play HS any more; just having so much more fun with LoR. I think you can still qualify for the free Ashe deck if you login every day for your first 7 days, too.
This, plus doing it in Wild is what I do too.
It's on Mobile Android now????
I'm decided to just try something that i haven't tried, so i thought i would build a value big spell quest deck... it's pretty novel still, and i only have one copy of some cards, so i built around what i had. 5-3 so far, and.. it's different, and even though it has a lot of RNG, it feels pretty good to play because of that fact. You never know what you'll get next. Going to look into LoR though too to change things up!
LoR is on Android as of last Tuesday.
GooglePlay link
People are so bitchy and needy
I have reached boredom threshold too.
I was wondering about making Spelldecks with Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, or Renodecks, or Questdecks, or decks with Random generation or mixes of all of them.
All of them in Wild ofc.
I think measured randomness is the best way to shake off some boredom.
Some examples are Quest Mage, Quest-Thief Rogue, Thief Priest, Spell Priest, Evo Shaman, and all sorts of Renodecks (all of which are at least viable in Wild atm, given the current high amount of Aggro/Burn decks).
I ladder on Wild and Standard (Wild currently Legend, Standard Dia 3). Both modes have a very different meta and I get enough variety this way.
The Standard meta is as always very monotonous and boring, but the Wild meta is pretty divers at the moment and a lot of decks are playable. Just make sure to play Quest Mage or a deck, which can beat it (and yes there are a lot of options to do so at the moment).
I see you!
What's boring me the most at the time, is the fact that neither my opponent or me really have control: everything is rng and generated value. I still do my dailies in HS though, but I'm not gonna lie, only because I invested so much time and money in the game : my head is telling me to just let it go, but I can't .
Runeterra is my breath of fresh air for 3 months now. Decision making and collection progression both feel great and rewarding. Try Runeterra Op, you might enjoy it.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
HOLY CRAP THANK YOU, Now that it's on mobile I'll actually be able to play casually! I just need MTG:A to join the party one day and I'll be set lol