Are you still wondering what to play after the nerfs? You're in luck! We've gathered some awesome decks that the pros have been playing since Monday for you to take out onto Hearthstone's ladder. Ready to give some decks a spin?

BoarControl's Malygos Druid

One of the European Grandmasters, BoarControl, has been busy with iterations of Malygos Druid. This is the latest version of the deck that he shared on Twitter.

BoarControl's Malygos Druid
A Malygos Druid Deck created by . Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

NoHandsGamer's Pure Paladin

NoHandsGamer wanted to give Paladin a chance and was able to steer this deck to a respectable 57% winrate. He also tinkered with another list which he called Egg Paladin, but his success with that one was far more modest.

TicTac & Moyen's Galakrond Priest

These two pros put together a Galakrond list some time ago and it's still going strong after the patch. Zananananan has also shared a similar list (with mulligan guide AND video) with which he held #1 Legend for some time.

Jarla's Tempo Demon Hunter

Crimson Sigil Runner's nerf was enough for Jarla who cut away the 1/1s in favor of [Hearthstone Card (Guardian Augmerchants) Not Found]. Based on this tweet the deck is performing well at Legend. Yes, Demon Hunter wins games, I'm also surprised.

Alex's Highlander Shaman

Something spicy from Japan to end this post. Simply playing Shaman was not enough for Alex who wanted to try out a Highlander variant. He didn't share a winrate so you might want to hold back crafting those legendaries you don't own already.